
Cold and Bullet Proof A Marvel Fanfiction Story.

A young 17 year old hero that becomes a big name among the heroes of the world by his raw power and his simplistic but very intelligent mind, kind of Captain America and Bruce Banner calmness. watch him grow from boy to man while he figures out what type of person and hero he is in talks through out his journey.

JacobMWierzba · 映画
6 Chs

Agent Willow

It's been a day since I came back from my ten year journy into another world, no ones fault but I spent that time improving my powers while fighting a world full of demons and monsters. It was to much to tell anyone about but one thing was still certain, I remained me and kept hoping for someone to save me and bring me back to this world. I got up that next morning to take a long hot shower and I cut my hair a bit to look like my younger self. I saw that my old clothes where to small for my newer body, I sent a message to Tony, "Hey I need clothes could you grab me some that will fit me?" Right as I put my stretchy pants on to hear someone knocking on my door. I opened it to see it was She-Hulk with a box of clothes, she took a look at me and saw that Tony was right about how much I grew up from my seventeen year old self. I grew to six foot nine and was way more muscular than before, she saw my scares above my right eye and could smell the body wash that was on me. "I heard what happened to you and Tony said that you might need some new clothes, He had me grab these for you, I have a tailor that makes clothes for me and he does make clothing for large men." She handed me the box and I put the jeanes and shirt on, "How old are you now, Tony said that you were in that world for years but moments for us." she asked me and I told her that I was now Twenty seven now, she got a weird look on her face, "You wanna go grab a bit to eat Jen or do you wanna go for a walk?" I asked her and she blushed after I walked right up to her, "We can go for breakfest or lunch either way, can you keep up with a hulks appetite?"

I smiled at her and then we went to a good private breakfest spot near the tower, Kamala saw me leave with she Hulk and got jelous for a moment, till she realised that I was much older than her now. "He's much older now so he's going to choose the older women now," she said to her self right when White Tiger snuck up from behind her to see how I grew up, "Looks like he got a dose of Gamma radation from that other world just look at him." Kamala punch her in the side and she started to laugh with Tiger, I was entering into the diner to see everyone staring at us. I guess She-hulk never really finds people that can keep up with her, we sat and I ordered a ton of food that I missed having and she ordered the same. After a couple minutes of my eating multiple portions of food She-Hulk asked me, "What happened to you when you were over there, you got a lot taller and I can feel Gamma radation coming off of you but it's faint." I set my fork down and then I told her the whole story about what happened while I was in that world.

"When I got there I felt and smelled death all around me, the world seemed to be dead till I came to a cabin in the woods, the world was earth but after the Avengers failed to protect it from a war between Doctor Doom and Tony Stark. Both died and the only heroes that where left was your cousin Hulk, Logan the Wolverine and a couple rag tag group of X-men still fighting the villains left to rule the world. I was welcomed to stay with Hulk and Logan and did for about six years till a red version of you can to fight everyone. She hit me with a fist of red gamma in the face and I cut my eye brow badley, I lived on my own for a long time after that fighting and surviving demons and monsters from the villains. I lost all my fat and grew taller after that fight with Red She-hulk," Jen looked at me and then asked, "Was she really me or was it someone different?" I told her that it was someone else, then I contiued my story with her sitting closer to me and the whole diner was now listening in now. "When I got cut from that fight I felt a burning feeling on my skin and I began to get tougher. I'm guessing from the radation from Red was still able to boost my powers and the growth was just a side effect, I still retained my mind which is good but my hunger is greater as you've seen this morning."

I told her some more details about how I fought the horrid of monsters to get to the closing portal and how tired I felt after I came back, "It was like everything that I went through was just meaningless at the end, I'm still tired now but I'm happy to be back." I sat back in the chair and looked at She-Hulk, then she asked me, "What wiil you do now, also when are you going to tell your family about what happened?" I didn't think about that at all, I never thought I'd be back to see them again, not saying I forgot them, it's just when your deep into another world like that sometimes comforts like that are just bagged. "I guess when they come to visit later I'll show them what happened, also I'll have to leave school since I'm an adult now technically and it would be wrong to remain there." I said to She-Hulk, she shook her head in agreement then we left so I could go back to the Tower.

When I got there that same security guard came to stop me till he Saw it was me, "Oh god it's you kid, Mr. Stark wasn't lying about you getting old," I looked at the guy and I patted his back and I headed to the dorm area of the tower. I sat on the couch till everyone got up, Stark was the first one to find me flipping through channels on the tv, he sat down next to me and he asked me, "Hey how are you feeling after those ten years in an hour doing to you?" I laughed at him and I told him that I was still tired but I was fine for the most part, "Hey you wanna come with me so we can run some tests on you to make sure that you didn't bring anything back with you." I agreed with him then we went to his lab where Bruce Banner was waiting for me next to a table, "I can tell he has some kind of radation coming from him just by his build." Bruce said when I sat on the table, I looked at him and I seem to be in tears for a moment, "What's up Jake why do you look at me like that what happened over there?" Bruce asked me and I told him more about what happened when the Red She-Hulk showed up. "I watched her Kill the Hulk and Wolverine of that univerese, I lived with the both of them for six years and they were like my angry brothers." Bruce looked at Tony then they ran a couple of tests on my body to see how much Gamma rads I took into my body, when they did all that I told them what I told She-Hulk at the diner.

Tony was intrigued how much radation that I took into my body and that my body was actually eating it and turning it into energy, Then he saw it was disappearing as if it wasn't there. He had Bruce look at it but he was confused by it, "It's like his body is now making the Gamma power from his cells now, it's like he's the reactor now." After that they ran a few tests then I was able to go where ever I wanted, which I went to walk around the city by myself. I found myself being watched by a friendly neighborhood Spiderman from above on top of the buildings, I took off running to see if he'd follow till I lost him for a moment. I jumped from the ground to the roof to see he was looking over the edge for me, I got with in ten feet from him till he spun around, "Yo man, it's me Jake we met a couple days ago, or for me it was ten years ago." I said to him and he looked at me then I made a ice statue of me from when I was seventeen in my hand, Spiderman looked at it then he asked, "Let me guess it was that thing with Strange wasn't it?" I smiled, "Yeah, I picked up this gem stone when he was fighting a monster and it took me to a world like this one but way messed up for ten years my time but only moment for this world." Spiderman got away from the edge then he took off his mask, "Ah I know how that is, by the way I'm Peter, Peter Parker." He said holding out his hand to me, I shook his hand then I saw his little team from the Tower show up around us. Power-man, White Tiger, Nova, Iron Fist and Agent Venom, they all looked at us talking then Nova said, "I don't believe that he's really that fat kid from the other day, he's too muscular."

Nove annoyed me so I put a block of ice on his foot and he couldn't move for a moment, "You trade a punch with me to find out if I'm really Agent Willow?" Everyone looked at me when I said that and then Venom asked, "Is that what you call yourself now," I smiled at him then told him that when I was coming up with hero names that Agent Willow was what I came up with. "It's good for you but it doesn't really strike fear into the heart of villains." I agreed with him but then said to him, "If I start to complete missions in public that my name my become fear itself." Just when I started to have fun conversing with the kids I was called to duty by Cap himself, "Kid we need you for a security job for Nick Fury while he's at a conference at the union building, we also have a new suit for you to ware." I accpeted the mission then I went to the tower to get ready for it, I put on my suit whice was alot like Cap's suit but had Agent Willow on the name patch. I saw the logo for me was tree of life tree and a start behind it, I slapped my name patch then I went to the scram jet for the mission. When I got on the plane I saw Nick Fury was sitting in a chair waiting for me, I walked up to him and I held out my hand. "It's a pleasure to be working for you today sir, don't worry I will keep you and everyone at the meeting today safe no matter what." Fury shook my hand back then he said, "Tony brought you on and says that since then even for it being a coupld days you've proven to be a great addition to the team for being seventeen." I smiled, "Sir I was seventeen till a accident with Doctor sent me to a world for ten years, I came back yesterday and found out that It was just moments of me being gone."

Fury looked at me like I was crazy but her saw I was telling the truth, "Enough small talk, lets get to work kid, just keep everyone safe from outside forces, no one really knows who you are so keep your head down." I shook my head "Yes" In understandment then we headed to the meeting with the jets screaming across the sky for a moment, Fury saw I was focused on the sound of the air craft then he saw they air got colder. "Kid is there a reason you're making the plane cold as shit?" He asked me and I told him that I could hear a abnormality in the haul of the plane, to my guess it was a tracker or a bomb of some kind. I froze the outside of the plane to find it then I used my ice to get rid of the device by incasing it in a block of ice, when we landed on the ground near the building I took a second to look at what it was, I saw it was a kind of tracker so I destroyes it. Ms. Hill, one of Fury's agents saw that I was tagging alone and made a point to try to tell me how to do my job, "you need to stay with the Director till the job is done today no adventuring off kid." I sharply turned to her then I gave her the crushed up bits of the tracker into her hands, "You should do the same and check the hauls of the planes because I found that just moments of being in the plane."

Nick was smirting a bit then Hill looked at her hands to see what it was, she then looked at me to see I wasn't focused on her anymore. I was feeling the air for anything that wasn't human that shouldn't be in the meeting. When the meeting started I was right behind Nick while he spoke about the inncodent revolving Dr. Strange opening the gat to another world, My ears perked up since it involved me a bit. "What are we going to do with him, he's to careless with opening portals and endangering our world with his mistakes." A world leader said to the group and I laughed under my breath, everyone heard me and they all looked at me like I was crazy. "What makes this funny to you Agent?" The President of the United States asked me and I looked right into his eyes, "Do you know whats it's like to be stranded in a world not your own for ten years to survive and watch people die around you. Do you know what heroes really go through day in and day out to keep you safe from the villains and monsters of the world?" I asked him back and he had no answer for me, "The villains don't care who they hurt or invade, the portal that Strange opened was to save a kid that was accidnetly sent to that world, not knowing what was on the otherside he save that kid but at a price he wasn't expecting." I said to him and he asked me, "What happened to that kid, did he die or get hurt?" I shook my head "No," "I spent ten years living in that world for only the few minutes it took to open the portal in this one."

Nick Fury looked amused about how I just let the cat out of the bag like that, that I was the one that was stuck in another world, "Dr. Strange has to battle monsters that seek to destroy all of us no matter time of day, can you really blame a man for just doing his job. Not everyone is perfect or can hold of the horrids of enemies alone, but instead of bitching about it we can put our heads together to come with a solution or just let the heroes do their jobs." I sat down and everyone wanted to ask me a bunch of questions till I saw car from the window above us get crushed in by a flying car, I jumped up from my seat to catch the car. I sat it on the ground away from everyone then I saw it was Rhino, he had escaped from prison and was coming to hunt me down, they guy who humilated him infront of everyone. The monster took a look at me then he saw that I looked a lot different, "Whats with the new look kid?" He asked me and I told him, "Long story big guy but you should go back to prison." Right when I said that a tail from out of no where hit me in the face sending me into the hall. Everyone who was in the meeting all ran away and it was just me and the villains who decided to attack me, I saw it was the snakes from the other day and Rhino. It was like six on one but all you could see was a smile on my face, "Shouldn't you be worried that you're surrounded by everyone here?" Viper who was the leader of the snakes asked me and I looked at her and I smirked a bit more.

Then everyone came in at once and started to hit, kick and bit my skin trying to get me to bleed or break my skin. It was annoying but I let them hit me for a minute till I started attacking everyone sending them all in to the ground. Rhino was the only one who could stand back up to see that my eyes were glowing red, the energy coming off of me was heating the ground but then it froze and I sent a wave of water and put the Rhino in a thick block of ice to keep him from moving. "Now go back to prison, otherwise I will find you and make sure you don't move again." I said to him so quiet that only he heard me and he looked spooked by my words. Then the cops and the rest of Shield came to take them away from the scene, Nick Sury came up to me and thanked me for my service and that I wasn't needed anymore. I went to walk away when Ms. Hill came to talk to me about what just happened and something a bit more. "I am sorry for what I said on the tar mat earlier , you did your job to the letter even though they came here for you. What will you go now, do you need a lift anywere?" She looked at me and I told her that I wanted to back to the tower and she offered me a lift with the jet.

When I got back to home I saw my Dad and Brother were waiting for me on the landing pad, They saw the rumors were true about me looking and beinf older than I was a couple days ago. Dad saw that my skin looked tanner and how my height was almost a foot from what I orignally was. "I guess that you came into contact with Red Gamma energy," My dad said to me and I looked confused to what he said. "our family has a weird reaction with Gamma energy and the red stuff can change us like the green did to the Hulks." Dad explained to me and Tony came in the room with Bruce to hear him say that to me. "So your're telling me that there's more then one type of Gamma energy and you knew about it, is your whole family a bunch of superpowered people?" Tony asked my dad and he smiled at Tony, "To a point, back when the goverment was trying to make another super soldier like cap, My father was a assistant in a undeground lab. There was an accident with some Gamma rays and D.N.A from mutant humans that mixed together and spilled on him, now you have us or Jacob here. The red stuff is the only thing that harm the ones of our family with bullet proof skin and in some cases boost our powers."

My dad was starting to sound like a scientist when She-Hulk came into the room to talk to Bruce, He stopped for a moment to see her look at them and he saw she winked at me. "Guessing she likes you son, you should go out with her, since you can match her height and strenght." Dad said punching my side but he almost broke his hand, "Yeah, she's pretty cool but I don't think she sees me like that since I'm legally seventeen here." I said making everyone think about that for a moment, "He's right but we shouldn't worry about that till we need to," My dad said then everyone left after a couple minutes of talking about my families true history.

"Back in the day when I Father was a assistant all that stuff I told you happened, but when My father married my mother he kept his past hidden from her till the goverment came knocking. They took him and did tests on him for a year till they found out nothing happened to him as what they could see. Then My siblings and I were born a couple years later, I had strenght greater then any man or woman and my other siblings had powers of their own, brother had bullet proof skin and sister was a cold hearted girl for she could freeze anything in their tracks. We hid those from everyone like father told us but we didn't listen very well, we formed a group that fought people who used gamma energy as weapons. We fought this one guy who used the hulk stuff on himself and he became a red version, this was when Bruce just became the hulk and that how I found out that the red stuff sould harm us, my brother died from the red Hulks attacks and sister became a villain from her powers being boosted. I got a boost in strength but I left that life behind and seventeen years ago became a father."

My father told that story and I was sitting on the edge of the landing pad looking at the city, She-Hulk came up from behind me and said "you're still thinking about that other world aren't you?" She asked me and I shook my head "Yes' then I told her that "I might be a bigger danger if I stay here with everyone, just look at what happened at the assembly when I was there to protect the Director." She-hulk laughed a bit, "Yeah that was crap wasn't it, but you did your job and you didn't cause any damage, you saved people from getting hurt." She told me then she put her on my back, "I feel like when I fight that I change a bit with every punch or everytime I use my powers and not in a good way." I got up from the ground and then She-hulk grabbed my hand, "Don't dwell on that to much, you have friends here to help you if you need it." She said to me and I pulled it back, "I don't anyone here that well, people hid who they are behind masks and I'm putting my own face out there. Just look at me now, I look like if Captain America merged with a body builder," I looked at my suit that I was still wearing.

"you need to be more open with everyone, even if your still new to everyone here they still trust you and will help you if you're looking for it." I was smiling but she couldn't see it till I look he way a bit, "You could be right but I should find my own way for a bit before I become a full Avenger, every hero should to become a great hero." I left the room and I head to mine for a bit so I could rest after the fight, when It came around dinner time I headed out. I went down the street to see what kind of reaction people would give me, for the most part everyone was nice to me but there were some that gave me weird looks for me being tall hero. Then when I found myself in the another part of the city I saw there was this small food stall, the guy behind the counter was an old black guy with a stained apron. I walked up to the window and I asked him for some food, "Hey aren't you that kid that just joined those powered freaks, hows Power-man doing I heard he's living in that fancy tower?" He asked me, I told him, "I don't really talk to him very much, we train with different people and I get put on harder missions than him." The guy looked upset at me then he asked, "Do you have a powers greater than him or were you just given different treatment just because he's black?" I looked right at the man and I smiled, "No sir, I just have more experince after an inncident," The guy seem not to be convinced so I asked him if he wanted to hear about it. The guy pulled out a chair and put a "on break" sign on his stall, I then told him more of the story about the ten years."

" I was on my way home to the Avenger's tower to train and get my mission for the day when I ran into Doctor Strange the Wizard guy, He told em to pick up a gem that was next to my feet but forgot to tell me first to use a glove or shirt. That gem's magic sent me into a world much like this one but ran by the villains of the world, the only heroes left were two of the angrest heroes out there Hulk and Wolverine. I found them after fighting my way through monster, bots and bunch of demon like beings, I lived like that till I found my way to the forest up north away from everything. There I found both those heroes and I was offered to live among them since I could defend myself for six years. I lived with them till we were attacked by a Red Hulk Woman who managed to cut my brow after she killed Hulk and melted the wolverine down to a puddle of multen metal. I escaped and I headed to the dead zone or that what I called to and lived on my own for four years, the wizard around the tenth years that I was brought to that world saved me from what I called hell. When I came back to this world I found out that only moments passed for everyone else here for what tens years were for me in that other world." The guy I was telling the story to took a sip of water then he said, "Damn kid, I don't know about the magic stuff but you've been through hell and I still wondering something."

I saw the guy get up and he stepped behind the cart, "Are you hungry for some good food?" He asked me and I shook my head, "Yes" then he handed me a plate of ribs and a burger. "You've been through alot and I can see you're not an asshole so that food is free today." I knew he wasn't going to let me pay him so I left him a tip of two hundred dollars in his tip jar, "Thank you for hearing my story friend, do you mind if I stop by once in a while?" The guy smiled at me son you can stop buy anytime and buy yourself a plate of good food from my at half price." I shook the mans hand then I headed home to sleep and when I was about half way there I ran into a short woman with black and green tights on. She fell to the ground and I saw her freak out when I touched her but for her suprise nothing happened, "What are you and why aren't you being hurt by my touch?"