
Cold and Bullet Proof A Marvel Fanfiction Story.

A young 17 year old hero that becomes a big name among the heroes of the world by his raw power and his simplistic but very intelligent mind, kind of Captain America and Bruce Banner calmness. watch him grow from boy to man while he figures out what type of person and hero he is in talks through out his journey.

JacobMWierzba · 映画
6 Chs

The Xmen and the Brotherhood.

There I was, on top of this woman, I ran into her after she ran from out of the ally, we clashed then fell to this position. She looked freaked out by the fact that she wasn't hurting me with her touch, "What are you, why aren't you.." She was saying when I sensed a evil stink down the ally coming right for us, I saw it was a hairy beast of a man running right for us. I got up off of the girl and I got myself ready for the attack, the charged at me like a wild animal and when he got within a foot of me I threw him like a doll into the street. He landed on his feet then he released his claws from both hands then charged at me again. I threw a punch this time when he got closer but he was pulled back and a huge fat guy caught the punch, I knew this guy, he was the fat mutant named the Blob and he was paart of that mutant group the Brotherhood. "Little man you'll never hurt me with punching, I'm too.." He was saying to me when I picked him up off the ground and he looked scared as I suplex him into the ground , when he wsa laying on the ground the guy I was fighting bit my neck and I heard the girl scream, "No not again!" I looked down at him then I started lauging, "First rule of battle, know who you're fighting cat man." I said as I threw the guy off of me, the girl noticed nothing happened not even a scratch on my neck, I then raised my hand I froze the guy to the ground with Blob.

I started to turn back to the girl when I was hit by a fire ball, "Good to know old man, now burn from my fire." A new person said and He sent a stream of fire at me and I stood there not taking any damage from the fire. This was fun watching him hit me with everything he had till he saw I wasn't burning and he was getting really tired from using his powers so hard. "What are you and why aren't you dying from all of this?" He asked me and I said, "I'm Willow and I'm stronger than most and I can freeze anything, I'm also invulnerable to almost anything, I'm also a Avenger in training." I told him and he didn't reconise my name at all, he stopped to see a fist coming at him from me and he hit the ground. The girl looked to see if anyone was going to try to fight me then I saw a wave of steel surround me like a cage then they caught me for only a moment. I broke through them and then saw more metal being thrown at me like they were alive, but when they touched me I froze and broke them as fast as they came. I then saw who was sending them at me and I reconised him right away, "Magneto, never thought I'd be able to fight you sir, but lets." I said to him and he seem to smile at me and I jumped up at him who was floating on a piece of steel.

We started to fight for a moment then I hit his helmet off and he went to grabbed it but I stopped him, he looked freaked out because he couldn't move away from me since I was using my raw strenght to keep him in place. Then I watched him use his powers to bring the helmet to him but I caught it before he could, I crushed it with my bare hands then I let him go. I landed next to the girl who was now watching us and she touched me again. I turned back her after the mutant attacker fleed from the area, "I'm Jacob by the way miss, hope you're ok that mess was wild wasn't it." I said to her, we stood there for a moment then heard a plane or somthing fly over us. Then more people or mutants landed around us to see me defending the girl, The girl reconised them and ran to the white haired one and then Wolverine landed next to me and he smelled me. "Bub, you smell like the green guy but different." I had a tear run down my face then I fell to the ground from exhaustion and everyone but Wolverine looked puzzled. "That man defended me against the Brotherhood and Magneto all on his own, I don't now who he really is but he say's he's a Avenger or training to be one." The girl said to everyone, they were shocked that I fought everyone and survived an encounter from the Magneto. "Let's take him so he can rest then we should get answers from him of the fight." The white haired woman said to everyone and they all picked me up and carried me off.

The next thing I knew I was waking up in a room in a very nice mansion, I looked all over and I saw a few sick kids around me and a nurse like person checking them all out. I sat up slowley then I saw my shirt on the table. I stood up but fell to the bed, "Ah, I used all my energy again, I didn't think that fight was that stressful." I said to myself, the nurse looking after a kid saw me get up and she came over to me. "sir the owner of the Mansion wants to meet you when you're able to move, he's just right down the hall in the big office." She told me and I stood up, "I'll go there now, but do you have any water or protein bars, I'm kind of low on energy" I asked her and he handed me a glass of water with a cucumber in it, "Thank you miss I'll go see the owner." I said to her and I got up and left the room, I headed right to the office but I saw I was in a school of some kind everyone here was a mutant. "I'm in the home of the Xmen isn't this cool, well I might know who I'm going to see when I enter here." I opened the door and I saw Wolverine and Professor Xavier talking about me. They both looked at me and I watch the Professor smile at me then he asked, "How are you feeling, you collapsed after battling the Brotherhood." I stretched my arms a bit then I said to him, "I'm still tired but I'm fine for the most part, by the way how is that girl doing, she looked shooken up when she ran into me."

"She's fine just recovering after lastnights events, she thinks that you collapsed after she touched you last night, you seem to be fine after my team got there then you passed out." Professor told me and I laughed a bit, "No she didn't do anything to me I don't think she really could, I have bullet proof skin and my energy would be to much for anyone of her size." I said to him, He looked at the door and then Logan smiffed the air, Logan walked over to the door and opened it scaring the girl Rogue who was behind it. She looked at me and saw I looked fine after what she thought happened, "I thought I hurt you with my powers, It doesn't seem you're hurt at all." She said to me and I grabbed her hand and I let her touch my arm to show her she wasn't going to hurt me, "The only thing that I've had hurt my skin was Red Gamma energy and I don't think your powers run off of Red." I said to her and she shook her head, "No" and then the Professor interupted me and asked if I wanted to sit in a lecture outside? I thought about it then remembered that I needed to text Tony. I pulled out my phone that Tony gave me when I moved to the tower and I messaged him, "I'm at Charles X's Mansion talking with a class and I'm ok don't need to worry about me not coming in last night." I waited for a reply and only got a thumbs up and a second message saying, " Make sure your ringer is on encase of an emergency comes up," I laughed for a moment then I agreed to watch a class for part of the day.

I was in the court yard watching everyone practice their powers with the Mutant known to me now as Storm, she was or is the white haired woman from before. She had a hard time with a Mutant who had Ice powers control their emotions. I knew how the kid needed to control herself but Storm was just making it worse by trying to calm her down from a distance. I jumped in and I grabbed the girl by her arm and I pulled her to me. "Girl think clearly, your powers are based on your emotions, the more you dwell on bad shit the more you'll spiral out of control. Pick a good memory and think about only that," I told the girl and she was thrashing around sending ice spikes everywhere. I threw up a dome of ice around us and let her what I called "powerout" from her using her full power, when I did that I made sure to keep the dome from cracking or breaking. Storm outside of the ice couldn't see what was going on inside since it was like a snow globe in here with us, she tried to break in but Professor and Logan came to stop her. "I can get you access to his mind if you need to know what he's doing, I believe he's trying to help her out since he had similar powers." Professor told storm and she grabbed then hand that Professor held out, he connected to my mind and saw I was trying to calm her with everything I had while keeping everyone safe. "Professor I can fell you in my mind, I'm going to let her tirer out from her spent energy. Just keep Storm or anyone else away till she stops, and don't worry about me sir, I can keep going for a couple of hours like this just be ready when I bring down the Dome."

The professor didn't say anything to me but Storm said to me, "You keep her safe Sir, she's very fragile for her type of powers." I shook me head in disapointment, "Don't tell me what do, I won't keep my distance just because of how dangerous her powers are." Professor broke the connection from me and Storm seem to be pissed and Logan laughed when she threw a bolt of lightning into the sky, "What did he say to her to make storm angry?" Logan asked Professor and the Professor told him whhat I had said to her, "Ah, you know he's right though, you can't teach someone if you're scared or show you're scared of them." Logan said to the Professor, both of them stayed while I waited for the girl to calm or run out of energy, then about an hour of her throwing a canada size snow strom at me I watched her pass out from the energy she spent. I ran to her and I caught her before she fell over on her face, I lowered the dome to see Logan was the only one left watching us, He saw the girl was clinging to me and she was sleeping deeply. "She finally gave up a kid, suprised you're still standing after all that, I would of been dog tired about half an hour ago, is she ok?" Logan said to me and I smiled, "Yeah she's fine and dude I'm really tired but I'll be fine this time." I told him and we took the girl to the infirmary where she looked over by the nurse, Logan offered me a drink and I accepted it without hesitation. We stood in the kitchen where there was no people around to her our converstation. "Charles told me about that memory he saw of you in a future where everyone died, what was that about?" Logan asked me and I told him that wasn't a future but what happened on another Earth. I then told him all the events and the Wolverine of that world was friends with me and the Hulk , I also told him about who killed his counter part and all my adventures after that.

Logan drank his beer then he smiled, "Well I know why the other me liked ya, you don't lie about anything and you stuck with your friends till their ends." He handed me a beer and I smiled, "Ya, those events were hard for anyone but I've lived to deal with it by getting better at protecting everyone I'm in charge of." I told Logan and he asked me when Rogue crashed into me if at that moment she became my responsiblity? "Yes sir, when I see someone who needs my help I will do whats need to be done not matter if it costs my own life." We stood there for a moment till I saw or heard my cell go off and I saw it was Tony. I picked up and he said, "We have an issus at the raft Prison we need you, do you mind if we pick you up now," I looked at Logan then I ran outside because I heard a jet outside flying over the school. "I'm running out right now sir," I shook Logan's hand then I ran to the front door and saw Captain America was waiting for me in the jet, I jumped in to the jet and turned around to see all the kids at the school watching me leave. Logan made it to see the jet just get out of few, he looked over to see Rogue was sad to see me leave so he said to her, "You could always go see him at the Avengers tower or he even might come back to visit." Logan went back inside to see all the kids talk about me like I was their new found hero, "Oh wow we had a real Avenger in the Mansion, why don't we have anyone cool like that here?" He heared them sat and Logan could help but chuckle a bit, I was heading to my next mission but while I was waiting I ate a bunch of energy boosting candy bars for it.

Captain saw me eating a bunch of them and he gave me a weird look, I saw him staring at me and I told him that I had to spend a hour using my powers keeping the school safe from a student there. He laughed, "That why you're eating the Hulk bars Banner made for him and Jen, well what we have to fight next you're going to need all the energy you got, the raft as you know hold a ton of villains and one Red angry Hulk and he's making his way to the coast." My ears perked up and I got scared for a moment, then Cap told me all the details, "You, Power-man and Hulk are being called in to knock him out or take him down for good." My body started to get ithchy then I saw the battle was already starting on the ground near a ship yard, I opened the bay door the jet, I looked at Cap then I grabbed his shield when he wasn't looking. He went to stop me but I jumped out already and I rocked to the Red Hulk, I landed like a classic superhero and scared everyone, The Regular Hulk saw it was me and I had Cap's shield with. "Kid you took steve's shield you got some balls to do something like that." I brushed off the dirt and looked over at the Red Hulk, he wasn't that big like the other one from the other earth but he was still dangerous none the less. I put the shield on the ground for just in case then I charged at the Red Hulk with Hulk as fast as we could, Red hit Hulk first but I caught his jaw with my own fist knocking him into the air, Hulk at this moment recoverd and came back with kick when red came down and hit him into the wall of ship crates. I started to feel weird when I saw Red was begining to heat up from his rage.

I backed off but then I remembered that I have ice powers, I was freaking out because of the past but that was because I got hurt for the first time ever, now that I cleared my mind for a moment I found the solution. I gathered my energy of my ice power and I focused it all around me turning me into a living block of ice then I attacked Red with everything I had. I had the ice so cold it began to hurt red for just touching him. We were winning for a moment till Red began to go supernova with his heat abilities, Hulk knew that the Red gamma was effecting me really bad by the sweat on my face and my tired look coming over me. Red threw a ball of red energy at me and I couldn't move fast enough to get away, I looked up to see if I was hit by it and saw good ole Power-man aka Luke Cage came to my rescue blocking the hit with Cap's shield. "Stand up Jake, it's time to take him down for good, Hulk we need to hit him all at the same time with everything we got." Luke said to us and Hulk agreed with his plan, I gathered my thoughts again then I stood up and got ready for the opening. I watched as Red paced towards a water tower then a thought came like a freight train, I held out my hands towards the water tower and I pulled with my ice power using the tower like a hammer. This allowed a tight window to hit Red with everything we had, I charged and both Hulk and Luke matched me and we hit Red with fists moving so fast that you could hear us break the sound barrier from the impact alone. We sent Red into the ground so hard he went about ten feet into the dirt making a crater, Hulk picked him up and set him on the ground to watch Red turn into thunder Ross. We tied him up as the Jet with Cap in it came down and Iron man escorted Ross back to a more secure location away from civilization which now meant space. Cap looked at his shield that Power-man or Luke had on his back, Luke took it off and handed it to Cap, Cap saw it had a scratch on it but he smiled. "You thought of a solution for facing Red Hulk with your disadvantage with Red Gamma, Smart kid but next time you should let me know or ask for it instead of just taking it." He said to me and I laughed, "I was going to but I saw the battle at hand and I reacted rather acted."

We chatted a bit then I felt my body get tired again like when I passed out, but this time Hulk carried me on his back, we headed back to the tower so I could rest. When we got there I saw that I had been cut from something and I went to patch my side up. Tony came into the room to check on me and saw what I was doing, "That Red gamma is some potent stuff for you isn't it, just a couple minutes and your just like the rest of us." He poked my side and I laughed, "Yeah for the most part but I didn't lose my strenght and I think my Ice powers get a bit stronger when I lose my Bullet proofness." I told him and he wrote it down on his cell phone, "So you met the great Professor X and his students, how was that little visit with them anything intersting happen over there?" Tony asked me andI told him about me fighting the Brotherhood and meeting a girl who could take peoples powers, and how she couldn't hurt me with her powers. Then I told him about the girl I save from hurting herself and others with her Ice powers. "I think you when you're not on missions should teach younger Ice powered kids how to use their powers since you've gotten good at it, in fact I order you to become a teacher at the Mutant school when things are calm." I looked at him like he was crazy, "You really think that I'm good enough to be a teacher for kids, I'm still quite new at this hero stuff and being a teacher is going to be harder." Tony put his right hand on my shoulder like he was my close buddy and leaned on me, "You can still live here but you can also teach on the side, X told me about what you did for that girl and said your a good choice to help teach the harder students." I looked at my hands then saw a cut on them, "Sir if you think that I'm able to it I will but only if I get to be a full Avenger with you and everyone here, I've come to see you guys as a second family."

Tony agreed to make me a full fledge memeber and even gave me full access to the whole tower but for his living area, I thanked him then I headed to my room. When I got to the door I saw my cell phone ligth up and I opened it to see that someone call X sent me a message. "We'll see you bright and early on monday morning professor Willow," I smiled then saw it was friday, and then I replied, "I will be there sir, next time you can just ask me something important in person." I went into my room and I laid on my bed and passed out from another long day of Being Jake Willow, I wasn't dreaming of nothing but sun and a beach somewhere warm. The weekend came and went with nothing happning for the first time ever so I just listned to music and trained with Captain while waiting for monday to come around. Then like a flash in a pan I woke up to it being Monday, I dressed in a nice outfit, nothing to teacher like but it was very nice, I wore a Black dress shirt and black pants with matching socks and shoes on my feet. I grabbed a nice sports coat and my flat sun glasses, I was given a motorcyle by Cap to get back forth from the Tower without jumping and walking everywere. I saw it was just like the one her used in the war but many modern flare to it. from a new seat to new lights and engine, so basically a old frame with new parts on it to make it more comfortable for the rider, I thanked him and then I drove off saying good bye to him.

One my way to the mansion for the gifted I was loving the ride so much I was smiling like an idiot, Many peoplein their cars stared at me seeing a huge man on a small ish bike crusing down the road. Then about an hour of riding I got to the school and I pulled up to the front door, everyone who was awake heard the bike outside and came running to see if who it was. Everyone thought it was going to be Logan but when they saw it was my Jake Willow they smiled just as bright. I saw the girl Rogue come out to see it was me and not Logan, She ran down to me but made it look like she was calm about it, but I could see she was really happy to see me. "Logan said that you'd be back sooner or later, I guess he was right," She said to me and I told her that the Professor offered me to teach the more difficult students on controling their powers. Rogue seem to be even happier after that and I couldn't help but smirk, we headed inside and I went into X's room to see him before I started teaching. He was waiting behind his desk and when I walked in he smiled at me, "Ah Jacob, glade you choose to help me out with teaching some of my students." He said to me and I tried to sound professional when I responded to X. "Sir you asked for my help and I thought it would be a good opportunity to help kids that need a bit of stronger hand."

X looked at me for a moment then he told me my class was in the basket ball court waiting for me, I left after getting that information and I headed to the court. I had nothing planned but I had an Idea how to start my classes. I walked into the court about five minutes later and I saw a bunch of kids were talking about who the new teacher was going to be, "I wonder if it's going to be logan, he's the best choice since he can heal from our mistakes." A girl said to everyone when I came walking up to the small group of seven kids all different from each other, The girl I saved a week ago was here but she looked scared to talk to anyone. Though when she saw saw me when everyone stopped talking she smiled a bit but then stopped when everyone made fun of her. I stumped the ground and caused a tremur under everyone's feet, "My name is Jake Willow and I'm going to be the replacement for Miss Storm." I started to say when everyone looked at me like I was a joke, "Who are you to teach us, you might die if you try to teach us." A Big kid said to me, he looked like a trouble maker and a bully so I brought him up first, "Kid come here in front of me," I said and he got up andstood infront of me laughing a bit like he was better than me. "Hit me with everthing you got kid and if you break your hand go to the nurse, " I told him, and like a classic movie bully he tried to sucker punch me right in the face, I could tell he was a mutant with super strenght but nowhere near my level or the Hulk's. I heard his hand shatter from it hitting my face but then it began to heal as fast as it broke, The kid looked at me a bit differently. "you can sit back down kid," I said to him and I reintroduced myself to everyone but this time letting them know who I really was. "I redo that intro, My Name is Agent Jacob Willow of the Avengers and Shield, I have bullet proof skin, Super Hulk like strenght and I can control Ice and everything Ice repersents as in I can make it so cold within my area that I can freeze the very air we breath."

Everyone looked at each other then one of them confirmed that there was a hero with the Avengers that was called Willow but they never saw his face. "I was the one also who stopped The Brotherhood from taking Rogue all by myself." Everyone then understood how strong I really was right then and there since they knew even Logan had problems with, The girl I saved introduced herself,"I'm Snow or thats what I call myself, I just want to thank you for helping me from hurting the others last week." She said to me and I had everyone sit on the ground with me while I told them what kind of class if was going to teach. "I am here to train everyone here control their powers, even from the most dangerous, no power can't be controled and who's more qualified to help with someone who can't be hurt by normal means?" I then told then to stand, I took the bully kid and asked him, "What the hardest part about having your super strength?" I looked at him think about it for a moment, "I quess is being gentle with people and smaller things sir." He said and I smirked at him and he got annoyed, "that hulk and I had the same problem, when doing our hero work we can use all of our power but when it came to the as you said the little things, that was the hardest part with the powers." The kid then asked me, "how did you over come that flaw, I still can't seem to stop myself from crushing things," The kid look defeated but thenI pulled out a statue that I took from Hulk but replaced with a sticky note. I held it out the kid and told him, "hulk started to collect these to teach himself to be gentler, I think you should do the same thing then I can teach you the next step on self control."

The Snow girl came up to me and asked me to help her, "I lose control when I start making it snow or make the air colder, how do I stop myself from losing it?" She seem to be crying a bit, then I told her something she needed to hear. "Your powers like mine that are linked to Ice is linked to our emotions, let me guess when you get mad or depressed you tend to freeze or start snow storms right?" I watched her shake her head yes, "Who makes you upset like that and what can you do to help or stop those thoughts?" I asked her and she didn't have the answer, so I told her what might help, "Think about something happy or insperational, like think about these words" She got closer than I told her something my mother from before she died said to me, "You maay hear people call you a freak or monster but are not, you're a hero and meant for something bigger." Snow thought about the words I said and asked me, "Does that really work, or is that something that works for you?" I smiled at her then I pointed at Ice-man the guy running with Rogue and the older students. "I bet he had trouble with his powers and look at what he became, everyone has that turning point where they become the hero or villain, you just have to figure out what you want and work for it."

After about two hours of going through each student I realize they were all passed away because no one made the time to talk to them about their problems, even the Bully kid who I now know calls himself Wall got better mentally with just one class. From that moment from my class duties I would make it my mission to become a better counselor and teacher so I can help them control their abilites. When I was leaving for the day I was stopped by my bike by Cyclops and his little red haired girlfriend, "Guy what are you doing here, I thought having you here was a one time deal," Cy said to me and got closer with every step and the girl could feel the air change. "The Professor asked me to take over Storms class for the harder to teach students, I took the job with the guidance from Tony Stark, he told me that I might make a great teacher for them since I'm the toughest person alive in this city." I said trying to pick a fight with the guy, The red haired girl was trying to use her mind control powers on me to see into my head. I gave her a strange look then I found myself pointing an ice spike at her, "Don't try to enter my mind, I've been trough to much for one person to handle, not even Logan could heal from my mind." Cyclops hit me with his eye beam attack but I took it directly and grabbed him by the neck and picked him off the ground right before Logan got in the middle of us. "Summers stop trying to fight a guy who can kill you with out flinching," Logan said just when X came up to the steps then said to the girl, "Jean I'm disappointed in you for Invading someones mind on my property. Jacob here is a new addition to my staff or teachers and you just picked a fight with him." X looked mad and I shook my head, "Sir it's not all their fault, I was giving off vilolent vibes and I guess Summers picked up on it, I'm sorry sir and I'm sorry summers."

I got on my bike and Logan left the other four after I talked it over with the group, "Kid if you need help with the class summers or Jean can help out," Logan told me and I pulled out a couple of cigars from my bikes cargo spot. I cut both and handed one to Logan, he looked at it then noticed that it was his favorite kind, "I would let them but what those kids need is someone who understands and will listen to them." I lit my cigar right up and I took a long pull on it then I blew the some up in the air, "They're not bad kids and I plan on taking them to their peak of being healthy mentally, well I'll see you later Logan I'm going to go study at the tower." I left after Logan tipped his hat to me and I sped off with the other three still talking on the steps, X saw Logan with the cigar in his hand and asked, "did Jacob give you that, I know you didn't have one before and you know that rules." Logan smirked at X then he went in to the mansion while you could still here my bike in the background, I was just hitting an intersection when I heard my cell go off.

It was Captain America looking for someone to help him on a stealth mission, I sent him a message to tell him I would take it and then he told me that Hawk eye was coming too. I don't like him very much but I respected his skills, I made me why to the meeting spot not far from where I was and I waited for them. I was still smoking my Cigar when I saw the jet coming for me, When I watched them land I saw Cap was not happy. "Jacob, Hydra took Jen and captured a woman that they believe they could turn into a hulk, we belive they plan on taking the blood of Jen to make more if it works. our job is to get into the base and rescue her without alerting the base." I felt a pit of anger develop in my stomach, "Steve lets hurry so I or we can get her back." I said as calm as I could, I jumped into the jet then we headed for the Hydra base we knew she was at. Steve saw I was not taking the mission well and then asked me if I wanted to sit this one out, I looked at him then I said to him, "you must be insane if you think I'm going to still this one out. I'll get us in there but once we have jen I'm going to destroy that place," I kept getting angrier then Clint told me, "You need to settle down so we can get in there, with you cooling the air they might see us or feel us coming." I knew he was right so I tried to calm myself down a bit till we came close to the base, then we dropped to the ground and we charged to the building carefully.