
Cold as Snow

In the quiet town, Ella's life takes a dramatic turn when she falls into the enigmatic embrace of Adam. She is the embodiment of sunshine, radiating warmth and innocence, while he is a man consumed by bitterness and a relentless quest for revenge. Their love story unfolds against the odds, as they come together in a marriage born of contrasting natures. Ella's light is a stark contrast to Adam's darkness, yet their bond is undeniable. However, on their wedding night, a chilling revelation tears apart the fragile threads of their newfound happiness. Adam discovers the haunting truth he has been relentlessly pursuing for a decade: the man responsible for the tragedy that scarred his life is none other than Ella's father. In a desperate bid for vengeance, Adam embarks on a mission to destroy Ella's peace of mind, unraveling her spirit piece by piece. He becomes the architect of her torment, deriving a sadistic satisfaction from her pain, oblivious to the profound secrets she carries within. As their lives descend into chaos, a web of deceit, anger, and sorrow begins to suffocate their love. Ella, once a beacon of joy, succumbs to disappointment, lost in the labyrinth of despair. Her mind unravels, a silent victim of her father's actions and Adam's cruel intentions. Yet, unknown to Adam, Ella bears a life-altering truth, one that has the power to change the course of their fate. As he finally confronts the truth, it's too late to salvage what remains of the woman he once loved. She is gone, a shattered soul adrift in the storm of her own mind. "Cold as Snow" is an emotionally charged tale of love, betrayal, and the consequences of a parent's actions echoing through the lives of their children. It is a poignant journey of redemption, the discovery of profound truths, and the devastating aftermath of lost innocence and shattered minds.

min_wrts · 都市
21 Chs


Ella was lost in the world of words, her book open before her as she immersed herself in its pages. The library's serene environment provided a much-needed escape from the discord that had taken root in her home. She was so engrossed in her reading that the world around her seemed to fade into the background, and the characters in the story became her companions.

Unbeknownst to her, Adam had been stealing glances in her direction. He had initially been engrossed in his own book, but there was something about Ella's quiet presence that drew his attention. He found himself lowering his book, his gaze fixed on her form.

The soft illumination from the nearby window played with the red strands of her hair, creating an ethereal halo around her. Her concentration was palpable; he could see the way her brows furrowed slightly as she focused on the text before her. Her lips formed a delicate pout, an expression of deep thought.

He watched as a moment of amusement flickered across her features, her lips curving into a gentle smile. A soft, almost inaudible giggle escaped her, and her cheeks flushed with a subtle blush. It was as though the words on the pages were casting a spell on her, evoking a range of emotions.

His observation had turned into a silent study, his own book forgotten in his hands. Adam's eyes traced the curve of her cheeks, the way her lashes fluttered against her skin as she turned the page. He was captivated by the intimacy of the moment, by the way her presence seemed to fill the space around them.

But then, as if sensing his gaze, Ella's eyes lifted from her book, and their gazes collided. Caught in the act of observing her, Adam felt a flush of embarrassment rise to his cheeks. He quickly averted his gaze, his heart pounding in his chest.

Embarrassed, Adam pretended to be engrossed in his book once more, trying to quell the nervous energy that had taken over him. He stole a quick glance at Ella, only to find her smiling at him, a playful glint in her eyes. She had caught him observing her.

Their eyes held a shared understanding, a silent acknowledgement of the moment they had both experienced. Ella went back to her book, but a faint smile lingered on her lips, and Adam couldn't help but smile in return.

In that library corner, amidst the hushed whispers of pages and the rustling of leaves in the wind, they had unknowingly shared a connection that transcended words. And as the moments passed, they returned to their respective books, a comfortable companionship enveloping them.

The final page of the book turned with a soft rustle, and Ella closed it with a satisfied sigh. The story had taken her on a journey, and now, as she looked up from the pages, she found herself back in the real world. Glancing at Adam, who was still engrossed in his own book, an idea formed in her mind.

"Hey Adam," she began, her voice gentle, "how about we grab some ice cream? It's a beautiful evening."

Adam looked up from his book, his brows slightly furrowed. He seemed to consider the suggestion for a moment before shaking his head. "I'm good, thanks. You can go ahead if you want."

Ella's lips curved into a playful smile as she leaned closer, giving him her best doe-eyed look. "Come on, Adam. You can't say no to ice cream. It's irresistible."

He let out a reluctant chuckle, shaking his head. "You really have a way of convincing people, don't you?"

Ella's smile brightened. "So, is that a yes?"

Adam sighed, giving in to her infectious enthusiasm. "Alright, fine. Ice cream it is."

With a triumphant grin, Ella got up from her seat and motioned for Adam to follow. They made their way to the nearby ice cream parlor, each picking out their favorite flavors. As they walked back outside with their cones in hand, the sun was beginning its descent, casting a warm golden glow over everything.

They found a bench near the ice cream parlor and settled down, enjoying the sweet treats. The cityscape before them was painted with hues of orange and pink as the sun dipped lower in the sky. It was a tranquil moment, the air filled with the joy of the evening.

But as Ella licked her ice cream, she sensed Adam's gaze on her. Turning her head slightly towards her left, she looked at him, her eyes questioning. "Is something wrong?"

Adam hesitated for a moment before speaking, his voice gentle. "I'm not going to ask you if you're alright, because I know something's bothering you."

Ella's heart skipped a beat at his words, her eyes widening slightly. She quickly averted her gaze, her fingers nervously tracing the edge of her ice cream cone. "It's nothing, really."

Adam shook his head, his eyes unwavering. "Ella, I've known you long enough to notice when something's off. Your eyes... they're not sparkling like they usually do."

Caught off guard by his observation, Ella's heart raced even faster. She had always felt a unique connection with Adam, but now, his words made her feel truly seen. She couldn't help but stare at him, her gaze locked onto his.

For a moment, they sat in silence, the air charged with an unspoken understanding. Adam's gaze held hers, his expression soft and sincere. Finally, he broke the silence, his voice gentle and reassuring. "You can talk to me, you know. Whatever it is, I'm here."

Ella felt a lump form in her throat, her emotions swirling inside her. His offer of support, his caring gaze – it was all too much. She managed a small nod, her voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you, Adam."

They continued to sit there, the sun sinking lower in the sky, as the weight of Ella's unspoken thoughts hung between them. In that moment, she realized just how much his presence meant to her, how he had become someone she could confide in. And as the last rays of sunlight painted the sky with a tapestry of colors, she knew that this bond was something she cherished deeply.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, orange glow over the surroundings, Ella felt a surge of emotions. She stood up from the bench, her heart heavy with the weight of her thoughts. Just as she was about to take a step forward, she felt a gentle yet firm grip on her wrist. She turned her head, her eyes meeting Adam's intense gaze.

"Ella," his voice was soft, his eyes searching, "there's something bothering you. You can tell me."

Caught off guard by his earnestness, Ella couldn't help but giggle, her laughter ringing out into the twilight. She covered her mouth with her free hand, her eyes dancing with mirth. "Adam, you really are something, you know? Always so serious."

Adam's grip on her wrist loosened slightly, his brows furrowing in confusion. "Ella, I'm not joking. I can see that something's not right."

Still chuckling, Ella shook her head, her smile bright. "Oh, Adam, you're such a worrywart. Trust me, I'm just being my usual self. Nothing's wrong, I promise."

Despite her assurance, Adam's gaze remained fixed on her, his concern evident. He hesitated for a moment before finally releasing her wrist, though his eyes held onto hers. "Alright, if you say so."

Ella's laughter began to subside, and she looked at him earnestly. "I appreciate your concern, really. But sometimes, we tend to overthink things, you know? I'm just enjoying this moment with you, and that's all."

Adam's expression didn't seem completely convinced, but he let go of her wrist. They both stood there for a moment, their eyes locked in a silent exchange. Ella's heart fluttered at the intensity in his gaze, his concern for her touching her deeply.

He finally turned away, his demeanor suddenly more serious. "Alright then, I guess I'll head back."

Ella blinked in surprise, her heart sinking at the sudden shift in his mood. "Adam, wait," she called out softly, her voice tinged with confusion.

He glanced back at her, his expression guarded. "Yes?"

Ella took a step closer, her eyes searching his face. "You don't have to go. I'm really fine, Adam. And I appreciate your care, I really do."

Adam's gaze softened a fraction, but his demeanor remained distant. "Ella, sometimes people say they're fine when they're really not. I just... want you to know that you can talk to me if you ever need to."

Ella felt a pang in her chest, the weight of his words sinking in. She had always admired his straightforwardness and his genuine concern for her well-being. "Thank you, Adam. I'll remember that."

With a nod, he turned away once more, his steps carrying him farther from her. As Ella watched his retreating figure, a silent ache settled in her heart. She had hoped that her laughter and light-heartedness would put his concerns to rest, but his lingering worry told her a different story. She couldn't deny the connection that had formed between them, the way he could see beyond her facade.

As the last traces of sunlight disappeared, Ella stood alone by the bench, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. She knew that she had to confront her own struggles, but a part of her wished she could share them with Adam. The night settled in around her, and she couldn't shake the feeling that, somehow, their paths were intertwined in ways she was only beginning to understand.