

"Hmmm" James hummed not paying attention to Ryder.

"RY" I warned.

He chose to ignore me.

"We picked the phone to tell that u were in the restroom" Ryder continued

"RYDER" I snapped

I could see James and Samuel gulp at my outburst. Ryder ignored me again.

"Someone was talking about a spy, microphones, and stuff..... Care to explain?" Ryder continued.

That nerve of him to ignore me, and go against me!

"RYDER! let Knox have control now!" I growled.

I made a promise to myself I won't use my powers on him.

"No" he growled back.

"Ryder" I warned.

"No" He huffed.

"I will deal with you later," I said to Ryder.

"James explains before I lose my control," I said to him.

"I can't tell you" He hesitated.

"Course you can," I said through gritted teeth.

"They will kill my sister" He whispered

"They will what ?" I asked shocked.

"You said she is on a trip," Ryder asked.

'There are microphones everywhere in this house, I only fixed two of them in your room and Knox's, there is some other spy in our pack' He mind linked me.

'Do you know them' I asked through the mind link

'I dont know her name but I can only tell you someone is in trouble in your pack' He said

'Zes please save my sister' He said, I saw a tear slip on his face

I hugged him

"I will do what I can do to save them" I whispered

Ryder growled. He stood up from the chair and punched the table. The table broke. He was not in control, his emotions were not stable.

I growled.

"Samuel, control your son, I am already angry! ask him not to make it worst" I growled.

Ryder started to walk towards James. I stood in front of James protecting him. He charged at James but since I was in front of James, I had to fight Ryder. Ryder threw a punch aimed towards James. I ducked pulling James with me.

I tackled Ryder, he fell to the ground. I lost balance, I slipped on one of the wood pieces of the table and fell on top of him. He held both arms, trying to get me off him, my hands were on his neck, not letting him get up but not choking him. His claws were piercing through my skin. I winced in pain as the blood flowed through my arms. If I could choke him I could stop all this but I can't.

This brings too much memory. It was when I tried to push... nevermind.


God my son just went rampage. Zes could choke him, she is hesitating. She is bleeding, Because of Knox's claws. She should use her power but she is not. I pulled Zes of him and choked Ryder.

"Ryder snap out of it" I growled.

He growled in response.

"Ryder look you hurt Zes, she is in pain because of you! She is bleeding because of you, You hurt your mate" I yelled.

Ryder's face softened. His eye color turned grey to blue. His face carrying a frown. He took my hands of him and walked towards her.


I hurt Zes. She is bleeding because of me. Because I couldn't control Ryder. It's all because of me. I was angry at myself. I slowly walked towards her getting out of my father's grip.

I examined her arm. I didn't fail to notice she flinched when I touched her. That broke my heart. I picked up the sobbing Zes and took her upstairs to her room. I went to the washroom and placed her on the counter. I started cleaning the wounds.

"I am sorry" I whispered with a certain vulnerability.

"It's okay babe it will heal, you okay?" She said softly.

I looked up to see her face. Her eyes showed concern.

"It's not okay Zes! I hurt you" I snapped.

She brought her hands up to cheek and caressed my skin.

"Were you in control when you hurt me?" She asked.

"Nooo..." I said lost in thoughts.

"Ryder hurt me and I think Zene is giving Ryder silent treatment" She added with a chuckle.

"You know the fact that you are calm is more annoying than the fact I hurt you," I said.

She chuckled and replied.

"We both have Alpha blood in us if we get angry there is gonna be chaos, hun," she said

"God I should have recorded this, Zes saying something which makes sense," I said with an amused smile

She rolled her eyes and hopped off the counter.

"I need to change clothes again" She whined.

I laughed at her. She threw a pillow at me playfully growling. I rolled my eyes.

"Dont you roll your eyes at me, I am still mad at!" She said as she rampaged through her closet.

"Oh really? What will you do to me" I asked with a smirk

After a moment of thinking, she answered.

"I could ignore you until you make it up," She said with a smirk matching my own.

I am an Alpha having an ego in the size of a mountain. So you can't blame me. and I am curious who is gonna come begging to stop this

"Bring it on babe," I said with a smirk.


"Bring it on babe," he said with a smirk

I felt disappointment fill me but I didn't show it on my face.

"Two can play this game Knox," I said as I picked out my clothes

"No sharing rooms mate," I said as I pointed to the door

He nodded his head and left. God, I am really starting to regret this.


Oh god, screw me and my ego. Kill me. Now I have to ignore her with all my might. I walked downstairs with a sigh and plopped down on the couch where my dad Jason was sitting.

"Sorry for overreacting man, Ryder was on the edge," I said to James

"It's alright," He said

I gave him a hug and sat on the couch.

'Knox just so you know I hate you' Ryder barked.

'Yea right I was the one who hurt Zes right?' I muttered sarcastically

He huffed in return. I heard footsteps indicating Zes is coming downstairs. She sat as far as possible from me. I couldn't help but feel hurt. She came down all ready to go out, I wondered where she is going.

"Samuel you could either give company to your son or go to Lilly or you could ask your son to fix my dining table," She said to my dad

"Where are you going muchkin?" my dad asked

Yea they grew to each other in a matter of days. Yes, and munchkin is her pet name given by my dad.

"I have to go meet with my new school principal, school starts tomorrow, I have already said about me and your son joining the school to her. " She said

"What happened?" my dad asked.

"Its a story for your son too say I have to go, it's getting late, James could please drive me to school," She asked James.

"I will drop you" Authority boomed in my voice.

She ignored me. I grunted in reply. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulders making her squeak, I turned to my dad and James and nodded at them. They nodded back and left.

"You said you would ignore me! I never said I would ignore you also" I said

"Ok I am sorry, I will make it up to you, I will also replace the dining table," I said annoyed

"you got a nice ass over here babe," She said with a laugh

"I am enjoying the view over here," I said with a smirk

"perv" she muttered

"How is that different from what you said," I asked amused

She didn't reply. I opened my room and threw her on my bed and went to rampage through my closet. My closet and Zes's are neat. But when we have to go out, we make a mess but we also clean soon after.

"Zes whose turn is to do the laundry," I asked her as I put some cologne.

"me" She rolled her eyes as she was scrolling through her phone

"Don't roll your eyes princess," I said as I had a playful scowl on my face

"I don't make promises," She said

"Come on," I said as I walked to the door waiting for her

she shook her head and didn't make any move to get up.

"You picked me up from downstairs and brought me here so you better take me downstairs" She whined

"What's the use of your legs ?" I asked

"To kick people ?" She asked unsure of her statement

I grunted and picked her up.

"Bridal style or piggyback ride. No throwing over shoulders my hair will get ruined" She said shaking her head

I let out a laugh and threw her over my shoulders. She gasped and started hitting me wherever she could.

"Babe" I grunted

"You know how much I like my hair Knox," She said with a tiny growl

I placed her on the floor. She looked at me with a scowl. I chuckled and pecked her cheeks.

"I only keep you in my house for your kisses" She muttered

"What was that?" I asked amusement in my voice

"nothing" she muttered

She pushed me out of our house. I went to the garage, got into my car, and waited for her. She came in after a while with Wiskey in her hand. I really dont think she is going to leave him alone.

'Knox, when you have a kid, will let him/her alone in the house when you both go out?' Ryder asked

'No' I said quickly

'Then how will Zes leave her child in the house' Ryder asked as if I am dumb

'What will she do when we go to school ?' I asked him

'I dont know' he muttered

I was so busy talking with Ryder I didn't notice Zes has been snapping her finger in front of my face

"What" I growled

"God your mood swing is worst than a woman on period" She muttered

"Sorry" I muttered

"Just go," She said looking outside the window and ignoring me

I let out a sigh and started to drive to school. This school was filled with humans. Not that I care but now I have to have better control of Ryder.

As we reached the School. Zes went inside. I told her I would stay here. After a while, she came back. I put Wiskey in the back seat and waited for her to get in the care.

After she got in, we drove off. Zes is still mad at me. She didn't even look at me. I drove to Starbucks. She didn't really ask me anything. I went to the drive-through.

"one caramel apple frappuccino and one iced black tea" I ordered

I noticed Zes smiling from the corner of my eyes. It wasn't a length que so we got our drinks quick. As I got the drinks. I turned to Zes.

"Apology ?" I asked as I handed her black tea

"Sure," She said as she grinned

We drove home having tiny tiny chitchats. After we reached home, Zes went to change her pajamas while I sat down and was thinking about whether to play or watch a movie. After so much conflict in myself, I was about to turn on the PS4 Zes slapped my hand away.

"We are watching a movie, go change your clothes," Zes said as she jumped on the couch

I huffed and went upstairs I changed my clothes to just some grey sweatpants and walked downstairs. Zes was scrolling through her phone. As she heard my footsteps she looked up.

"Babe goes put on a shirt you will catch a cold," She said shaking her head in disapproval.

"I dont want to put on a shirt" I pouted

She sighed and stood up.

"Choose a movie I will be back" She as she jogged upstairs

After a moment Zes came down with her fluffy Blanket and my shirt.

"Shirt or cuddle?" She asked

"Cuddle," I said to her as if it was the most obvious thing

She rolled her eyes and threw the shirt somewhere. She freaking jumped on the couch which made chuckle.

"What are we watching ?" She asked as she made herself comfortable.

"You better make me breakfast tomorrow," I groaned as I chose Beauty and the beast. Yes, she loves that movie.

"Babe if you want me to control Ryder from not marking you should help me by covering your hot legs," I said as I eyed her legs

I noticed a shade of crimson creep up her cheeks as she quickly covered her legs. She was wearing shorts and a full hand top matching the pajama shorts. I hummed in satisfaction and started watching the movie.

"Babe.." She started

I already knew where this was heading

"I ordered pizza," I said as let out a laugh

She chuckled and snuggled closer to me as she watched the movie. Like in half of the movie the pizza delivery guy ringed the door. I got up to get it for mainly two reasons. One, I was hungry, two, I didn't want him to see Zes in shorts. But to my surprise, it was a lady. God, she wouldn't just give me the pizza and take the money and go. She kept flirting and asking if I want her number. After so much struggle and glaring she sighed and handed me the pizza. I gave her the money and slammed the door on her face. I went to the living room and placed the pizza and the soft drink on the table there.

"So you done flirting?" She asked as she took out a pizza

I gave her a confused look, She turned to me and I could notice that her eyes were a darker shade of blue.

"What are you talking about," I asked

"The pizza girl" She muttered as she turned her attention to the tv

Did I mention she is sitting far from me?

"You jealous ?" I asked with a smirk

She turned to me and looked at me as if I've grown two heads

"Me? jealous? of that slut? Yeah right, I was waiting for the pizza" She said

"Then why are your eyes of a darker shade," I asked as I kept eating

"Why would I be jealous, you're not even my boyfriend" She snapped, That hurt.

"So you wouldn't mind if I go back to her," I ask amused and tried covering up the hurt.

She turned to me so fast, glaring at me. She muttered some colorful words. I chuckled her behavior.

"Be my boyfriend?" She muttered

Wait. what did she ask me? Did she ask me what I think it is?

"come again," I asked surprised

"I said beast is hot," She said a bit louder and stuffed pizza in her mouth

"Zes" I warned

She sighed and got up. I raise my eyebrow at her actions. Let's say I am over the moon When she comes and sits on my lap facing me. And asks

"Will you be my boyfriend?" She asked softly

I guess I took too long to reply cause my adorable baby started her rant.

"I know I should have waited. Now I asked it too quickly. Now everything will be awkward between us, I mean I understand that we are mate but I should also ask about how you feel. I know I dont have any right to be jealous but I can't help it. I should probably keep my mouth shut. I know I am being annoyed, stubborn, and stuff, I also understand if you like someone else. You can reje-" I cut her adorable rant by kissing her

I pulled away from the kiss and said "of course I will be your boyfriend"

She smiled and kissed me again. After that, we ate and cuddled. As the movie got over we watched a couple of other movies and fell asleep.