
Claws Of The Alpha

"I, Zes Xander, reject you, Knox Everett, as my mate, the King of werewolves and Alpha of Silver Moon Pack." As those words left my mouth, tears fell all over my face. Knox looked shocked. To break a mate bond he should accept it. "I do not accept it," he replied with a blank, emotionless. But his eyes held a lot of emotions I couldn't do anything. I trusted him. I trusted him easily. I trusted him even after all I got from everyone I trusted was a betrayal. Why do I do the same mistake every time?

Zes · ファンタジー
66 Chs

Mr. Cuddlesworth

I turned around to find Zes struggling to open her eyes. I pushed all the hands holding me and ran to her.

"Doctor!" I yelled.

"Stop yelling idiota," She said with a weak smile[idiot].

The doctor came soon after. She did some tests and said,

"Zes is conscious now, but her body is paralyzed, she won't be able to move for a few days."

I nodded, I was glad she was alive. I don't think I can live without her.

"Thank the Moon Goddess! Zes, you woke up. If you haven't Knox would have murdered few people," James said dramatically.

Zes tried to let out a laugh but it came out as a cough. I turned around and glared at James. Everyone left the room leaving me, a tired Zes, and Ciara in the room.

I noticed Ciara standing next to Zes. She is a witch, a good one. She has helped us in a lot of ways, she has healed so many people.

"I felt an unusual aura in the pack, it was strongly coming from the pack hospital. It was from Zes, a witch a put a portion in that tranquilizer, which was preventing her wolf and Zes to heal, I gave her a portion through the drip, to break the witch's spell," Ciara said.

"Thank you so much," I said to her. "I will forever be in your debt."

Zes gave her a small smile, she is struggling.

"Since Zes is the Queen, her wolf and she are strong, so she survived this," Ciara said with a straight face.

Suddenly she disappeared. I was used to the disappearing thingy she does, but Zes wasn't, she had a horrified expression. I suppressed a smile. Wiskey out of nowhere jumped on top of Zes and started licking her face. Zes was happy that he was here but she was weak and tired right now and she couldn't move. I sighed and took Wiskey from her and put him down. Zes pouted and I gave her a smile.

She weakly smiled.

"You know how scared I was?" I asked, my voice was almost a whisper.

"I'm ok now," She struggled to say properly.

"You need to sleep," I told her.

I cupped her cheek, I felt her relax under my touch. I kept running my hands through her hair until she fell asleep. After an hour or so the doctor came and checked her again. Zes was still sleeping.

It was probably night now, around 7 or 8. Suddenly the door barged open I let out a low growl. I turned around to see. Alpha Augustus and Luna Emma, Zes' mom and dad.

"How is she?" Emma asked.

"She is tired and weak for now, she gained consciousness but she won't be able to move around," I told them.

They nodded and motioned me to follow them. I slowly got up and followed them. When I left the room I saw my mom and dad there also. We went to the office. My dad sat in his chair while my mom sat on the couch nearby. Emma and Augustus sat on the other chair while I stood there.

"Mae from Augustus's pack and Reece, James, and Charlotte from our pack will be staying with you in your house and will also go to the same school as you," My dad said.

"Alright," I said.

"They will move in tonight so do the necessary things," my dad said.

I agreed and dismissed myself. I was walking to the pack hospital.

'Knox, Zes woke up screaming and panicking can you come here quick!' The doctor mind linked me.

I sprinted to the pack hospital, I could hear her screams. I went to her room. I saw her lay on the bed, tears in her eyes. The nurses and doctors tried to calm her down.

I quickly ran to her and hugged her.

"Shhh," I said calmly while running my fingers through her hair.

She sniffled and sobbed, she couldn't hug me back but I could sense her calming under my touch. I saw the others leave the room.

"What happened ?" I asked concerned.

"Zene *sniffle* she *sniffle* is *sniffle* not *sniffle* responding," She said between sniffles

It is understandable, she panicked.

"Zene put all her strength in keeping you alive it will take time for her to heal," I told her.

She nodded understandingly.

"Mae, Reece, James, and Charlotte will be staying with us," I told her.

She looked at me confused.

"Our dads told, they will stay with us and go to school with us," I added.

She nodded ever so slightly and asked,

"When are they movie in ?"

"Tonight," I told her. "So I gotta go" I added.

"I want to come, I want to go to my house," She told.

"No," I told sternly.

"Yes, I want to" she demanded.

I noticed she less tired after her nap.

"Let me ask the doc," I told her.

I mind liked the doctor.

'can I take Zes home ?' I asked.

'Yes, you can Knox, She won't be able to move though, so you will have to help her, I will come for check-ups, so don't worry' She replied.

I sighed.

"Okay, we can go," I told her keeping an annoyed face.

Zes' face instantly lit up, bringing a smile on my face. I chuckled at her reaction.

'James come to my house once you guys have packed everything, I am taking Zes home' I mind linked him.

'Okay, Be careful' He replied.

I looked back at Zes who was patiently staring at me cause she probably knew I was mind linking. When we mind link our eye color changes from light to dark shade of our own eye color.

"Shall we go ?" I asked her.

"Yeah," She squeaked.

Okay, the nap really helped her.

One of the nurses brought a wheelchair, I thanked the nurse and turned to see Zes lay on the bed with a frown. She won't be able to move.

"Now let's make you sit in here," I told her.

"No, I'll feel like a handicapped person, I don't like it," She pouted.

"Fine, I'll carry you," I huffed.

She smiled satisfied. I went over to her and picked it ever so carefully. Somehow I managed to get her into my car and fastened her seatbelt. Before I could close the door I heard a bark. I smiled and let Wiskey in. He climbed on top of Zes and made him comfy. I got in drove to our house.

We reached our house after 15 minutes. I got out and carried Zes out. Since I was carrying Zes I couldn't open the door. I made Zees sit on a step and made sure she could lean on it. After I opened the door I carried her to the living room. I closed the door, knowing those idiots will come anytime I didn't lock it.

I placed her on the couch made her comfortable and placed pillows near her for support. She let out a gasp and said,

"Knox this gonna be horrible for me, I can't move around, can't feel anything, can't support my body, I can only move my lips and blink," She said.

"Well isn't that a good thing that I can kiss you, you can kiss me back and you can eat," I said as I placed a kiss on her lips. "And you can sleep."

"Talking about food, can I eat?" She asked. "I'm hungry."

I hummed as I sat on the couch and closed my eyes.

"Knox, I am hungry," She said again.

I hummed again and smiled.

"Knox, I am hot," She said.

I hummed again and smiled in agreement.

"Knox you are gay," She said.

I hummed again. Wait. what? I opened my eyes wide in shock.

Zes burst out laughing, but it came out as giggles. I glared at her. I got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Babe, what do you want ?" I asked her while walking to the kitchen.

"Ice cream," She yelled from the living room.

"NO ice cream for dinner," I say as I walk to the living room and stood in front of her.

"Pretty please" She pouted.

"No, you can have it after dinner though," I told her.

She frowned and said,

"But I don't want dinner"

"Nah. You are eating whether you like or not," I told her. "I am making spaghetti for everyone" I added.

"Make a lot though, no, I am not eating a lot but Mae, James, and Reece will," She said.

I nodded and got to work.

"Knox, there are four people coming to stay." She started.

I hummed in response.

"There are two rooms down and two rooms upstairs excluding yours and mine," She continued.

"So it's perfect when are they coming," She asked.

"They will here in an hour or so. Take a nap. the more rest you take the quicker you will heal" I said as started cooking

I didn't get a reply, so I went to look at what happened. The kitchen and the living room are connected you know what I mean. I saw Wiskey trying to help Zes lay down. I smiled at the sight. I went over to her and helped her lay down. I saw Wiskey covered in a white faux fur blanket, he was trying to bring it here. I chuckled at how cute he is and took the blanket and covered Zes. She smiled at me and Zes. Her eyes held adoration. I winked at her earning an eye roll.

I chuckled and went to the kitchen and continued cooking. I made veg spaghetti for Charlotte and Zes and spaghetti with meatballs for the rest. Zes doesn't like meat in Spaghetti and Charlotte is vegetarian. I know, weird for a wolf.

I served the food in the dining table and mind linked James to come quickly if he wants food.

As I was about to see if Zes was awake or not, I heard a Jeep pullover. I opened the garage for them to park. It was James' car, Reece doesn't have one. James parked the car in the garage and came out and hugged me. James had a Jeep wrangler.

Reece was sitting in the front while Charlotte sat in the back. I don't know what happened but they don't talk to each other. I helped them with their suitcases. I placed them in the space between the living room and kitchen. I glanced back at Zes she is still sleeping.

"Knox, my love!!!" Reece squeaked.

I shot him a glare and said,

"If anyone makes any sound I will chop their tongue off." I threatened.

Charlotte smiled in response, Reece pouted and James smirked.

He walked over to Zes and was about to wake Zes but Wiskey bit his hand and growled.

"Ouch" James yelped loudly while holding his hand.

"owie owie" He continued.

Zes opened her eyes wide open, startled. She tried looking around to find me but she couldn't move her neck.

"Knox!" She rasped out.

I went to her and helped her up and sat next to her so she could lean on me for support.

"owie owie" He whimpered while his eyes watered slightly.

"Omg James what happened ?" Zes asked, her voice filled with concern.

"Wiskey bit me!" He pouted.

She glanced at Wiskey and then asked, "What were you doing?"

"What?! I got bitten and you're asking me" He cried.

"James." She warned.

"I was about to wake you up," he said with a small frown.

A frown appeared on Zes' face.

"James...There is the first aid box in the washroom, go treat your wound." She told him.

She lifted her head.

"Knox, I can move my neck!" She exclaimed with a bright smile.

I smiled at her.

"Wait, where are Reece, Charlotte, and Mae ?" She asked.

"Here," Charlotte said.

That made Zes snap her head towards Reece and Zes.

"Omg you guys are twins, right? Charlotte you are so pretty and I have a feeling we will get along!" She beamed.

Charlotte blushed a little.

"You are pretty yourself and how did you know we are twins?" Charlotte said.

"You both look alike and its kinda obvious," She told Charlotte.


I am currently sitting on the couch while the others went to have dinner, yes, Knox fixed the table. Reece and Charlotte are really nice. Reece is a bubbly person whereas Charlotte is a kinda shy but really fun person. Knox and I were still in the same clothes we wore today morning. Today has been a long day.

If Ciara didn't help me I would have never gained consciousness. I still can't find Zene, normally when you try to look for her in your head I can see her in my head, it's basically me with different eye colors. It's hard without Zene. I don't feel her in my head. My hearing hight has reduced, I can hear like a normal human, same with smell. My werewolf part is absent which I don't personally mind. I just miss Zene.

I heard my phone ring. I asked Charlotte if she could pick it up for me as she finished eating. she smiled and answered it for me. It was Mae.

"Zes, my Mom dropped me off 1 minute ago and now I am sitting top of a suitcase," She sounded bored.

"You want me to...?" I asked her.

"I want you to push me inside your house, to my room so I could sleep," Mae said in a duh tone.

"Wait," I said, and cut the call.

Charlotte helped my stand and supported me so I wouldn't fall. My arm was around her shoulder and her arm was around my hip. I leaned towards her so I wouldn't fall.

She walked me to the door and opened it. I saw Mae sitting there on top of a suitcase. She was wearing a loose sweater (what a surprise) and jeans. I rolled my eyes.

"Mae, my whole body is paralyzed, I can't push you inside so come by yourself," I said sternly.

She huffed and muttered some colorful words and walked in. She left her suitcase where everyone left theirs and plopped on the couch.

I muttered a sorry to Charlotte as she was helping to get back to the couch.

"Mae, why are so off mood ?" I asked

"It's 9 pm and I was told to go stay at your house at 8," She said grumpily. "And mom didn't give me dinner" she added.

"None of them staying here got time to pack stuff Mae stop being a baby and give me a hug," I rolled my eyes.

"Jeez. fine" Mae complied.

"Mae this is Charlotte, Charlotte this is Mae," I said.

"Hi," Charlotte said.

"Hey..." Mae trailed.

"Mae I wanna listen to songs," I told her.

She rolled her eyes but nodded anyway. She connected my earphones in my phone and placed it in my ears, She played the songs. I hummed in satisfaction and closed my eyes listening to songs.

My earphones were removed from the ear after 2 songs. I glared at Knox who was sitting next to me with a plate of Spaghetti. I could hear Mae and Charlotte talking from the Dining room. James and Reece were sitting on the couch arguing about something.

"Open up," Knox said.

"Nope," I replied.

"Zes," Knox warned.

"I want an ice cream first!" I pouted.

"No dinner first," he said sternly.

He wasn't smiling or something he had a straight face.

"Please," I said in a low voice.

"Who eats ice cream before dinner ?" he asks.

"It doesn't matter you can eat ice cream anytime," I stated.

"Zes, if you don't eat now, you won't get black tea from tomorrow onwards," He said.

My mouth hung open and a gasp left my mouth. He took it as an opportunity and fed me. I glared at him. I could hear James and Reece snickers. I glared at them and they immediately shut up.

The spaghetti was delicious. After I ate, Knox smiled satisfied. He got up and went and got me water. I drank and told James.

"James, you are doing the dishes tonight."

He looked at me in disbelief.

"Why me?" He asked.

"I am really sorry, I usually do the dishes but your gonna do that now onwards," I said.

"I can see that you love me so much" He muttered sarcastically.

"Omg James, how did you find out, I love you so much!" I exaggerated and acted like I was embarrassed.

Mae and Charlotte burst out laughing. I stared at them amused and joined in. The boys looked as if we are crazy. Knox was about to kill James, probably because I said 'I love you' to him.

"Knox, don't kill him," I said stopping him. "If you kill him who will do the dishes?" I asked.

Knox smirked at James. James shakes his head and heads to the Kitchen.

"So, guys there are two rooms downstairs and two rooms upstairs," Knox said.

The two rooms downstairs where next to the office room. The two rooms upstairs are one is next to Knox's room and one next to mine. Those other rooms are comparatively smaller than mine and Knox's.

"I want downstairs, so I won't hear Knox and Zes having sex," James said from the kitchen.

Knox and I rolled our eyes.

"I want downstairs, so I can go to the kitchen whenever I want," Mae said.

"Heck no, don't touch the fridge," I said.

Mae rolled her eyes. I turned to Charlotte and Reece.

"Are you guys ok with upstairs?" I asked them.

They nodded.

"So, do you guys want to unpack today?" Knox asked.

Everyone shook their head along with a bunch of no.

"Mae is gonna unpack today," I said.

"Why the fuck would I unpack today?" Mae asked.

"Language!" I scolded. "Because I know what happens when you say not today, at the end your gonna make a cloth mountain in your closet," I said.

"Wow she reminds me of my mom," James muttered.

I shot him a glare.

"Zee, I promise, tomorrow." Mae pleaded.

I nodded.

"Okay, guys choose your room and take your suitcases with you people, all the necessary things for school and if you guys want some furniture or something you can go shopping tomorrow," I told them.

They nodded and left with their things to their rooms, even Knox left. I honestly don't know what the rooms look like. I do know how big the rooms are. Lilly designed the guest rooms. I didn't pay much attention because I wasn't going to stay there so. I guess I will have to wait till I can move my legs to see the rooms.

Suddenly I was lifted up on air. Panicking, I let out a squeak for which I heard a chuckle, I think I know the owner of the chuckle. I let out a low growl for which Knox placed a kiss on my forehead. I let out a sigh and saw what he was doing. He placed me on his lap, making him face him and he wrapped my legs around his torso and wrapped my arms around his neck. Did I forget to mention he is shirtless, he just has his black sweatpants on.

In the corner of my eyes he switched on the tv and started scrolling through Netflix. I heard footsteps turned to see Charlotte in more comfortable clothes.

She was followed by Mae in her panda pajamas, wait a minute those are mine.

"Mae those are mine!" I pouted.

"Not my fault you didn't get me one, and these are new, so thank you." She smiled.

Charlotte and Knox chuckled.

"Panda addicted freak" I glared at her.

"Oh, my thank you," She did a bow.

I let out a huff. Yes, she is weirdly obsessed with panda. Wait she always carries...

"Did you bring your stuffed panda?" I asked.

She looked horrified as if she saw a ghost before sprinting to her room. I burst out laughing. Knox and Charlotte had a confused expression.

"Just wait and see," I mumbled to them between laughs.

We heard Mae talk on the phone in the speaker.

"Mom, I forgot Mr. Cuddlesworth at home!" Mae whined.

And ladies and gentlemen, that was when we all burst out laughing. Mae has a stuffed panda named Mr. Cuddlesworth. Shirtless James and Reece entered the living room with confused looks. Charlotte explained to them what happened, soon they burst out laughing.

"Mae are you out of your mind? It is 12 for Christ's sake," Genesis, Mae's mom whined back.

"But mom, I want Mr.cuddlesworth," Mae demanded.

"WiIl, your daughter wants her stupid stuffed panda at 12 AM." Genesis lazily said to her husband.

"Ask her to walk to our pack and get it, and she is your daughter too!" He whined back.

"Okie then, mom I will probably be there in 1 hour by walking, don't sleep," Mae told before cutting the call.

"Lock the door." I mouthed Reece cause he was close to the door.

He locked the door and stood in front of it. Mae's footsteps headed towards the door.

"Mae, where are you going?" I asked her.

"Home, to get Mr.cuddlesworth." She replied.

"No, you are not," I said.

"Yes, I am," She said.

This went for a while before I snapped,

"Mae Celeste."

She stayed quiet cause Mae knows to stop when I use the full name.

"You are not going. That is final. You can either watch movies with us or go to sleep." I said sternly.

She huffed and sat on the couch. Reece came and sat. There was a huge silence. Charlotte sat there awkwardly. The whole room felt awkward. I wanted to sit on the couch, I told Knox and he helped me sit on the sofa.

"Knox, give James or someone the remote and get me a blanket." I requested.

"Okay, sugar." He said as he handed James the remote and went to fetch a blanket. James switched on some Netflix show to ease the awkward silence. Knox returned with a blanket and covered me with it. He sat next to me and placed my head on his lap.

I couldn't concentrate on the show the entire time. Knox kept running his fingers through my hair which made me feel sleepy. My eyes became heavy and everything slowly faded away as I fell into a deep, comfortable slumber.