

Anara is an orphan girl. Her father and mother died when Anara was 9 years old. Meanwhile, his twin brothers Afdhal Alif Fikrie and Akhtar Alfi Faizal are only 3 years old. At that time, Anara's parents would go to the market to sell. Anara's father is a chicken seller in the market, while Anara's mother is a vegetable trader. As usual, Anara's father and mother left the house early in the morning. They went around 2 am to get fresh vegetables from the wholesaler. And broiler chickens directly from breeders. That night it rained lightly, soaking the earth, causing the road to be slippery and Anara's father's eyesight to blur. Anara's father lost his balance, which caused the motorbike he was riding with his wife to roll over. Instantly, the motorbike hit the large truck in front of it, which caused Anara's father and mother to fall and get under the truck that was passing by. The bodies of Anara's father and mother were run over by a truck, so that their lives could no longer be saved and they died at the scene. Anara and her two younger twins Alif and Alfi are now orphans and live with their grandmother who loves them very much. Living in a shack house with her grandmother and her twin siblings does not make Anara feel humiliated and inferior. Anara grows into a beautiful girl who is smart, independent, smart, and also strong. In order to support her three grandchildren, Grandma Azizah sells yellow rice and various kinds of cheap fried foods in front of her house. Anara, who doesn't want to burden Grandma Azizah, sometimes helps Grandma Azizah by selling wet cakes that she makes herself. The knowledge that Anara got from her mother during her lifetime was really useful for her. Anara is good at making various cakes and various kinds of home cooking. Usually Anara will sell her cakes at school, offering them to her friends and teachers. After returning home from school, Anara returned with her wares to go around the village. After it's finished, then Anara will come home with the money from her merchandise.

sitimarfuahtajudin · 都市
48 Chs

Chapter 14

Neo still didn't want to respond to Rudi's brother-in-law's question, who was still curious and expected a definite answer from Neo.

"You're still mad at me, Neo?" asked Rudi again.

"No!" answered Neo flatly.

"But why are you still like that to me? As if you're still blaming me for your sister's death!" said Rudi with a dazed look.

"Could you not bring up the matter again?" Neo returned Rudi gaze sharply.

Rudi finally kept quiet and chose to approach Belia who was fast asleep on the patient's bed. While Anara was still lying on the couch with her eyes closed but her ears could still hear the conversation between Neo and Rudi's brother-in-law.

"What drama is this again? It seems life to be rich is full of drama and conflict!" Anara thought, finally choosing to force herself to sleep because she was really sleepy.

"Anara seems tired from looking after Belia all night." Inner Neo, who had been watching Anara's face while sleeping in her sleep.

Neo, who was starting to feel sleepy, started to fall asleep soundly near Bella's bed. Meanwhile, Rudi's brother-in-law chose to sit on another sofa far across from Anara.

Every now and then glanced alternately at Anara and Neo. When he looked at Anara, suddenly a smile tugged at the corners of Rudi lips.

"Beautiful!" muttered Rudi. At the same time, Neo wakes up and hears the voice of Rudi praising Anara's beauty.

"You stubby crocodile!" Neo thought then got up.

Rudi looked at Neo who didn't like him. Seeing this, Rudi became even more uncomfortable and chose to remain silent.

"If Rudi's brother-in-law wants to go home! Just go home!" drive Neo.

"What do you mean by saying that to me? Are you kicking me out? Remember Neo! However, she is still my daughter. He is my flesh and blood!" said Rudi in a slightly loud voice, waking Anara and Belia.

"What is this? Why are you guys making such a fuss over here?" for the first time, Anara glanced sharply at Neo and Rudi's brother-in-law in turn.

There was no response from Neo or from Rudi's brother-in-law. Both of them were silent when they saw Anara's murderous gaze.

"Why, dear? Is it loud in here?" Anara patted Belia's baby's bottom to make her go back to sleep. But instead of sleeping, Belia asked Anara to carry her baby.

Anara, who understood the wishes of the baby Belia, immediately took the baby into her arms. Shortly after that, the baby Belia fell silent in Anara's arms with the pillow face characteristic of people just waking up.

Neo, who saw Anara's loving attitude towards Belia's baby, only smiled. He looked at the young baby in Anara's arms.

"Mamamamama… mamamamama…" Belia's babbling made Neo smile.

"Would you like Big Daddy to hold you baby?" asked Neo looking fondly at Belia's baby.

The young baby seemed to understand Neo's words, he stretched out his hands asking to be carried by Neo. Neo quickly approached Anara and asked for Belia's baby to be given to her.

"Let me carry!" asked Neo.

"Be careful!" Anara said that the young baby had an infusion needle tube in his hand.

The door to the young baby room in the VVIP inpatient room opened. Mrs. Sonya, Mr. Nuh and Atha's younger brother came together. The three of them immediately greeted the baby Belia in Neo's arms.

"Doctor said what?" asked Mr. Nuh.

"Young caught dengue fever, Dad!" answered Neo.

"Uh poor nephew, little Uncle." said Atha who pinched the baby's chubby cheeks playfully.

"Anara, you just rest! All night I'm sure you didn't sleep because you took care of Belia. Let Neo take you home, and Neo also rest." said Mrs. Sonya.

"Then what about Belia, Mom?" asked Anara which made Rudi even more sure that Anara and Neo were married, hearing Anara's call to Mrs Sonya.

"This afternoon Mom and Dad are taking turns on guard. So tonight you and Neo will come back to accompany Belia here." Mr. Nuh suggested.

"Let us go home!" Neo pulled Anara's hand when he handed over the young baby to Mrs. Sonya.

Seeing Neo's attitude towards Anara made Rudi wonder and looked deeply at Anara. Not wanting to misunderstand, finally Rudi's brother-in-law opened his voice again.

"How come his attitude is so cold with his wife!?" Rudi quipped.

"Haaah…?" Mr. Nuh, Mrs. Sonya, and Atha looked at Neo and Anara in unison.

"Why are you so surprised?" asked Rudi with a confused face.

"You thought Anara and Neo…" Mr. Nuh didn't continue his words because Rudi suddenly nodded his head.

"Even the Doctor said that, Dad! I heard it myself, so is it true that Neo and Anara are married?" Rudi question this time really made Neo furious.

"How's Neo?" now Mr. Nuh asked Neo directly.

"What is it?" said Neo coldly.

"Don't get shot down by someone else, Big Brother! Hurry up and just make it halal, Anara!" said Atha who immediately got a headbutt from Neo.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Neo left the baby ward with Anara and Belia.

Neither of them spoke while in the car. Neo even looks serious driving his car. Anara just took a deep breath as she looked out the car window.

"Miss Anara? How is Young Miss?" asked Mbok Ijah when she saw Anara coming with Neo.

"Pray for Belia, Mbok! She had to be treated for several days because he was exposed to dengue." Reply Anara with a sad face.

"Well that's that then! Now Miss Anara just rest first, later Mbok will make lunch after that Miss Anara can return to the hospital with a fit body." Said Mbok Ijah.

"Thank you, Mbok! I'll take a break first!" Anara replied then climbed the stairs to go to her room.

Instead of taking a nap and resting, Anara packed her clothes into her bag. Anara didn't want to be away from baby Belia, so she decided to bring a change of clothes so she wouldn't have to go back and forth to the house.

"Where are you going?" asked Neo when he saw Anara carrying a large bag filled with her clothes.

"To the hospital!" Anara replied without looking up with a downcast face.

"Didn't Mom and Dad ask you to rest? Why don't you hear what they are saying? Are you deaf, huh?" asked Neo in a high tone that scared Anara.

"But…" Anara's words stopped when Neo grabbed Anara's bag in his hand.

"Back to your room!" Neo's orders were immediately obeyed by Anara.

Inside the room, Anara just stood still and did nothing. Because her job at home is only to look after and care for young babies.

"At this rate I'll get bored!" muttered Anara.

In the afternoon before Neo knocked on Anara's door. Anara quickly opened the bedroom door and found Neo already standing in front of her room.

"Are you ready?" asked Neo without preamble.

"Yes!" replied Anara.

"We're leaving now!" said Neo flatly.

"Hmm." Anara just nodded her head.

The car sped towards the hospital. As usual there was no conversation from Neo and Anara. During the trip just friends silent in the car. This time Anara chose to read the book she brought with her.

"Neo! Why didn't you tell me that Belia was sick?" Sarah ran towards Neo when she saw Neo coming.

Seeing Neo coming with Anara made Sarah angry and looked at Anara with distaste.

"Why you are here?" Sarah asked curtly.

"I'm working to be Belia's babysitter." Anara answered with her head down.

"Neo, why should he? Wasn't he the one who already…" Sarah's words stopped because Neo shifted the conversation between them.

"Daddy and Mommy if you want to go home now just go home! I will accompany Anara to look after Belia." Neo said firmly making Sarah angry.

"Even Neo has never looked at me like that! Ciiih… why is that girl Neo looking at her like that?" Sarah thought she didn't like Neo's attention to Anara.

Mrs. Sonya and Mr. Nuh went home, because Neo and Anara will be taking care of Belia's baby at the hospital tonight.

Meanwhile, Atha, who had returned since the afternoon, only visited her baby during her college holidays. Rudi's sister-in-law comes home for a while to change clothes and after that will return to the hospital to accompany Belia.

"Neo! I am hungry! Can we find some dinner for us?" Sarah asked, swinging spoiled in Neo's sturdy hands.

"Anara, what do you want to eat?" asked Neo.

"Anything." replied Anara.

"I'm going to the cafeteria for a while!" said Neo.

"Yes!" replied Anara.

Sarah smiled wryly when she saw Neo's attention to Anara, while Neo himself, in front of his family, was always cold to Anara. But when in front of Sarah, Neo is always sweet to Anara.

"You like that girl, Neo?" asked Sarah as they walked towards the canteen.

No answer from Neo made Sarah even more annoyed. Sarah wants to curse Anara, because Neo is getting further away from her, especially since Anara was there.

"I can't lose to that country girl!" Sarah thought.

While in Belia's baby ward, Rudi had come and brought some snacks for Anara.

"Anara, can I ask you something?" asked Rudi.

"Just ask, Sir." Anara's answer made Rudi smile happily.

"Are you and Neo married?" asked Rudi wanted to make sure.

"Why is Rudi's brother-in-law asking like that?" Anara stared in surprise at Rudi.

"I heard from the doctors and nurses who examined Belia. They say you are a beautiful young married couple." Rudi said making Anara laugh.

At the same time Neo came with Sarah. Seeing Anara laughing with Rudi, Neo felt a feeling of jealousy. Neo doesn't like seeing Rudi close to Anara.

"Anara, this is dinner for you! If it's still not enough, just say it. I can buy more for you later." Neo said making Anara gasp.

"Fi… fine! Thank You." Anara answered nervously. Meanwhile, Sarah and Rudi looked surprised at Anara's attitude.

Without Anara knowing, secretly Rudi fell in love with Anara. Meanwhile, Sarah is planning something so that Anara will leave Neo's life and stop being Belia's babysitter.