
Cloudkitty Chronicles - Baadal Billli

Meet Isra, a little genius with a mischievous spirit. When she and her partner-in-crime Khadija stumble upon a talking cat made of clouds, all bets are off! Isra, the tiny maniac with knack of making world ending schemes, cooks up a plan to kidnap it. Little do they know, this plot is the start of an adventure that will lead them into a world of powerful magical creatures and far-off alien lands. Get ready for a journey packed with laughs, sorrow, and amazing powers.

sherjanmirza · ファンタジー
97 Chs

Rage of a Queen!

A pillar of condensed light emerged from the rocky ground, cracking it in a loud roar, and just by looking all sunrays, all the luminance of the day, suddenly converged itself and settled upon a bright figure that was hidden somewhere between the twisting pillar.

Leaving the sun as nothing but a dimly lit orb in the sky, it seemed as the radiance of the day had decided to betray the sun, choosing a new ruler for itself.

The abominable general was seconds away from decapitating the prince of Luminaras as his giant axes were almost about to the touch the neck when something broke away from the pillar and streaked forward, in the dark lightless world, it looked like an ethereal blur.

The demon did not know what happened, his head just fell on the ground holding the expressions of awe, In the black reflection of its dead eyes Lara, walked away from the roaring pillar, a hand stretched outwards and in it was a slender long sword that curled at the end, it had sharp vines climbing up the blade in irregular manner.

Each step made the world even more darker than before, as more and more radiance entered her being.

Eyes contorted in an rageful expression and wisps of smoke leaving her lips, Lara looked too menacing, her eyes were stuck at the stone demoness, who was cheerfully, still sitting on the stone throne, enjoying the cinematics.

She looked down at Rohaan, then whispered


A hole of darkness emerged from underneath the prince and just before he was about to fall in,

The stone demoness was upon him, It seemed as she had taken either deep liking or obsession with the prince.

"Not so fa-"

A loud thunderous punch broke through her face splattering her on the ground before she could even finish the sentence, it was packed with such raw energy that the clouds started swirling above them.

"How dare you" Lara spoke, light escaping from her lips.

Wasl lifted her arms up, her left side of the face was completely broken as if she was some porcelain doll. There was overwhelming fear in the stone demoness eyes.


Somewhere far away from the civilizations and societies, amidst a ravaging storm , a lonely black island silhouetted against the brutal waves, Its most prominent feature was the gigantic spike like citadel in the middle, this was the place where Qatan had fought and killed the sovereign, decades had passed since the revolutionary event.

The crow found himself above the clouds, above the rain and storm, looking at the slippery giant structure and a lonely balcony protruding by one of its side, it was almost impossible to maneuver himself due to the ravaging storm below, and enter the citadel from the balcony, but he didnt care.

He flapped his wings twice then shot right at the balcony, just before entering the storm he snapped closed his eyes, to protect himself from the onslaught of storm.

His tiny heart was beating furiously, this had worked a couple of times in the past but it nevertheless too dangerous,

suddenly he felt himself getting steered, the winds were ravaging but the maneuvers felt too familiar and a second later he found himself clashing against the inner walls of the citadel, successfully entering from the balcony.

tiredly getting back on his feet, he dried himself as an exhausted sigh escaped from his beak, it was time to enter shargh, he had been using the personal gateway of the sovereign Inara, fortunately, it had remained undocumented and ignored for past years, it was his little secret.

Climbing up several stories he finally found a small quarter with a tombstone like structure dug straight into the wall,

"Here we go"

He still could not believe that it was impossible to resist against whatever was steering him from deep inside, he only knew that he had to do what he was told,

and he was told to infiltrate one of the most heinous place in the entire sehra.