
Cloudkitty Chronicles - Baadal Billi

Meet Isra, a little genius with a mischievous spirit. When she and her partner-in-crime Khadija stumble upon a talking cat made of clouds, all bets are off! Isra, the tiny maniac with knack of making world ending schemes, cooks up a plan to kidnap it. Little do they know, this plot is the start of an adventure that will lead them into a world of powerful magical creatures and far-off alien lands. Get ready for a journey packed with laughs, sorrow, and amazing powers.

sherjanmirza · Fantasy
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104 Chs

The oddest and bestest of friends in two worlds

In a calmingly hushed enviroment, splattered before the gateway, both sisters had their gazes locked on the glowrifters, each lost in her own plethora of thoughts, moment by moment, the glowrifters were increasing in density, their color was a beautiful shade of shimmering purple.

It indicated that a soul without corruption was passing through the space and time,

Amawas looked extremely relieved looking at the glowrifters, her yellow eyes were hiding a million secrets behind them, a million stories and ploys, but the ethereal moment they were in felt too precious to ruin by the evergoing charade of schemes, she was just happy to be in the moment for now.

Suddenly, the entire infrastructure glowed with brilliant light, painting the entire underground in hues of blues,

Amawas stood up then walked to Aatish, lifted her up, she had suffered tremendously, this was the effect of polarizing her powers, a trick she had learned from Sharhukh.

Queen Lara was standing between them in the next heartbeat, she placed a palm over Aatish's chest as a calming, yellow light, traveled through her stony body, revitalizing it with strength,

"Follow me, dark one, Aatish you stay here," she said in a different demeanor than usual, it hinted a deep burried agression and rage, bubbling to get out, the intensity sent shivers down Amawas's spine.

Just like that the queen along with Amawas disappeared,

Soon the holy gathering of thousands of glow-rifters shifted as they started swirling freely away from the structure, following a dimmed trail of illuminance left behind the Queen, like a tendrill of pure brilliance in a sea of impenetrable darkness, they had decided to stay and and witness the event aswell.

It was a highly unlikely behaviour from the glowrifters, Aatish did not know anything about them, they were simply too mysterious and legendary.

Following the ethereal scene, four figures emerged from the gateway, covered in brilliant uniforms to safeguard the travel, interplanetary travel took a huge toll even on the natives of sehra.

Behind the squad of Luminaras came the elite squad of bird of preys, They looked different and formidable than usual,

One of them parted and walked to Aatish, bowed his head, his deep purple eyes captured Aatish's flames dancing in them,

"Commandress" He said in a heavy voice

Aatish nodded,

"This is from the Empress" He continued, then placed a feather on her head,

Nothing changed outwardly but Aatish stood up with renewed strength, she felt lighter than before, she quickly summoned her dagger and noticed the change in flames, they were too violent and powerful upon it,

That gave her a smirk

"Let's go," she commanded, everyone obeyed, and they all departed to save Rohaan.


Like a soft pillow that slowly absorbs you, calms you, nurtures your tired muscles and takes out all the worries from your head, the comfort of the usual lives were slowly sucking in Haniya,

Her routine was simple, it was to get up, goto the university and study the architecture, have no worries about her little feral sisters, have lunch at the cafeteria, then goto the bakery in the afternoon and help her father.

There was literally no anxiety at all,

That was until tonight

Standing in freshly painted living room were three people, Haniya, Isra, and their demon lord mother Amna,

"Ammi i can't waste another day, i'm sorry, ask Miru to take her" Haniya contested yet again for the thousandth time, on the same topic, but the frail effort infront of the demonic aura of her mother was simply laughable

"Did i ask?" Ms.Amna said

"No.." Haniya replied

Isra was grinning like an idiot standing beside them,

"Come on Hanu aapi, it'll be funn, i've something to tell you too that will make your mood better"

Currently Haniya was being asked to accompany Isra on her school trip, they could take one family member with them, Ms.Amna knew her children, that's why she was sending Haniya, supposedly the most sensible one in all of them, to keep an eye on the little demon.

"And you..." She turned her head looking directly in the grey ethereal eyes of Isra,

"One more complaint..." She lifted a finger.

"What did i ever d-" Isra tried to protest

"Shh!" But a voilent Shh shusshed her,

"The matter is settled, tomorrow early morning, take her to the trip," She handed Haniya fifteen hundred rupees

"Buy her whatever she likes from there," That furnished Isra's face with a smile, so what she had the potential to be one of the most powerful being in the five worlds, she was still a small child.

"Finneeeee" Haniya sighed.


Flying above the fluffy clouds right under the nose of bright moon, the crow finally talked freely about everything that had his chest congested, all the secrets, centuries old, secrets that could break the planets, break the system, but Gimpi listened quietly,

Gimpi told him about his wife and son and how much they meant to him, how much the Empress meant to him, he insisted on how he was always ready to lay down his life for her but despite being extremely tiny, he sometimes wondered if he could really have a bigger impact if it came to helping her.

The crow listened attentively, he would twitch and mumble nonsense in between but Gimpi did not mind at all, after a while they descended on a tiny rock, it overlooked the calm hotspring, above it were luminiscent butterflies slowly fluttering, finding the moon nector,

It was a long, awaited, moment of true peace,

the crow sat down on the rock comfortably,

He really needed a deep rest, it had been a long time since they all sat down with each other, the last he could remember was with the girls, but due to his condition even that precious memory was fading away into fog, it brought a tear in his eyes as it fell upon the stone below.

He shook his head and got up,

It was time for the next job,

"sometimes, all that is holding a wall together, is a tiny unnoticable pebble burried somewhere in the base," The crow said, then looked at Gimpi.

"so dont think of yourself as unimportant when it comes to the bigger picture, protect the Empress for me Gimpi" he continued.

Gimpi was speechless, he simply nodded,

"thankyou friend" he said and lifted his tiny raddish hand up in a fist, the crow tapped it with his wing, it was probably the first fist bump ever done in the Sehra,

"I have to go somewhere now,"

Gimpi shook his head affirmatively,

"Safe journey"

"you too" the crow replied and took off, he made a brief stop at the hot-springs and the host, very graciously offered him a blue flask with white shimmering engravings upon it, he took it and bowed his head down, then flew away.

The next part of his mission was perhaps the most dangerous, it could be his last mission ever, he still did not know why he was doing the things he was, but something was nudging from the subconscious,