

Anara is an orphan girl. Her father and mother died when Anara was 9 years old. Meanwhile, his twin brothers Afdhal Alif Fikrie and Akhtar Alfi Faizal are only 3 years old. At that time, Anara's parents would go to the market to sell. Anara's father is a chicken seller in the market, while Anara's mother is a vegetable trader. As usual, Anara's father and mother left the house early in the morning. They went around 2 am to get fresh vegetables from the wholesaler. And broiler chickens directly from breeders. That night it rained lightly, soaking the earth, causing the road to be slippery and Anara's father's eyesight to blur. Anara's father lost his balance, which caused the motorbike he was riding with his wife to roll over. Instantly, the motorbike hit the large truck in front of it, which caused Anara's father and mother to fall and get under the truck that was passing by. The bodies of Anara's father and mother were run over by a truck, so that their lives could no longer be saved and they died at the scene. Anara and her two younger twins Alif and Alfi are now orphans and live with their grandmother who loves them very much. Living in a shack house with her grandmother and her twin siblings does not make Anara feel humiliated and inferior. Anara grows into a beautiful girl who is smart, independent, smart, and also strong. In order to support her three grandchildren, Grandma Azizah sells yellow rice and various kinds of cheap fried foods in front of her house. Anara, who doesn't want to burden Grandma Azizah, sometimes helps Grandma Azizah by selling wet cakes that she makes herself. The knowledge that Anara got from her mother during her lifetime was really useful for her. Anara is good at making various cakes and various kinds of home cooking. Usually Anara will sell her cakes at school, offering them to her friends and teachers. After returning home from school, Anara returned with her wares to go around the village. After it's finished, then Anara will come home with the money from her merchandise.

sitimarfuahtajudin · Urban
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48 Chs

Chapter 13

Anara prepared milk for baby Belia, who was crying because of hunger. Neo, who was ready to go to bed, discouraged him when he heard Belia crying.

"What about Belia?" Neo asked opening Anara's door without knocking first.

"Eh?" Anara, who was not wearing her headscarf, was surprised when Neo entered her room.

Anara spontaneously pulled the towel that was hanging behind her cupboard door and immediately covered her head so that Neo would no longer see her hair.

"So beautiful, Anara!" thought Neo.

"Why did he just walk in without knocking first? I'm so embarrassed to see my hair." muttered Anara in her heart.

"Is Belia hungry?" asked Neo when he saw the milk in the bottle that Anara had just finished making for baby Belia.

"Yes! She just woke up and immediately started crying, so I immediately made milk for her." answered Anara without turning around, who immediately picked up Belia and gave her milk.

In an instant, the baby Belia was silent in Anara's arms. Seeing that, Neo smiled towards the two girls he cared about the most. Eh? Two girls?

Neo came closer to Anara, when he saw the cute face of the adorable baby Belia. Spontaneously Neo kissed the top of Belia's baby's head, it made the distance between him and Anara so close that their faces almost touched.

"Sleep tight cute big Daddy's niece." Neo gently stroked Belia's cheek, as soon as his eyes landed on Anara's beautiful face, still wrapped in a towel.

Not wanting his chest to beat even faster, Neo immediately left Belia and Anara's baby in Belia's nursery. Before closing the door Neo glanced at Anara.

"Thank You." Neo muttered then closed the bedroom door and walked away.

"A handsome man who always acts cold, but he is so loving and gentle with his niece." Anara glanced at her bedroom door when it was completely shut.

Anara laid the baby Belia on her bed. This time, Anara deliberately put Belia's baby to sleep beside her, so that when she woke up again, Anara could immediately hug Belia before crying and giving her milk.

"Dad, do you think Neo will fall in love with Anara?" asked Mrs. Sonya suddenly.

"Why did Mom think that way?" Mr. Nuh asked back.

"Mom thinks Anara is a good girl, she is good at cooking and taking care of the household. Even Anara is also very painstaking in caring for Belia. It seems that Neo will be comfortable with Anara, his cold demeanor will gradually melt away with Anara. It's like a piece of ice that has been frozen for a long time, if given warmth it will melt too." Mrs. Sonya said.

"Looks like what Mom said wasn't bad! Daddy agreed! Hopefully Neo can open his heart to Anara. Currently, Neo is 23 years old, so far we have never seen Neo close to any woman other than Florencia and that was only a friend. Then Sarah? Neo has never liked Mom's nephew. Somehow?" Mr. Nuh shrugged his shoulders.

Mrs. Sonya and Mr. Nuh finally stopped their conversation, because sleep had taken over. Night was getting late and everyone in the luxurious house was asleep in the cradle of dreams.

"Honey, do you have a fever? No wonder you were cranky last night." Anara muttered when she was about to lift her baby's small body because she was crying.

Anara, who panicked, immediately came out of her room, about to take her baby to Mrs. Sonya's room.

Anara walked quickly with the baby Belia in her arms. Anara passed Neo's room which was next to his. Anara walked towards the stairs to go down to the first floor.

"Where are you going so early in the morning to take Belia away?" asked Neo who was already in front of his bedroom door.

"Brother, Belia has a fever!" Anara answered nervously.

"What? Since when?" asked Neo panicked.

"When I woke up, Belia started to have a fever." Reply Anara.

"Yes, you have prepared all of Belia's needs, after that we will take her to the hospital." Invite Neo, who immediately nods his head in return from Anara.

After preparing Belia's equipment, Anara immediately went down and looked for Neo's whereabouts. When she was downstairs, Anara found Mrs. Sonya and Mr. Nuh already in the living room.

"How is Belia, do you still have a fever?" Mrs. Sonya asked spontaneously holding Belia's forehead.

"Still fever, Mom." Reply Anara.

"Neo is waiting in the car, hurry up and go!" Mr. Nuh took Anara who was carrying Belia outside while carrying a bag of baby equipment.

"Be careful, dear!" Mrs. Sonya looked at the baby Belia in Anara's arms.

After Anara entered and sat in front of the wheel, Neo immediately drove his car to the hospital.

"Is the fever still high?" asked Neo.

"The fever is getting higher." Anara replied with trembling lips.

"Eh? Why is Anara crying?" thought Neo.

"Baby girl, be well! Aunty doesn't want you to do anything." Anara's inner heart continued to caress Belia.

Neo occasionally glances at Anara, who continues to gently caress the back of the baby Belia who is clinging to Anara's chest comfortably.

"Did you not sleep last night?" Neo again asked breaking the silence in the car.

"I didn't sleep last night." Anara answered without looking up.

"Is it because Belia is fussy?" Neo asked worriedly.

"Yes! Last night, Belia was cranky." replied Anara.

"I'm sorry, Anara! You didn't sleep last night to look after Belia." thought Neo.

Ten minutes later the car that Neo was driving arrived at the hospital. After the car was parked properly, Neo immediately got out of the car first then opened the car door for Anara and brought a bag filled with baby equipment.

"Nurse, help!" Neo waved his hand at a nurse on duty.

"Please bring the baby inside, Sir!" ordered a nurse.

Anara immediately went into the emergency room with Belia's baby, while Neo followed her from behind. Doctor who treats young babies to young couples with their small babies.

Yes! The doctor suspects that Neo and Anara are a married couple who married at a young age, with their child, a young child.

"Since when did your baby have a fever?" asked the friendly Doctor.

Hearing the doctor's question, Anara and Neo suddenly looked at each other. For a few moments their eyes locked and then woke up when they heard Belia's cry.

"Since dawn, Doctor!" Anara answered nervously.

"Is this the first child?" asked the Doctor then.

"Yes, Doctor!" now Neo is answering the Doctor's question making Anara feel awkward.

The doctor then examined the condition of the young baby carefully. After that the doctor asked the nurse to inject medicine into the young baby.

"Temporarily, your baby has dengue fever and is forced to be treated for the next few days." The Doctor said surprising Anara and Neo.

"Dengue?" asked Neo and Anara almost simultaneously.

"Yes! Currently, it is the season of contracting dengue fever everywhere. Therefore, as parents, you must remain vigilant and maintain your health." Continue Doctor.

After giving medicine and installing and infusion needle tube for the baby, the doctor also ordered the nurse to prepare the VVIP room for Belia according to Neo's wishes.

"You are a married couple who are still young, but really love your baby. Hope your baby gets well soon!" said a nurse who was much older than Neo.

Neo just smiled amused when he heard the words of the nurse who helped bring Belia into his room. While Anara just nodded slowly with a stiff face.

"I'm going out for a bit!" said Neo coldly.

"Yes!" replied Anara.

Neo went to the hospital canteen to buy breakfast so Anara could eat this morning. Neo himself already feels hungry, because this morning he hasn't eaten anything.

"Here eat!" Neo handed some food packs to Anara.

"I'll just eat it later." Anara said softly.

"You must eat now! Last night you didn't sleep plus this morning you haven't eaten anything. If you leave it like that, you can catch a cold and get sick." Neo gives food to Anara.

Anara was forced to take it from Neo's hand. When Anara was about to put food into her mouth, suddenly the baby Belia cried. Spontaneously, Anara returned to saving her food and preferred to hold Belia's baby.

"Open your mouth!" Neo thrust a spoon filled with food into Anara's mouth, causing the girl in the hijab to be surprised.

"Let me eat alone, Brother!" refused Anara gently.

"Belia is crying asking you to carry her, but you also have to eat! So let me feed you, Anara!" Neo's sharp gaze made Anara obey his orders instantly.

Anara ate with a feeling of exasperation because this time Neo really fed her for the first time. Every now and then their gazes met making Anara more uncomfortable.

"Neo, how is Bella?" a voice was at the end of the door of the VVIP room where the young baby was being treated.

"Brother Rudi...?" Neo looked at a man who had entered and approached where Anara was holding Belia's baby in her arms.

"Who are you?" Brother Rudi stared at Anara without blinking.

"She's Anara!" replied Neo coldly.

"Your lover?" asked Rudi flatly.

Neo didn't answer Rudi's question, and Anara also only looked at Rudi with a surprised look.

"I'm Rudi, Belia's father." Rudi reached out to Anara.

"Anara." Anara replied, only nodded without returning Rudi's handshake.

"Is Belia all right?" asked Rudi.

"Young has been treated by the doctor." replied Anara.

"What did the doctor say about Belia?" asked Rudi then.

"Belia has dengue fever..." Anara stopped because the doctor who treated her came with several nurses.

"Has the fever started to go down?" asked the doctor to examine Belia.

"It seems so, Doctor." Anara answered spontaneously touching Belia's forehead.

"Your baby has passed his critical period, wait for the next few days. Hopefully his platelets will get better soon." said the Doctor then.

"You guys are a great couple! Definitely support and strengthen each other, that's why your baby is getting better very quickly." continued the nurse who made Rudi widen his eyes.

"What…? Partner…? What does this mean? Are Anara and Neo newlyweds? When did Neo get married? Why wasn't I informed?" Rudi's mind was raging.

The doctor finished checking the condition of the young baby, then left the room. After that, Neo asked Anara to rest because her baby was starting to sleep well in his bed.

"Sleep! You really didn't sleep last night because you were looking after Belia." said Neo.

"Okay!" replied Anara who went straight to the sofa near the window in the baby care room.

Due to extreme drowsiness, Anara immediately drifted off to sleep. Meanwhile, Neo and Rudi looked after the baby.

"When did you guys get married?" Rudi asked making Neo turn his head without saying a word.

"Are you still angry with Brother, even if you are married, Brother is not notified!?" Rudi asked again, but Neo still didn't answer.