

shinuzaki2002 · ファンタジー
28 Chs

chapter 10

before we move on wu tian and his master xiao wen had a fight between women because wu tian he's pervert sometimes and their are times that wu tian don't want to see those things but accidentally see them.



"(sigh)" wu tian came out at his teleportation door and his uncle's are surprise that his back all of a sudden. (surprised) "oh? why are you back wu tian?" right hand personel ask wu tian and he sigh again. "(sigh) well I just finish my game and master xiao had a fight with me." wu tian explain it to his uncle and he smile. "that's a surprise, xiao wen never had a fight with his disciples expect with his teammates and master." right hand personel touched his chin and wu tian raised an eyebrow. "I don't know why but she seems to hate me for some reason." wu tian look at the sky and right hand personel said. "well, she's not like that, maybe that's the way she shows her emotions." right uncle look at wu tian and wu tian peek a little gaze. "well, maybe but... she seems a little bit weird when it comes to me and we only met a few days ago she's already like that." wu tian said while thinking like he knows xiao wen. "(sigh) xiao wen is always like that just let her be when she's angry." right hand uncle said and wu tian nod. "by the way uncle where is master gu?" wu tian ask his uncle and he said. "well, he's out for a while to do some of his training." he said while looking at wu tian and wu tian ask. "where could he be right now? I want to see him." wu tian drink the tea and uncle right said. "his on the top of the mountain right now, I think?" he said while asking himself and wu tian nod. (opening the portal) "I'll be back in a minute uncle." (closing the door portal) "(sigh) he's really a grown up man now, oh well, like mother, like son of course." while looking up the sky, wu tian was heading to master gu's training place.



"hey, old gu, you've been training here all day." master suddenly stopped his training and look back. "what are you doing here, disciple wu tian?" he ask his disciple and wu tian said. "well, it's been days that I'm gone and didn't even have a quarrel with you." wu tian said while sitting on the rock. "well yeah, but why are you back so early?" aster gu's ask wu tian and he said. "I had a fight with xiao wen and... I'm just here to relax myself that's all." wu tian lie on the rock and look up at the sky. "ha! that's unusual even and you have a quarrel for being lazy when training." master gu said while looking at wu tian and wu tian sit up straight. "and I've never thought that I could be having this second life of him." (mumble to himself) "did you say something wu tian?" he ask wu tian and he said. (casting) "I've never thought that this magic are existing in this era." he said while playing at his magic. "what do you mean, wu tian?" he ask wu tian and he said. "this magic that I'm playing now is from 21st century." he said while looking at his master and he widened his eyes. (on master gu's thought) "21st century? how could that be?" -> "if you know how to learn it, how did you do that?" he ask him and wu tian said. "I know master gu that you are not from this era and I've noticed that." wu tian frown his eyes and master gu widened his eyes. "Ho.. how did you know that?" he ask him while stepping back his legs and wu tian smirk. "why are you smirking?" master gu glare at him and wu tian said. "we are on the same boat." he said and master gu ask. "the same boat? what do you mean?" he look at him and wu tian said. "because the same as you I came from 21st century." wu tian stood up and master gu widened his eyes. (on master gu's thought) "is it really possible that this guy in front of is the son of master hao? but that's impossible." master gu look at him and wu tian raised an eyebrow. "???" while raising an eyebrow, master gu was thinking. (on master gu's thought) "let's just say that I didn't hear those words that he just said just now." -> "do you have a proof that you are from the 21st century?" master gu ask wu tian while frowning his eyes. "yes, I do have my own proof of course... (casting) do you know what is this magic called in our era?" he ask his master and master gu said. "wait! that magic is a portal door, If I combined the teleportation and the magic door the result is it will be like that." he pointed at the portal door and wu tian nod. "yes, your correct about that and this is not the only one (casting) this magic called black hole it can be deadly in one shot because this magic is can eat and teleport it into another world am right, master gu?" he ask his master and he nod. (nodding) "your right, I wasn't expecting to see another time traveler."

after a few minutes wu tian and master gu head back to fairy forest and drink some of tea or wine. "oh, your back." right uncle noticed their arrival and wu tian sigh on the rock chair. "yeah, we're back can I have some tea uncle?" he ask his uncle and he pour it into another cup. "thanks uncle." wu tian drink the tea and his uncle ask. "what did you talk things with your master?" he look at him and wu tian said. "well, just talking some not interesting things that's all." wu tian drink his tea and right uncle smirk.

so... on the next chapter let's just continue reading what's gonna happen next this is your newly writer.
