
Cold and Bullet Proof A Marvel Fanfiction Story.

A young 17 year old hero that becomes a big name among the heroes of the world by his raw power and his simplistic but very intelligent mind, kind of Captain America and Bruce Banner calmness. watch him grow from boy to man while he figures out what type of person and hero he is in talks through out his journey.

JacobMWierzba · 映画
6 Chs


There we were standing toe to toe, Doom throwing energy attacks and me blocking every blast with everything I had. He was waiting for something but I didn't know what he was up to till I began to see all of the Avengers and other hero groups surrounding us. I saw his eyes change from being suprised to being happy that they are here, Tony showed up right after I saw that and everyone gathered near him to start the attack on Doom. I was still clashing with him at this time but stopped after I saw what I saw from Doom. I saw him pull back far enough and like how Stark uses his uni beam attack unleashed a huge amount of energy at everyone gathered in one spot. I jumped into the blast and took all of the energy into my body, I then changed into my Hulk form and I started to put all of my rage I held down into my soul. I hit him so hard I cracked his helmet and then sent him into the wall, everyone was feaking out that I Hulked out but for a few who had Animal instinks. They just watch me brutally beat up a very dangerous man to a bloody pulp. Then he shot me with a blast stronger than the last one trying to kill everyone with me, I took the shot and made sure everyone didn't get hit by it, then I passed out from the energy coursing threw my body.

I layed there still for a moment then everyone swarmed Doom with everything thay had and captured him before he could recover. I was still on the ground with Jen and Kamala looking over me, they had called for a doctor and took me to the hospital. They laid me in a bed then tried to hook up needles into me but they couldn't break the skin, so they just hooked up the monitor and let me rest for a bit. Tony Stark and a couple of Heroes couldn't keep Doom here in America since he's not from this country, so he was heading to his home country under supervision. He's not to leave his country without permission. That happened when I slipped into coma, everyone thought I wouldn't make it but I stayed healthy even though I wasn't eating or drinking anything for days. Bruce and Tony came to the hospital a few times to see that the Gamma energy that was in my body was gone but my body still showed signs that It was still effecting my body. I still was my Six foot nine self and didn't change a shade of skin tone. Around the second week of me being in coma I woke up right when Jen came into the room, she was told that I still didn't wake up so this moment scared her. I looked right at her and I couldn't feel that Hulk like urge, I was just me and nothing else was wanting to come out to suprise anyone.

"Jacob are you ok, you've been in a coma for a two weeks?" Jen asked me before she called for a nurse to check on me, I touched my wound on my chest from where I blocked the power shot. Then I looked at her and I said, "Yeah, I'm doing ok but I think my Gammaness is gone, I don't feel it like I did before." I told her and she touched my skin, It was still hard as steel and she had a smile on her face. "Atleast you're still you, we weren't sure if you were going to wake up. The nurses couldn't put any fluid into you so they just had to watch you basically die," She was saying then Bruce came into the room after the hospital told him that I was awake. "Jake's body used his Gamma energy he was making and turned it into nutrition to keep him alive, since he seems to run out of it, his body woke him up. I don't know much about how this all works since Hulks and people like us are accidents that happened more than once. Your case here is even more strange than mine or Jen's here, you are a reactor that can feed himself if you're in dire need of food." Bruce showed me the details he was able to pick up from what my old blood cells could tell him, he looked me over and asked me how I was. I told him what I told Jen and he wrote what I said down.

We sat for a minute before we were able to leave, the doctors told us to wait but since I was good enough to move and leave, there was no stopping a superhero from getting what he wants. We headed to the tower and I felt better with every passing moment that I was awake. I even felt better than I did on my best days, it was like I was recharged and wanting to expend all of the energy that I had. we were in a car heading home when I had Bruce stop the car, " I need to run this energy off, I'll see you at the Tower guys." I said to them and I took off running at full speed, jumping from builidings and passing people like they were just blurs. It was like I was a kid again then when I saw the Tower I felt all that energy started to vanish as fast as it came, I took a small breather then I walked the rest of the way to the tower. When I got there I saw my father and Brother were yelling at Tony about wanting to see me, "We haven't seen him in days, and the doctors said he's not there in the hospital anymore, what the hell is going on!?" My Dad said to him to see me walk through the door, both of them rushed me and I hugged both of them. "I'm good Dad, I'm just a bit tired from the walk, I had tons of energy for some reason and I decided to run all the way home." I saw they looked upset and I told them this, "Being a hero has it's costs, I choose to fight that villian so that everyone didn't have to, I'm bullet proof their not, you're not." I tapped my arm making my brother laugh a bit but my dad gave me a annoyed look, "I'm also almost 28 now, well for me, being a hero is a decade old job that I need to finish." Dad looked to his feet then he looked at me and then he said, "I know son, I just wished you got to live out your life the way you were suppose to, it's hard on me seeing you go through all of this by yourself."

We talked for a bit longer then I headed to my room to rest a bit, I felt a familiar touch to my mind and I knew who it was. "Hello sir, I can feel you looking in to my head Charles," I said to the air and he Professor X responded. "Hello Jacob, I hope you're doing good, I heard from Tony that you were released from the hospital today, I am wondering..." I stopped him and told him, "Sir let me rest a few more days and I can return to my duties at the school." I could almost feel him smile but then he said, "Yes thats all fine, but we have a new student that I think you can help with, she has some firey powers that need to be check. She not a teenager but still needs help," He told me and I smiled to myself, "Sure I can help with them I'll see you this weekend Charles." I fell asleep when he left my mind and I had a nice dream about someone holding my hand and pulling me somewhere. I didn't know who's hand it was but then she let go and I saw my mother looking at me, she had a tear running down her face then she turned and I saw a small girl crying at a burning house. The girl hand rock like hands but they where burning red hot and seem to drip on the ground. I woke up the next morning and I took a nice long shower to reflect on my dream, then I made myself something to eat and then I went for a long walk. It was a rainy day but it was still a nice one, then after the day got colder not from me, Snow began to fall and it felt like life was going to take a new turn for the better.

I looked out to the ocean where I was walking next to and I saw a ship coming to the mainland. It was huge but full of cargo for the winter supplies, I heard before I left the tower that a huge storm was heading our way. "It will comfortiable for me but this storm feels colder than the others from recent past, I should go check on the school to see if they need help with the storm?" I checked my cell phone then I went to barrow a vehicle from Tony to drive to the School. To my suprise I found a newer car sitting where my bike used to be, in it's place was a new dark blue truck with brand new tires for the snow storm. On the seat was a note addressed to me from Tony and everyone in the tower, it read "Jacob we know you love that bike so much but it's not ideal for winter traveling and since you can't run everywhere we decided to get you this newish truck. It comes with everything you need for cold winters and hot summers, plus a bit more for the music you love to listen to." I saw the keys on the seat, I put the key into the ignition and it roared to life. I got into it and I headed to the school at a safe normal speed ejoying the truck to it's fullest, or what ever I could enjoy till I got to the school.

When I arrived I saw smoke coming from the back so I jumped out and I ran over to the scene. There I saw a short Woman freaking out and leashing out with fire and lava everywhere screaming, "Don't come near me, I'll burn you too!" She took a look at me and I was right in her face, I grabbed her hands and cooled them with my ice powers. She had a tear rolling down her face then she passed out when I cooled her whole body stopping the lava and fire from spreading. A bit of the lava hit my arm but I didn't let it show till I got the woman safe inside the mansion, I picked a room that was free with no one in it and froze it solid till and placed her in a bed. Logan and some of the other older Mutants came in to check in on her but were met by a angry glare from me. "You guys say you help people out but you show fear to people who might be more dangerous. If you show fear they will never trust you or want to learn from you," I said to them and everyone but Logan lowered their heads. Professor came into the room with his little wheelchair and saw I had everything under control. "Jacob it's good to see you earlier than I was expecting, this is the woman I was telling you about a couple days ago. Her name is Nikita Lee, she has Mutant ablities over Lava like fluid and can control fire." He rolled into the room and everyone didn't want him to come into the room, "Jacob is right everyone, you keep showing fear towards other because they can't control how are we going to teach them to control their powers?" He askd the group behind him, everyone but Logan who wasn't there anymore didn't have the answer.

They all turned and left but I stayed with X to watch the girl so if she needed help I was close by, I pulled a chair next to the bed and popped open a book on counceling while she slept. After about a couple minutes of her tussing and turning she sat up like she was on fire but nothing happened. She looked cold so I let the room thaw a bit and she started to look comfertable, she looked at me and saw I wasn't scared of her like some of the other residents were. I noticed other than more her name she wasn't from State side, she was from Asia, I believe from China but I didn't want to be racist about it. So I asked, "Nakita, where are you from, if I'am allowed to ask that, I'm from the midwest here in the states." She looked at me then she sat up over the bed and said back to me, "I'm from China originally but I've been living in the States since I was ten." She looked at me and I started to see all of her Mutant features, she had fire red hair and her eye was just as red, I could see her nails on her fingers were black like obsidian. She had tanner skin than normal Chinese people and her speaking voice was right in the middle of being deep and higher pitched. We looked at each other for a minute then I told her that Charles the owner of the house asked me to help her control her powers. "Why would he do that, I don't think I'll be able to ever control my powers, they have a mind of their own." She told me and I started make a ice sculptor of a car in my hand. "I used to be like you and some days I still believe I'm not in full control of my powers."

I sat with her trading stories about when I was younger learning how control my Ice and strength with everything I had. "Then one day when I was about fourteen I let my anger and fear of hurting people go and I was able to steer my powers in the right direction. So when you really think about it, I never really control my powers just make sure they hit what I need them to. You can do it too, but you need to let go of your fear so you can steer it in the direction you want." She looked at me when I said that and she shrugged, I grabbed her hand and she went to pull away. She saw she wasn't burning me like she did the others, I was burning but since it was like a stove burn to me I didn't flinch. I brought her outside and then I told her to use her powers to the point she felt comfetable with them. She only produce a little flame in her left hand then she put it out. I smiled, "So we are going to start small then, I know I have Ice powers but they can still help someone with fire based powers, just follow my lead and if you go to far I'll be here." I told her and she nodded for a moment then she went to back down, I raised my left hand and I made a huge ball of Ice. It was so big to where Rogue saw it from the front of the school were she was taking her class break. She came around to see Nakita try to use her powers, Nakita shot a huge ball of fire to the sky and it almost hit a plane going over us. I looked at her and I started to laugh but she look defeated, I walked over to her and I put my hand on her shoulder like a coach in a sports league. "Girl I know it's hard but no one got hurt, you don't need to feel so scared about using your gifts."

Rogue came up to us and she felt what Nakita felt, "I used be afraid of my powers but after Jacob showed me that i shouldn't I've been able to sleep and I found ways to manage my powers." She told Nakita and she looked over to me and I was looking in a direction towards the city. I saw the sky was getting dark, I was going to leave and head home but Nakita stopped me and asked me to stay a bit longer. I did stay and ended up sitting with her and bunch of people around a fire pit were we all talked about life problems, I found out Nakita was close to my age, she is 25 and she was from a family that used to guard the chinese emperor for centuries. She came to the States when she was young to find someone to help her with her powers, they didn't know who to turn to till Professor X and his two female friends, Storm and Jean that conviced her to move in with them. I told her that they have the right intentions but not the right response when it came to more difficult people to teach and she thought that was weird that they chose me to do that.

I told her I could still feels pain like everyone else but the fact I'm bullet proof has increased the feeling of pain when I'm hit by other things. "So you can still get eletricacuted or burned even though you're bullet proof?" She asked me when she was getting a hang of her powers after trying again, I shook my head "Yes" and she looked worried about my grabbing her again. "Your burns feel like when I get burned by the toaster so you don't need to worry Nakita." Everyone who were around still watching her improve infront of them saw me get closer than they would. I got with in a foot from her then I said to her for only her to hear. "I will be here for you if you need me, no fire or lava will keep me from helping you." I saw her blush a bit then I started to blush, she looked so adorable in the moonlight, my heart felt warm and heavy for a moment then I got a texted from Tony. I looked down at it and then Nakita went inside the mansion after she kissed my forehead, "Go take care of that texted we can continue my training tomarrow." She said right before she closed the door, I turned to the group that was out with us and they looked shocked. I smiled then I headed to the front of the school and called Tony, "Whats up Tony is there a mission?" I asked him and then he responded with, "Yes there was a smash and grab by the shield building and they grabbed a bunch of the barrels you helped recover, we don't know who they are but we need more than just the hulks on this one."

I looked back to the school and I saw Nakita in the window, "how close from my location would someone pick me up?" I said to see a bigger avenger jet was coming for me, it landed and I drove up to it with my new truck then we headed to the mission. Nakita sat on her bed and she thought about how she just felt, "Was it because he's not afraid of me or is it because I acutally like him?" She crawled into her bed and she hugged her blanket close. I was over the area where the barrels were stolen and I could feel the heat coming from the people who were responsible. They went north from the building but they were on foot, I ran fast in that direction to find them. I had a couple of Avengers with me some that could keep up with me, like Tony, Spiderman, Hulk, and Nova. We came to a clearing about a mile from the Shield building, which was out of the way near the woods of New York. I saw the people we were tracking were not known to me but Tony and Hulk new them, "These guys are from the wrecking crew, these guys get paid to steal what ever they can for the minimum." Tony said to me and I smiled a bit, "Can I go loose and take them out then?" I asked him and he chuckled a little bit, "sure kid but don't kill anyone." He said back to me and I caught every Wrecking Crew memeber in ice and then I got caught with a wrecking ball to the face. One guy was loose and he managed to hit me right in the face. I brushed it off then felt my face was bleeding a bit, "That guy has strenght almost like the hulk, which means he can pack a punch, so watch out Jake!" Captain America said to me and I took a step back.

When the free bad guy was trying to get to the truck that was waiting for him I saw there were people with guns. I watched them aim at Cap then I dashed to block the bullets after I saw he didn't have his shield. Like always, nothing happened and tthe guys shooting stopped to his me smile again, I raised me hands and I froze everyone who shot at me. The ones that I left alone dropped their guns and ran into the woods to get stopped by the other half of the team. The guy who had the wrecking ball was about to leave when Hulk stopped the truck my crushing the engine. I ran up to the truck and I took down the guy and cuffed him when everyone got to us. After we all talked about what they might of been planning for the barrels I went home and I went to bed, it was almost morning when I hit the pillow so me taking the weekend away from the school was expected. Though I didn't do my classes I did go check on Nakita and I talked with her for hours, we talked about the same old stuff, from my favorite types of food and stories living with some of the young Avengers.

Days from then went like that, I would go on a couple missions to guard Tony or Nick Fury during their board meetings with the nations. Then I would go to the school and teaching people how to use their powers and cook. I also finished my schooling for becoming a councler for the youth and young adult, this was a dream I wanted if the hero thing didn't work out like I wanted it to. On my days off during the weekends I would spend time on my own learing about ways to open my own counling office for people who might need me but I found nothing that sparked intrest. So I stopped searching for that near my birthday, which is today. I am getting ready for my little party that Tony wanted to throw for me, when I got to the living room area where the party was, I saw about fifty people waiting for me. Kids from my classes, the Young Avengers and everyone that I've made friends with. Everyone looked at me and then yelled, "Happy Birthday Willow!" as loud as they could then shot confetti at me and some of the kids rushed me and hugged me. I saw Nakita, Rogue and Jen were next to each other talking about something but I couldn't hear what it was. All I saw was Nakita smile while she blushed, then Jen came up to me and hugged me tightly.

"Happy Birthday Jacob, I hope today is a good one," She said to me and then the other girls came up to me, they handed me gifts and then Rogue ran off. Nakita stayed near me while I opened hers, it was a wrist band made from the hardest material on earth. "If you find yourself in need of a little extra protection this band can expand into a shield, or thats what the Black Panther guy says." She told me and I wondered how she knew him, I still put the band on and it felt light but strong. I opened Rogues gift after that then saw it was a new pair of shoes that were made from the same stuff. I always complained that my shoes wore out to fast, so she went out and got a really sturdy pair for me. I hugged both girls and thanked them for the gifts, then we continues with the part and I drank a bit till it became night. That's when one after the other Jen, Rogue and then Nakita professed their love for me when no one was around. "Jacob, we've been friends for almost a full year, and no one had made me feel happy like you do. With all the dates we went on and the late night converations about life and your old life on the other Earth, I can't see myself living life without you Jacob, I love you." Jen told me trying to kiss me, I pulled my face away from her, "I love you too, but I don't share the same love you do for me, I love someone else, she's the complete opposite from me. I know this is not what you want to hear but I don't want to hurt you by hiding my true feelings." Jen looked heart broken and then she left with Rogue over hearing the whole conversation, She was going to do the same thing but stopped after she realized I wasn't talking about her. "If anyone needs love in their life it's Nakita, she's suffered more than anyone here. I may not be able to touch anyone but I have people who truly care for me." Rogue had tears in her eye then she ran out begining to cry, I sat on the ground and I felt all the pain they felt, I love them but not like I love or feel for Nakita.

From the days training with her and teaching and talking with her I can only think of one person and that's her. It might be only one sided but I don't care about that, "I should tell her how I feel before she finds someone else to..." I was saying when I saw Nakita was walking towards me. She saw me on the ground and held out her hand to me, "Are you ok, why are you on the ground Jacob?" She asked me and I told her everything that had happened. "Jen and Rogue just told me that they had romantic feelings for me but I turned them both down," I said to her and she looked at me and it looked like she was upset. "I told them that I loved someone else, even though I have only known her for a short time, I can't get you out of my mind and I feel happy when we are together." I said and she blushed super hard and almost passed out from the shock. "Why me, I have had similar feelings for you, when ever you're training with me I feel warm but in a good way not like when I lose control." She said to me and my usual cool demeanor changed into warm delight. Nakita still had her hand out to me and I finally grabbed it, "You like me even though I could still hurt you with my," Nakita was saying when I stopped her and I picked her up off the ground. "I have enough strenght to keep us both from falling into a slump, and if it's you I can deal with the occasional burn." I told her and she looked away but then turned to be kissed by me and she didn't back away. Her face was warm but with my cold skin nuled her own powers, "I want us to be together forever even if you turn into a monster or a villain, I would follow you to the end." I said to Nakita and she gave me a funny look then she punched me shoulder almost hurting herself, we laughed at her then we went to the remaining people in the living room. They saw me holding her hand and every smiled, even Rogue and Jen smiled at us.