
Code Name - Angel of Death

Follow Azrael an orphan born on 28th-century earth who finds himself in a new world after his fall in battle. With newfound freedom in a world not his own, will he follow the same path as before as the angel of death, or will he find a new way forward? First World Is Star Wars. ~~~~ Cover Photo: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/2xVzEA

MrMaddog · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Requests and Questions

[Date: ??? | Location: Void - World Tree Realm | POV: Azrael]

"Now Azrael I know how much you would love to explore the world I have created, but I think it would be better to send you to another world that would suit your abilities and help you fully awaken your true heritage, as for that world, myself and your bloodline progenitor have decided that the world known as star wars would be the best new start for you, and before we send you that world I'm willing to fulfill some requests I'm sure you will have, as for why. Let's just say I see something in you and I feel you and I will be working together a lot in our future"

After Gray finishes speaking, the little girl leans forward with her hands held behind her back, looking at him with glowing eyes, it was at this moment the world seems to freeze at her movements everything seemly frozen in time, and the world is lost all color other than themselves.

"Well for the requests I would have to ask to have all my gear back that I used while working for the federation with my sub-space inventory having extra materials" requested Azrael with a happy smile

Gray just shrugs "figured. as for the extra materials, it's not anything overkill for you to abuse. I will also give a unique device attached to you portable terminal, that allows you to store all the materials and Exo armor and mech, That should free up space on both your Exo armor and mech" she snaps her fingers, Azrael feels a sudden change and is now wearing his Exo armor with his normal weapon loadout with his helmet retracted and his hooded trench coat over this armor.

Azrael after checking everything turns to Gray "This is an odd request but can I have a system to help me track my abilities and other such things?" Gray eyes seem to light up on hearing his request "I didn't think of that, I'm sure there other such gods that have the framework for such a thing. I will be right back" Gray with what could be called a shit-editing grin suddenly vanished. 'I suddenly feel bad for the god sees going to see' thought Azrael

[Date: ??? | Location: ??? | POV: ???]

An unknown entity sitting in a chair in the white void suddenly got up with a cold sweat, "OH FUCK, WHAT DID I DO TO GET HER ATTENTION DID ONE OF THOSE IDIOTS BURN DOWN ONE OF HER TREES???" suddenly Gray appeared in the white void, "Hand over the framework for the system you love to hand out" requested Gray with the same shit-eating grin Azrael just before had seen.

"FINE TAKE IT" responded the unknown entity as he was about to shit himself, he handed her a green and black floating orb with unknown runes, Gray just smiles and takes the orb and looks at it for a second, the orb changed to bright golden with green highlights, and brown roots with very beautiful runes, once done Gray vanished and the white void return back to silence, "what was that about?" seemingly talking to itself, a very lovely voice suddenly spoke out "None of you're business, and just so you know I'm well aware of what you have been doing", the poor entity nearly having a heart attack.

[Date: ??? | Location: Void - World Tree Realm | POV: Azrael]

Gray suddenly appeared in front of him again with a very happy smile, and suddenly rushed toward him with an unknown orb in her hands and slaps the orb into his head, "Done should start working when you leave, also I linked it to myself as well as the void market run by other entities, you would be surprised what other are willing to sell"

Azrael feeling nothing different just shrugged, taking her word for it, "Ok now I have a question before we move on, what about the force? it seems kinda unproductive giving me an ability that would stop working once I left that world?", gray just smiles at him.

"Again figured, but good question. I and your bloodline progenitor talked about this issue, but we found it not an issue, for the most part, we both are going to give you our blessing, I will give you my blessing of life, and she would give you the blessing of death, to be honest, these are kinda useless in the long run as your bloodline have has this natural affinity as well as others, but our blessing is just a short measure to get you started, just so you know the force would view you as an extension of itself, so any abilities you learn would not have any psychological effect, and later you natural abilities will allow you to use them. in different worlds in the future"

Azrael just smiles back, 'i learned a lot about Yggdrasil and my bloodline progenitor just from that explanation, so it's her who is she?' with that thought he suddenly saw a white city, with an entity rapped in a black cloak holding a giant black scythe.

But most striking were the 3-sets of near void black wings behind her, as for how he knew it was a woman he just knew, as well as she was smiling at him seemed to feel the feeling of parent love, again he didn't know how he knew that as he had never expected such emotions before.

As he was thinking about her appearance, he was back in front of Gray who was smiling at him with a knowing look. He looked back at her "I cannot think of anything else?, just another question what period will I be arriving in and how?"

Gray just giggles at him "about a year before the invasion of Naboo so about 31 BBY, as for how. That I will leave to you as a surprise, should help you think of a back story and keep you on your toes"

After speaking Gray just turns her back to look at her main body, and then started to speak again, "Well Azrael it's time for you to go" shes turns back to look at him again with a sad smile "Don't worry we will meet again"

Azrael's world again turned to black with the last thought 'This is going to hurt isn't it'