
Cold and Bullet Proof A Marvel Fanfiction Story.

A young 17 year old hero that becomes a big name among the heroes of the world by his raw power and his simplistic but very intelligent mind, kind of Captain America and Bruce Banner calmness. watch him grow from boy to man while he figures out what type of person and hero he is in talks through out his journey.

JacobMWierzba · 映画
6 Chs

March Forward

We were in the trees right on the left side of the Hydra base waiting to go into the place and get She-Hulk aka Jen, I was with two of the stealthest members of the Avenger not including the BlackWidow. I was waiting for my orders when I saw a red skinned man walk into the building after they got out of a car. I saw the Cap was on edge from seeing that man and he wanted to jump at him, I after taking a closer look at the man saw he was the Famous Red Skull. "Steve let me get into the building, I knock out a random guard and take his clothes, then I'll find Jen. You search for a way to get into the building," Clint stopped me then pointed out t something I had forgotten, "Dude you are almost seven feet tall and everyone here is less than six three, you won't blend in." I stopped then I patted him on the back then I jumped away to teh base away from woods to the roof. When I landed I saw that I was right next to a guard but he didn't hear me just yet, I froze him to the roof then I made sure he couldn't speak or call in.

After that I ran to the door and I saw it had a card lock on it, I looked back to the guy and saw his on his belt, I reached through the Ice like it was liquid and grabbed it right from him. I saw the guy struggle a bit then I punched him soft enough to knock him out. Then I headed down the stairs, with one goal on my mind, to recover Jen and destroy the base with all the equipment or Hydra crap in here. I saw a couple guards run by a door and I listened to them, "Hey did you see that Hulk girl down stairs, she's kind of hot in a freak kind of way, but her size scares me." One of them said, I went further down the stairs till I came to a locked door with the a small window. I looked through it and I saw that Jen was tied up on a table and about to be cut open, I grabbed the door and I used all my strenght to rip it off it's hinges. I threw the door at the guys in lab coats, as it hit them I jumped out and I freed Jen from the table, just when I saw her land on the ground Captain America came into the room with Hawk-eye. They saw that Jen was in bad shape so we left as fast as we came, but when we got to the stairs to the roof we were met by the Abomination and the Red skull were waiting for us. The Evil Abominatoin charged at us till I caught his fist with my foot and sent him to the ground crashing through the floor. "Cap get Jen out of here and call Tony right now," I said to him and he was hesitaint at first but he felt Jen was getting weaker. "Clint stay here with him and back him up if you can, but don't get in the way." Cap said as he jumped away from the battle that continued, The Red Skull was disappointed that Cap left without fighting him but fixed his sights on Hawk-Eye.

"You know you are weaker than me but you still fight why, shouldn't you carry miss Walters away instead of Cap?" Red Skull asked Clint but he just blew him off and shot an arrow right at his chest, "That was predictable, you need to do better than that like bird." Right when he said that to Hawk-Eye I grabbed a piece of the building and I threw it at Red Skull and almost got him with it but he ran away before it hit him. I was still fighting Abomination with everything I had running him through the whole building and making such a mess that Hawk-Eye made sure he was clear enough not to get hit by a random rock or concret wall. He watched me lose my mind with fighting that monster, I used my Ice and raw power to try to stop the Abomination but nothing was working till I got clawed in the face. It was enough to damage my skin and when I saw I was bleeding I felt a part of me from deep within come out to play. My mind went black and I soon found myself back in passed from when I arrived to the parallel world.

(A Flash back to when Jacob was in the other Earth.)

The ground was filled with debris and broken trees as far as the eye could see, I heard nothing but jets and screams all around, I seem to have found myself in another world or time. I saw this light about a mile down this hill I am on, with my mind focused on finding people I headed down the hill hearing people getting forced into a truck of some kind. I wanted to help them but I saw the people taking the others were weird looking and wore a green cloak like a man from my world. I stood back for a moment then one of the bad guys looked back in my direction, as I noticed he saw me I took off in the other direction as fast as I could. The guy didn't case me but he did call in something, I heard it fly over me and land just on the outside of the brush, I saw it was a villian that I've read about in the paper from years ago, The Scorpion a bug guy that use to fight Spider-man from time to time. The guy tried to stab me with his tail things but I caught it and then I broke it off then hit him with it, I took off running again but I was pulled to the ground by the Scorpion. "You won't escape from me kid, not even Spider-man could get away from me," He said to me and smiled when he picked me up and he tried to choke me out. I still could breath but my mind wanted to run but what happen was I incased us in Ice then I unfroze myself and I escaped running as fast as I could away from the city. I ran so far that I eventually made it to the northwoods in Canada, I only stopped for a moment to rest but I could feel eyes watching me.

I looked around to see the area was covered in clawed up trees and a path straight into the center of this plot of land, I stood after ten minutes of resting and then I walked down the road. I could still sense that I was being watched by something, I couldn't really tell what or who it was but I could feel they were ready to fight me. "I'm not here to fight, I'm just looking for a place to chill till my friend brings me back home. Then when I saw a man come out of the woods I felt a very large person right behind me, I turned to look and I saw who it was, "Hulk, I never would thought to see you here or are you a different hulk?" I said to him and he looked down and got right into my face, "Logan does he smell like someone you know, he doesn't look like anyone I know?" He asked The guy I first saw, that man came up to me and smelled the air towards me. He walked up to me and brought out his metal claws from his fists and aimed them at my throat, "Why do you smell like She-Hulk and Hulk at the same time, who are you kid?" He said to me moving the claws closer to my neck to were my jugular but he stopped when he saw me smile, "I guess because I'm not from this earth Wolverine, I won't confuse you with the details but if Banner was here he can probably understand me better." I said to them but Logan didn't pull his hand away, "How do I know you're not responsible for killing her or one of Doom's minions?" He asked me, I pushed his claws up to my face and tried to cut myself with them but nothing happned, "I'm telling you the truth, also I can't really make you trust me I can only be me."

Logan saw how serious I was about what I told him then he looked at Hulk, "He smells like Jen but something about the smell if different like an oder I haven't smelled before, do you think we can trust him Hulk, or is Banner trying to swade you somewhere else again?" Logan asked him then Hulk seem to calm down and he turned into Banner, "I think we can trust him friend, Hulk and I agree with that much atleast but we need to make sure he's not a really good spy." He told Logan, and then they brought me to a cabin in the deepest part of the forest, Then they asked me questions that I had answers for the most part. "Who are you and are you really from another world, I won't believe you unless you're honest with me." He told me and I sat down in a chair that was free and I told him everything that happened to me in the last few days. "I was on my out of the Stark Expo when a fight broke out between the Avengers and a Villain known as Rhino, I saw my long time friend Kamala was trapped and maybe hurt in the event tent. I jumped in under poor judgement, I have powers that makes me more of a freak or a monster so I like to hide them from everyone, but I saw she needed me so I used my powers to save everyone under the tent and I used my Ice powers to put out the fires, after that moment I saw She-Hulk heading towards a spike in the ground when Rhino threw her. I am bullet proof but she's not, so I jumped to catch her, and when I saved her and she saw one of my powers she asked me to help. Who am I to deny a beauty like that, so I jumped in the fight and I took down Rhino using all my powers for the first time ever. After that I was asked by Tony Stark to meet with him at Avengers tower, I was asked to join the Young Avengers and I took the job. The next day though, actually today I was heading to the tower when I ran into Doctor Strange and then when I picked up a stone he and monster where fighting over I was sent to this Earth."

I took a deep breath and Logan gave me a glass of water, Bruce sat down on his bed or what was his bed and thought it over, "So you're a kid from another Earth opposet to this one, Do you know how long you're going to be here?" Bruce asked me and I couldn't answer that question, "I'm smart but not that kind of smart, your guess is as good as mine," I told him and we came up with a plan, I was to stay with them till I could go home. From that moment I spent six years with these guys learning to control my powers with sparring sessions with Logan and the Hulk, other than that was getting food and wood. Till that day when she came to get us, the Red She-Hulk, A monsterous woman bent on killing everyone she saw, I was in the garden tending to the small crops when she appeared from the woods. She was tall and seem to be on fire with every step she took, She saw me and rushed right for me, I went to block her but saw Logan stopped her and sent her back ten feet with one hit. I pulled myself together and got ready for her, She charged once more but I caught her with a right hook to the face knocking her to the ground. I stepped back to fall to one knee, my body felt weak but I picked myself up again to see she was in my face. She seem to smile, "You're a strong one, but how strong are you little one?" She asked me and I pushed her back and I scrambled to get away from her, I felt her hand grab me once more but she pulled away by Hulk. He finally came to help and Logan jumped in with him but the Red She-Hulk threw them off her and then looked right at Logan, Logan looked at me and told me, "Kid Run, get away from this woman!" He then close his eyes and I took off heading south, I got to the hill and I looked back to see Logan get melted to the ground. Hulk jumped on her but she to killed him the same way, With tears in my eyes I ran away from the fight once more.

I felt my arm was cut from the fight and I saw it wasn't going to heal, I wrapped it up and then I looked at myself in the mirror for a moment, I saw my eye brow was cut too. I was relatively fine. I was in a old gas station away from the fight, instead of walking a normal person I jumped like a hulk would and I got a good few miles away from that crazy woman. I sat down in chair and I broke down finally and I cried for my friends who died to let me live. "I will not let your deaths become meaningless, If I find someone who needs my...." I was begining to say to myself when I saw the Red Woman outside the Station, she looked at the pump and she began to radiat her red Gamma energy every where. I felt the energy enter my cut and it began to change me as she blew up the pumps to kill me for good, but instead I blacked out from the blast instead. When I awoke, I saw It had been a day or two later and she was gone, but somehting about me was different about my body, I stood up and I felt I was much taller than before. I found a puddle of water and I saw that the energy changed me into something that looked human but more godly, I looked like a Hulk and Captain America had a weird baby and a tan man was the result. I saw I was naked and that since Red thought I was dead I would make my way back to the city I started at, So for the next four years I hid from everyone and survived till the day I was able to get back into my original Earth.

(Back to the Regular Story)

My mind thought about that but when I snapped back to the moment I saw I had Abomination by the throat, Clint was yelling for me to stop and then I saw what I was. I had dark blue skin almost like Night-Crawler and that I was even taller then before, When I saw everything I was doing I stopped and I let my enemy go. I changed back to my regular self, I looked around I saw how much destrustion I caused, "Jake let's go, we did enough here," Clint told me and we headed back to New York. I had Hawk-Eye on my back when I ran into Captain who was on his way back, Clint told him what happened and called in a Jet to pick us up and we headed home. On the way home Steve asked me what happened and I could tell him, "I don't know my mind went blank after I got clawed in the face then I woke up not me." Cap looked at Clint and he told more details of the fight, then Cap told me that Jen was hurt but not life threating, thats when both of them saw me start to turn blue again. "Jake calm down son, your starting to turn again, also it's really cold in here." Cap said to me and I saw they were right about me turning blue and I saw Ice forming on the window, "Sorry cap, I guess I don't have full control over my powers still." I said as I sat back in the seat as we flew back to the tower, when we got back Tony and Bruce Banner took a second look at my cells by using the blood cells from the scabs on my face from Abomination's cheap shot.

Tony saw something more than he was expecting, Him and Bruce were never able to see my blood since of Bullet Proofness, now that they could see it even dried a bit it was enough to see what was going on with me. "Here I saw that your cells are much like mine or the Hulks, filled with Gamma properties and shades of a different colors, but they almost seem to be solid like a metal." Bruce was telling us when he looked at it closer on a screen then he said, "We need to see a fresh sample from Jake here to see how it's reacting to red Gamma or green Gamma." He told us and Tony brought out a gun thing that looks to much like a toy ray gun. "This little toy here was made for Jake here and people who might need their tough skin softened incase or a emergency, we can us it to look at Jake better if he wants to." Tony said to us and I welcomed the chance to see what was inside of me, I haven't had a anyone tell me what my body was really doing just that my body was very different and that it takes in energy. Tony put the gun over my left forearm and started the gun, my body felt strange then I felt a needle hit my arm and I saw Bruce was taking come blood, it was a darker blue like my skin back at the Hydra base was for a moment. Bruce then put it in a machine and ran a couple of tests on it, I was able to leave and so I went to check on Jen who was in the medical wored in the tower. She was resting but she looked fine but for her hurt arm and cut in her face. I sat down next to her when Kamala came in to check on Jen herself, she saw me looking at her like a lost puppy.

"What's up with you, I never knew you liked her like that, or you never showed that infront of everyone?" She asked me trying to understand my thinking, I never let me emotions my true emotions leak out to protect the people I cared for. "I don't know what I feel for her, we've only known each other for like a month, but she's been the one besides you to show me friendship after learning my secrets. I know I can be creptic as hell but I really just see her as of now as a friend." I told Kamala, she looked ar my face and saw I never looked right at her, I kept my focus on Jen till She sat right next to me. "You know she was the one or the first one to tell me that my powers weren't a curse or a mistake, she told me we are given what we need in this world to do better." I looked at her and I gave her a weird look, " I know you're religous but I believe everything is given to us by chance, though you might be right. This universe has a way of pushing the balance when It's needed, we just need to be thoughs that push back when the bad guys come knocking." I told her and she hit me a little bit, "We all should believe in something otherwise life seems to dark and chaotic," She said back to me and I smiled at her. "That's the first time you actual smiled at me, I like that smile not the other one you force on your face Jake." She told me and I stopped and looked forword when I saw Jen move, "I never really had a genuinly make me smile in years, after my Mother Past away it's been hard to be happy."

We sat there for a moment after that awkward part of the conversation, Jen sat up and saw she was in a cast and that I was next to her with Kamala. "What happened, all I remember was being stuck on that table and then you threw a door at those guys." She started to say to us and I stood up from the chair and I told her about the fight and about me changing into a hulk like monster, "Ah, so Abomination took you that far to make your hulk form appear, but wait your already strong like one why did you transform into that thing?" She said and I told I didn't know what really happend, then when I was going to say what I thought what happned Bruce came into the room. He had my test results and was coming to check on his cousin, "Ah you're here too, Jake I have some information on the blood we took, and don't worry I destroyed the samples before Tony took them." He sat me down after he talked with Jen for ten minutes with just jen in the room, Kamala left after Bruce came into the room. "Jake what we could find was that you have cells of both your Mutant powers with cells mixed with Gamma energy much like how mine and Jen's are. So what I'm saying you are the first Hulk Mutant, like if Ice-man merged with a Hulk. Two worlds Mutant and a energy accident rolled into a very strong steel case, like a bomb or a reactor times ten." I took a moment then I stood up, "A Hulk and a Mutant, so does that mean I have that X gene that Wolverine and the X-men have?" I asked him and Bruce shook his head "Yes, In a better way of putting it but you could be world braking if you turn to far into your Hulk side, I don't see you going that far but from my experince nothing is impossible."

We talked about that for an hour and I looked at a video on what my cells were doing under the microscope, I saw how my blood was being formed and changed with every second with it looking more like live art than blood. After that moment I went to my room and I sat on my bed till the sun rose on a new day, I knew Jen was fine now since she was a Hulk, but a new trouble was brewing in my mind, "What could I do to keep my Hulkness under wraps and keep it hiden from everyone else?" I said to myself as I fell asleep, that night had a dream were I went to my limit and stopped Doctor Doom from killing all the heroes.