
Cold as Snow

In the quiet town, Ella's life takes a dramatic turn when she falls into the enigmatic embrace of Adam. She is the embodiment of sunshine, radiating warmth and innocence, while he is a man consumed by bitterness and a relentless quest for revenge. Their love story unfolds against the odds, as they come together in a marriage born of contrasting natures. Ella's light is a stark contrast to Adam's darkness, yet their bond is undeniable. However, on their wedding night, a chilling revelation tears apart the fragile threads of their newfound happiness. Adam discovers the haunting truth he has been relentlessly pursuing for a decade: the man responsible for the tragedy that scarred his life is none other than Ella's father. In a desperate bid for vengeance, Adam embarks on a mission to destroy Ella's peace of mind, unraveling her spirit piece by piece. He becomes the architect of her torment, deriving a sadistic satisfaction from her pain, oblivious to the profound secrets she carries within. As their lives descend into chaos, a web of deceit, anger, and sorrow begins to suffocate their love. Ella, once a beacon of joy, succumbs to disappointment, lost in the labyrinth of despair. Her mind unravels, a silent victim of her father's actions and Adam's cruel intentions. Yet, unknown to Adam, Ella bears a life-altering truth, one that has the power to change the course of their fate. As he finally confronts the truth, it's too late to salvage what remains of the woman he once loved. She is gone, a shattered soul adrift in the storm of her own mind. "Cold as Snow" is an emotionally charged tale of love, betrayal, and the consequences of a parent's actions echoing through the lives of their children. It is a poignant journey of redemption, the discovery of profound truths, and the devastating aftermath of lost innocence and shattered minds.

min_wrts · 都市
21 Chs


Ella sat on her bed, lost in her thoughts, her mind a whirlwind of emotions and determination. She knew that she needed time to sort things out, to heal her own wounds before she could truly be there for Adam. Her knee and ankle may have been hurting physically, but it was her heart that bore the heaviest burden.

As she reflected on the events of the previous day, she couldn't shake off the image of Adam's tearful eyes and the sound of his voice breaking with emotion. She felt responsible for his pain, and it weighed heavily on her conscience. She couldn't bear the thought of causing him any more sorrow.

The decision to isolate herself for a while felt like the right choice. It would give her the space to confront her own feelings, to come to terms with the mistakes of the past, and to gather the strength to face the present and future with a clear mind.

Her father's absence due to a business trip worked in her favor. It provided her with the solitude she needed to introspect and rebuild her emotional stability. Ten days felt like an eternity, but Ella was determined to use this time wisely. She knew that she couldn't rush the healing process, and she needed to be patient with herself.

Her mother's understanding response gave Ella a glimmer of comfort. Though she knew her mother saw through her lie, the unspoken understanding between them brought a sense of reassurance. Her mother's silent support allowed Ella to feel that she wasn't alone in this journey of self-discovery and healing.

As the days passed, Ella immersed herself in self-reflection, journaling her thoughts, and coming to terms with her insecurities. She took small steps towards accepting her past and embracing her vulnerabilities. She used the time to educate herself about anxiety and its impact on relationships, hoping to gain insight into her own actions.

Ella was determined to emerge from this period of isolation stronger, wiser, and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. She wanted to be a true friend to Adam, one who could be open and honest without fear. She was resolute in her promise to herself: she would not let fear dictate her actions or relationships any longer.

With each passing day, Ella felt a growing sense of empowerment. The pain in her knee and ankle may have lingered, but her heart was on a path of healing. She knew that when the time was right, she would reach out to Adam, not as an acquaintance but as a friend who truly cared.

In the quiet moments of her isolation, Ella found strength in her vulnerability and hope in the prospect of a genuine friendship with Adam. She knew that the journey ahead wouldn't be easy, but she was ready to face it with courage and an open heart. The mysteries of life had brought her to this point, and she was determined to embrace them, learn from them, and let them lead her to the profound connection she had found in the unlikeliest of places - with Adam.

After almost three days, Ella decided to go out again and start her routine. She took her bag and rushed downstairs. "Breakfast!" her mother's voice echoed from the kitchen.

"I'm really not in the mood!" Ella shouted back, her hand gripping the doorknob.

"Sweetie, please!" her mom's concerned voice called out again.

"I'll grab something outside!" Ella responded sweetly, trying to reassure her mother.

"Okay! Take care!" her mother's voice rang out in a happy tone, despite her worry.

Ella moved through the streets, heading towards the library. On her way, she grabbed a chicken roll and enjoyed munching on it. As she entered the library, she greeted Aunt Marie, the receptionist, while still savoring the taste of her treat.

"Hey Aunt Marie, how are you?" Ella asked with a smile, taking another bite.

"I'm fine, Ella, darling," Aunt Marie chuckled, "First, finish your snack, then you can go inside."

"Oh, I know, Aunt. Almost done," Ella replied.

She settled on one of the couches in the lounge, continuing to eat her roll and cleaning her hands with tissue papers. After exchanging a sweet smile with Aunt Marie, she ventured into the bookshelves in search of the book "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen.

"Hmm, where did it go?" Ella whispered to herself, scanning the books in front of her.

Despite spending ten minutes searching, she still couldn't find the book. Frustrated, she called out to Aunt Marie, who was the only one in the library at that moment.

"Aunt Marie! Where's the book?" Ella yelled in her direction.

But Aunt Marie gestured for her to come closer, whispering, "Quiet, Ella... come here."

Curious, Ella approached the receptionist, asking, "Why? It's only us here."

"No, there is someone else," Aunt Marie pointed towards the end of the last row of bookshelves.

Ella followed her gaze, spotting someone sitting on the ground, engrossed in reading with headphones on.

"I mostly know everyone who comes here," Ella said, scratching the back of her head, "Who is he?"

"He seems to be new here," Aunt Marie replied.

"Oh..." Ella nodded slowly, looking at the young man.

"Nice," she murmured before moving away from the reception. However, she paused, remembering something.

"Um... Aunt, where is the book 'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austen? I was reading it the last time I came," Ella inquired.

"It should be there, or that boy might be reading it," Aunt Marie suggested.

"Yeah, maybe," Ella said before walking towards the bookshelves to look for him. Upon reaching the spot where he was seated, she found that he had disappeared. Ella scanned the area for any sign of him but found none. The back of the library was dimmer due to fewer window panes and low lights, but it was a serene and tranquil space. She continued searching for the book, wondering if he had left.

She reached for her favorite section again, and to her surprise, "Pride and Prejudice" was right there.

"Ahh, there you are!" Ella exclaimed with excitement as she grabbed the book.

As she took the book out, her eyes met those of the person standing on the opposite side of the book rack. It was the same person Aunt Marie had mentioned, wearing a mask, but his eyes were visible. Ella felt a jolt in her heart as she recognized those intense eyes.

"Adam..." she uttered his name aloud, her heartbeat quickening as she locked eyes with him.

The masked boy didn't say a word and simply turned away. His mysterious demeanor snapped Ella out of her trance. She lightly slapped the side of her head, scolding herself, "What? Girl, you're going mad... Seriously... Ahh."

In response to her self-reprimand, she stomped her feet lightly, causing the boy to let out an inaudible chuckle.

"Gosh, I must be hallucinating. Adam has been on my mind for days now," Ella muttered to herself.

The boy tensed slightly at her words but didn't turn back, continuing to walk towards other bookshelves. Ella grabbed her book, shrugging off the strange encounter. She settled at one of the tables in the back, engrossed in reading, but soon realized that her favorite bookmark was missing.

"My bookmark!" she exclaimed loudly, expressing her sadness at its absence.

"That was my favorite one," she lamented, but eventually, she decided to ignore it and continued reading.

After an hour, she lifted her head to take a break and happened to catch a glimpse of her beloved bookmark right in front of her eyes. It was held delicately in someone's hand, their thumb caressing it softly. Ella's eyes followed the movements of the hand as it slowly slipped the bookmark into the inner pocket of the person's black denim jacket.

Her eyes widened with delight as she stared at the scene. However, her joy turned to surprise when the masked person locked eyes with her again, this time looking directly at her.

She tilted her head to the side, blinking in confusion for a moment, before turning her gaze in the previous direction. But to her surprise, the mysterious boy had disappeared, leaving her in bewilderment about the strange encounter.

Without understanding what compelled her to stand up, Ella gathered her belongings and heard the library doorbell ring, signaling someone's entrance or exit. Hastily, she dashed towards the reception to mark her exit, but the name she saw before signing her name caught her off guard. It was none other than "Adam," written in an elegant italic pattern.

"Adam..." she whispered while softly caressing his name.

Curiosity piqued, she asked Aunt Marie, "When did this Adam guy leave?" while pointing towards his name.

"Oh, he? Just left a minute ago," Aunt Marie replied, adding, "He's been coming here for the past two days."

"Really?" Ella exclaimed, surprised by the revelation as Aunt Marie confirmed it with a nod.

Ella bid farewell to Aunt Marie and thanked her before rushing towards the exit. She couldn't waste any more time. Her heart pounded as the image of the manly figure with the masked guy appeared before her eyes.

With determination, she yelled, "Adam!" causing the male to come to a sudden halt in his tracks.

Hey, it's Writer_Min here, hope you are all great at health and doing fine. I am back with another story. Read it and share your views.

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