
Claws Of The Alpha

"I, Zes Xander, reject you, Knox Everett, as my mate, the King of werewolves and Alpha of Silver Moon Pack." As those words left my mouth, tears fell all over my face. Knox looked shocked. To break a mate bond he should accept it. "I do not accept it," he replied with a blank, emotionless. But his eyes held a lot of emotions I couldn't do anything. I trusted him. I trusted him easily. I trusted him even after all I got from everyone I trusted was a betrayal. Why do I do the same mistake every time?

Zes · ファンタジー
66 Chs


I woke up to something heavy on me. Oh god. I opened my eyes to see what it was.

"Hey overgrown baby," I said as I played with Knox's head

"Shhh" He whispered

"Knox your heavy" I mumbled

"It's not fat babe," He says sleepily

"I didn't say your fat, babe," I said with a chuckle

"But you meant it" he Whined sleepily

Did I mention it that he is still sleeping he didn't open his eyes?

I stopped playing with his hair making him groan. He kept moving his hand here and there to find my hand I guess. I let out a chuckle which made him open his eyes. He looked around and then took my hand and kept it on his head. I rolled my eyes and started playing with his hair.

He hummed in satisfaction. God, I love this loser. I took my hand from his head and tried to reach for my phone, keyword tried. I guess Knox got annoyed by me moving here and there, cause he let out an annoyed grunt and took the phone for me. I mumbled a sorry to him and checked the time.

It was 8:30 and we school at 9. Right when I was about o jump and wake Knox up. Zene told it was Saturday. I let out a sigh. I thought today was Friday. God!

"Knox, remember I told you we have school today?" I cooed

He hummed in response

"Well today is Saturday so no school," I said as I threw my phone on the couch

"I wasn't planning on going to school today" He mumbled

"Knox you either go upstairs and sleep or get up do works," I said as I kissed his forehead

"no," He said like a kid saying no to give his chocolate.

He opened his eyes and snuggled closer to me. Honestly, it was suffocating, his grip on the waist is strong and he is hugging me tightly.

"Knox you are suffocating me," I said

"You are a werewolf, You can breathe better than any human," He said as kissed my neck

My breath hitched. This guy! He kept kissing my neck, kept searching for my sweet spot, He found my sweet spot as I let a loud gasp when he sucked on a certain spot, He kept on sucking on spot letting me know that's where he will mark me, I could feel him smile through my skin. I kept biting my lip to prevent any sound coming out.

"Dont kill your girlfriend," I said through heavy breathing, as I had a hard time collecting my breath

He stopped sucking on my neck and looked at my neck as if he did some artwork. I let out a sigh.

"You either make breakfast or do the laundry," I said

He huffed and got up. He sat on the couch running his hands through his hair. I couldn't help but look at his body, the abs, the muscles. I got up, I stretched and was about to get up before somebody decided to lie on my lap.

I glared at him and he pouted in return.

"Get up, "I said

"No," He said in return

"I am hwungry" I whined and then pouted

He muttered some colorful words and went upstairs. I let out a chuckle.

"Wiskey come to mama" I shouted

I heard a bark and came running my baby. He jumped and now he is on top of me.

"Is my baby hungry" I cooed to him as I pet him.

He barked and started licking my face. He is 14 weeks, That's 3 1/2 months I guess.

I got up and fed him. He started eating, I also kept some water for him. I need to take him for a walk. I need to change my clothes. I told Wiskey to stay here when he started following me when I started walking upstairs. When I was halfway upstairs I ran quickly down and checked if the doors and windows were locked. I am not risking another attack by my insane brother. I let out a sigh of relief when every door and window was locked.

As I was walking upstairs Knox was coming downstairs, he was dressed and his hair was wet. he showered. Staring at him too much makes him smirk. He was wearing a black full hand T-shirt which stuck to his body perfectly and was wearing black ripped jeans.

"could you pls take Wiskey to walk, "I asked with the best puppy dogs I could make

"I was gonna go Starbucks," He said

"Can you take Wiskey to walk, buy Starbucks and breakfast?" I said giving him hug

I go run to my room before he can say no, I grabbed Wiskey's leash and ran back down and handed it to him. I hate putting a leash on Wiskey but I got no other option.

Knox just left. I am alone. The thought struck me a lightning bolt. I am scared of being alone. Not actually scared. I dont like staying alone. That's why I am always with Wiskey. Honestly, I can assure you that dogs dont betray their mama or best friend. They are the most loyal creature. So I can tell you its easy to trust a dog than a human. I think you get the point.

I sigh and head upstairs for a shower. I put some music, I love Why Dont We, The guys look hot their voices are amazing. Cold in la started playing. I increased the volume and went to shower. I was singing the songs in the shower. At that moment I knew its gonna be a long shower. (if u are a limelight comment down below).

I dressed, after debating with myself if I need to match with Knox or no. I decided to match cause why not. I wore a black full sleeve T-shirt with black ripped jeans.

I increase the volume of the speaker and head downstairs. I was ready to call Knox and ask him where he was but my phone is upstairs. Playing music near the speaker I guess. I was having a debate with myself. But suddenly the door burst open and came fuming Knox. He stormed toward me.

"Are you ok ?" He rushed

"yea...?" It was more of a question than a statement

"Why haven't you picked your phone ?" He asked angrily

"I..um....was...in....the shower ?" I stated so unsurely

He just let out an angry breath and sat on the couch. I was about to ask what to happen but I was diverted as I couldn't see Wiskey. I look around to find him carried by Knox. I went and closed the door, oh, and I didn't forget to check if the douchebag locked the car and parked it properly.

After doing a check on everything I came back to Knox who is still sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. I went to him. I took my baby from his hand and put the baby down. Who runs around. I let out a sigh and somehow managed to sit on his lap. It's not like he pushed me away or something, he was the one who put me on his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck and stared at his gorgeous blue orbs.

"What happened, babe?" I asked him

He sighed before he started talking.

"Well, I went to Starbucks first cause I was hungry and Wiskey already ate so he was cool and your drink was iced so.... shit" This is what happened before he threw me on the couch and ran outside.

He threw me! I let out a laugh and sat properly resting my head on my hand and waiting for nuisance to come from wherever he went. He came running into the house went somewhere into the house. I sat on the couch with complete amusement. After a fraction of second, he went running outside the house with toilet paper in his hand. I sat there amused by the show.

I walked to the garage following him. I found that my loser of a boyfriend spilled caramel apple frappuccino in the car in god knows what hurry. My stomach let out a growl. My eyes caught the attention of something amazing, my iced black tea on top of the car. I went and grabbed my drink from the top of the car and sipped it. The felling of the bitter cold liquid going down my throat was pure bliss. I somehow managed to climb the top of the car and enjoyed my drink.

Knox noticed my presence and stared at me as if I am a heartless bitch. I raised my brow in question.

"No help?" He asked pointing to the mess he did

"I would have helped if you didn't throw me on the couch," I said through gritted teeth, and no I wasn't mad I am joking around.

"And I am quite enjoying this" I added

"Meanie" I heard him mumble

After a while of waiting for this loser to clean I lost patience cause I finished my drink and he is still cleaning and let me tell you this, he didn't clean any better. I hopped off the car and pushed this loser after handing him the empty cup. I cleaned it up in few minutes and after I was satisfied with the stickiness gone and the seat was sparkling clean I checked for any more mess. I didn't find any so I closed the door and took the empty cup from Knox whose mouth was hanging open.

"How..?" He managed to choke out

"What ?" I asked confused

"I spent 30 minutes to clean that but it still didn't get cleaned just cleaned for like 10 minutes" he reasoned

I just shrugged in return and went inside. He came inside shortly.

"Care to explain why no breakfast?" I asked him

He rubbed his neck and said.

"I called to ask you what you want for breakfast but you didn't pick the call so I thought you were in trouble and came back just with Starbucks"

"OK fine" I sighed

"Go upstairs take my purse and phone," I told him

He nodded and went upstairs. I love Knox. No, I am not giving him a lot of work. I clean the house, wash the dishes, and do the bed. We do take turns on doing the laundry, he cooks and does some work, like he helps his dad in some paperwork.

"I got it," says, Knox

"Okie" I exclaimed

I pull him out of the house and lock the house. We both kept walking to towards the car, I saw Knox going through his phone I do twirl and snatch the phone. I suddenly feel something sting on my neck. I winced a little causing Knox to check what happened. I bring my hand to my neck and found something, I pulled it out, it was a tranquilizer. But my vision soon became blurry I couldn't hear anything. The last thing remember before I let the darkness consume me.


Shit. Shit. Shit. I had one thing to do and I messed it up. I am definitely going to die today. That thought made sweat drip from my forehead. Before I get caught I run away from the place. I had one job to do, I messed it up. Alpha is definitely gonna behead me.

I run my way to our temporary base. It was an underground place. I gulped as I saw the Rogue alpha sitting and Zachary standing next to me.

"Well?" Alpha asked

"I ..um.." I stammered

"spit it out" Zachary gritted

I closed my eyes tight and told them

"The shot missed Knox, But it hit Zes instead"

In a fraction of second, I was on the ground

"How dare you hurt my sister, The amount of Wolfsbane and silver in tranquilizer was enough to kill any wolf" Zachery growled

I understood Zachary is on top of me pinning me towards the ground

"You did what ?"Growled the Alpha

"Kill him," Said the Alpha as I cowered back

"Gladly," Said Zachary who had an unknown spark of emotion in his eyes

I let out a Whimper as Zachary dragged me to the dungeons. He is probably going torture me to death


Zes blacked out. I immediately picked her up and put her in the car. After that, I sped to my Pack. All the way to my pack tears threatened to spill and tried my best to wake her. She didn't move a muscle.

'Zene is not responding, Pls drive quick' Ryder whimpered out

'I am, I am' I said

'she is going to be ok' I reassured him and he knows I was reassuring myself also

I probably broke the traffic rules and I could care less. We reached my pack. I didn't turn off the car either, nor did I park it properly I picked her up and dashed to pack the hospital. As soon as I reached the pack hospital I yelled

"I NEED THE DOCTOR RIGHT NOW" the nurses cowered but I would care less. I heard footsteps approaching this way. I saw the doctor, as soon as she saw Zes. She took her into the hospital room leaving me alone. I tried my best to control my emotions.

Right after Zes was taken for evaluating my mom and dad stormed towards me.

"I dont know what happened but somebody shot a tranquilizer at her and she blacked out, I have a feeling it was meant for me cause it hit her when she exchanged positions with me when we were walking towards the car. stupid her can't stand in one place. Stupid me I couldn't protect her" I rambled but my mom cut me off with a hug

"It's okay" She whispered calming and soothing me

I heard the door open making me pull away from the hug. The doctor was the one who came out.

"Alpha, Luna" She acknowledged them, they nodded in return

She turned to. I could feel my Heartbeat going faster and faster.

"Knox, Zes is...." She started

And that's when I felt my world crumble