
Claws Of The Alpha

"I, Zes Xander, reject you, Knox Everett, as my mate, the King of werewolves and Alpha of Silver Moon Pack." As those words left my mouth, tears fell all over my face. Knox looked shocked. To break a mate bond he should accept it. "I do not accept it," he replied with a blank, emotionless. But his eyes held a lot of emotions I couldn't do anything. I trusted him. I trusted him easily. I trusted him even after all I got from everyone I trusted was a betrayal. Why do I do the same mistake every time?

Zes · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
66 Chs


I opened my eyes to see nothing but my hair on my face. I groaned, annoyed, and slid them off my face. Wait a minute. I can move my hands! A satisfied smile crawled on my face. I noticed I was in his room.

My eyes drifted to Knox who was lying next to me, still sleeping. His hands were around my waist pulling me close to him. My head was on his chest. I tried to slowly move my head so I could get a better view of Knox. I am impressed by how he laid me down in a comfy position.

My fingers moved on their own to his perfectly sculpted sharp jaw. I traced his jaw with my fingers and mentally told the moon goddess that this wasn't fair. My hands slowly moved to his lips, those soft pink lips. Damn! I pouted at how could the moon goddess do this to me. This idiot has the most perfect jawline, eyes, and those lips. As I was deep in thoughts I felt a sharp sting on my finger.

"Knox!" I snapped as I pulled my finger away from his mouth.

He bit my finger.

"Couldn't resist me, huh?" He smirked.

"Don't know what you're talking about," I told him.

"Totally princess, totally," He rolled his eyes.

"And you bit me," I added.

He just shrugged. I muttered some colorful words making him chuckle. I sat with some struggle and Knox helped me. It's not easy to get up with only using your hands not being able to move your body.

I sighed and called Knox's name whose head currently lay on my lap, his eyes closed.

"Knox, go take a shower, after that I need one of the girl's help. Wake the losers up, ask Reece to cook breakfast, and inform everyone that we are going shopping for school supplies and furniture if they want."

Knox opened his eyes and looked at me if I was crazy.

"You are so bossy, which is hot but why in the morning?~" He whined.

I rolled my eyes and blushed a little.

"Just take me to the washroom," I told him.

I brushed my teeth and I had Knox help me get in and out of shower cause the girls were still sleeping. They slept at 3 or 4 am so I let them sleep. Its probably 9 am right now, we woke up at 8 I guess. When I was in shower Knox promised he wouldn't look since I have a problem trusting him he blindfolded himself while helping me in and out. At last, I dressed as I could move my arms.

I was sitting on a small couch in my room looking outside the window.

I crawled onto the bean bag and relaxed. I smiled in victory as I brought myself to the bean bag. I glanced at my dress. It was a blush knit sweater and black striped jeans.

After a while, Knox came and took me downstairs. I sat on the counter eating bread toast and omelet which was made by Knox, Reece was still sleeping. I heard the front door open making me and Knox snap our heads that way.

Through the door came James who had a bunch of Starbucks drinks in his hands, probably for everyone. I was staring at him. James's outfit and Knox's outfit were similar except for the fact that James wore a beanie and wore a brown turtle neck tshirt with a brown velvet kind jacket instead of black shirt with brown jacket like Knox's, it looked cute on him, some strands of his hair covered his forehead messily.

I had a huge smile on my face when James placed an iced black tea in front of me. I brought my arms up for hug for which he chuckled and hugged me. Then James handed Knox his usual drink, Carmel apple frappuccino.

After a few minutes as I finished my breakfast, I was drinking my iced tea. Reece walks in and I nearly spit my drink. These three are matching like literally. Reece wore a white shirt inside with a brown jacket. And they all matched their shoes with the color of their tshirts.

I shook my head and smiled.

"Good morning!~" Reece beamed.

"Morning," I said.

"Good morning," James beamed and Knox muttered.

James handed Reece his drink saying, "Here is you honey citrus mint tea sir."

I chuckled at him.

"Good morning guys," Charlotte greeted.

"Morning." I smiled.

James and Knox kissed her forehead and said good morning. To be honest I know that Charlotte is like a sister to Knox so I didn't get jealous. I adored how Knox is a good brother but something is been off. Reece and Charlotte never talk, there is always a tension in the air.

Charlotte was given the same drink as Reece's. Everyone had finished their breakfast. I looked around and let out a groan. It was 10:30 and Mae is still sleeping. Normally I wouldn't mind but today we were going out.

"Mae!!!" I yelled.

James dropped a glass at my sudden outburst, he earned a smack from Knox. James muttered a sorry and started cleaning it up. I heard a thud from one of the room, I guess it is from Mae's room. Out came an angry Mae. Mae stood in front of me and glared at me. I glared back.

"Por qué harías eso?" Mae asked annoyed [why would you do that?].

"qué, Tenemos que salir y todos están listos, pero todavía estabas durmiendo Mae," I said to her calmly sipping Knox's drink [what, we gotta get out and everyone's ready but you were still sleeping, Mae].

"lo siento," She said [sorry].

"Give me 10 minutes, I will get ready," She muttered.

I nodded as she left to get ready. The room was so quiet. Everyone was stunned. I raised an eyebrow at them making them continuing what they were doing. Knox kept searching for something until his eyes landed on my hand. His drink, He threw me a glare and took the drink from me. I suppressed a chuckle.

I saw James annoying Charlotte by playing with her hair.

"James, leave her alone," I said as I threw my arms up on Knox hugging him.

"Definitely like my mother," James commented.

Knox held me close to him in one hand and was drinking his drink with the other hand. Mae came out. She sat ate her breakfast quick, James handed her drink, iced cafe mocha. I looked at their outfits, Mae's outfit was cute, It was a dull white v neck full sleved shirt with grey sweatpants. I liked it. It was simple but cute. Charlotte's outfit was similar to mine. She also wore a blush knitted sweater with black tights unlike my black ripped jeans.

Soon after Mae finished her breakfast. We headed out. Except for me, everyone still had their drinks. James, Charlotte, and Reece were in James's Jeep while I, Knox, and Mae were in Knox's car.

Knox helped me get in the car, he had packed the wheelchair because I asked him to, I even declined his offer of him carrying me instead of sitting on the wheelchair. Well, you wouldn't want to be carried around in some mall with a bunch of people watching.

We reached the mall. We went to some furniture stores. I was aware each one of them needed a study table along with a chair and more things I guess. Since we didn't plan on using those rooms it wasn't furnished, the room only had a bed and closet. I let out a sigh knowing today is gonna be a long day.


At last, they finished shopping. I have no idea what all they got, but I am aware they got extra console's. I would have had fun if I could walk around but my day was boring as I spent my entire day either flirting with Knox, eating, and scrolling through my phone. I glanced at my phone as I got inside the car, It was 3 and I was tired of sitting in the wheelchair, it was uncomfortable.

I took a quick glance at James, Reece, and Knox who were loading the things into the trunks of both the cars. Mae and Charlotte were talking about something. Knox helped me inside first and I happily agreed as my butt started to hurt sitting in this wheelchair. I would say that it is reasonable because we were shopping for 5 hours. I am not a fan of shopping, first of all, secondly, I can't move around which didn't help me today.

I let out a yawn before pulling out my earphones and listening to songs. I closed my eyes and hummed the tunes. One thing I do when I listen to songs is to increase the volume to an extent I can hear only music. I felt the car move after three to four songs. I opened my eyes to see Knox smiling I gave him a confused look and turned around to let out a gasp. Mae was recording as I was apparently singing. I threw a glare at both of them.

I don't like to sing in front of people, that is one thing I am self-conscious about. I let out a huff and removed the earphones.

"Why are you people so mean?" I asked while pouting.

"I didn't do it for myself, Knox forced me to do it," Mae said innocently which was too innocent to believe. Knox's jaw dropped almost immediately Mae said that. I chuckled and said,

"Mae, Knox doesn't know I don't like to sing in front of people".

"Shit..." Mae muttered.

"So, what did you all get?" I asked.

"I got a new bag, a table and chair like everyone did, a beanbag and a carpet," Mae said.

I hummed in response.

"What you guys get?" I asked the ones who didn't reply.

"Pretty much similar things. Reece and Char are ok with the color of walls while James doesn't want a grey wall he wants beige colored wall for matching his curtains. So I told him to paint the walls himself." Knox shrugged.

"Knox, we could call someone to paint it for him," I said him giving him a pointed look.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes.

"Everyone got a curtain, Char got a dressing table and a mirror that's all I guess." Mae finished for Knox.

I hummed again.

As soon as we reached home I asked Knox to get me to the office room. I had to verify things in school. I verified everything and sent a mail to the principal saying I won't be able to make it to school for a few days. The principal knows we are werewolves, in fact, she is a werewolf from my pack who wanted to follow her dream.

I called the painter to be here in half an hour. After I was done with all the work I could do.

'Zene,' I tried calling her.

No response. I closed my eyes and tried to find her. I couldn't find her. I held back the tears that threatened to fall and let out a sigh.

My thoughts started to wander off. Suddenly I missed Zach so much. Involuntarily I thought of the memory.


I was sitting on the swing in the park. Mae was sick and Carrie had gone on a vacation. Werewolves rarely get sick so momma told me to let her rest. Tomorrow is my 8th birthday and I wasn't that excited. I was excited about the part where I get presents but I was not excited at the part where my dad is organizing a party for my birthday like every year. Mae and I are of the same age. But Zach and Carrie are 4 years older than me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my face hit the ground. Tears of pain rolled down my face. I winced as a strike of pain hit my forehead when I tried to get up. I looked around for the cause of my fall. There it was standing. Luke, Linda, and Blake.

"We want to swing and you were sitting on my swing!" Said Linda snickering.

Luke smirked and Blake had a sad smile.

"But you didn't have to push me like that you could have asked me to move," I spoke sweetly in between sobs.

"Don't tell us what to do," Luke growled.

I cowered back and hung my head low. Luke grabbed my wrist and squeezed the life out of it.

"Look at me when I talk to you," Luke growled.

"Let me go!" I whimpered.

"You know why you will never rule this pack? It's not because you are not the firstborn it's because you weak and pathetic!" Linda spat.

'How in the world could she say that?' Zene growled.

'Zene, calm down we can talk about this,' I told her.

Zene growled back but I ignored it.

I put all my strength and pushed Luke. Which wasn't the best thing to as it angered him a lot. He pushed me to the ground and started kicking me. I couldn't breathe. I squeezed my eyes shut.

"The fuck are you doing to my sister?!" a voice growled.

I let out a whimper and opened my eyes to see Zach punching the heck out of Luke and Accius punching Blake. Fred came to me and helped me sit up. He examined me.

"Leave them," I croaked out.

That made my brother and his friend stop. They turned and glanced at me. Their eyes softened as they looked on me. Zach threw Luke.

"If I see you near my sister, I will personally make sure you live in the cells," he growled.

He turned around and picked me. I clutched his shirt and cried. I saw his jaw clenched.

"Why didn't you fight back?" he asked.

"Shouldn't I be kind to others?" I asked confused and in between sobs.

"Not to people who hurt you, always fight back," He said.

End of Flashback

He was the one who told me not to be kind to others who hurt me but why did he hurt me again and again. I didn't notice I was crying. I wiped my tears.

"Anybody there ?" I called out.

After a few seconds Reece came in.

"Yes," He answered.

I let out a laugh and asked him.

"Could you take me to the living room ?"

"Sure." He smiled.

I smiled back.

"Why were you crying?" he asked as he was taking me to the living room.

I looked at him with my mouth hung open and my eye wide in surprise. Seeing my reaction he chuckles.

"You don't look like you cried but I am learning psychology so it helps," He let out a laugh.

I smiled.

"Just remembered... something," I said with a small smile.

He gave me a sad smile before helping me sit on the couch and sat on the couch.

"So... what are the others doing?" I asked.

"They are setting their rooms up," he said.

"You finished doing that?" I asked him.

"It's so boring." He pouted.

"Go set up your room," I shooed him.

He pouted but he left.

"Wiskey, come to mama" I called.

He came running to me from I have no idea where, but did I care? Heck no. I started petting him. I petted him for a while before I cuddled with him. I slept on the couch cuddling with Wiskey.

Zachary's P.O.V

These dimwits cant do one job properly. I was furious that the asshole shot my baby sis instead of Knox. Max, who is the rogue Alpha somehow got to know Knox's intensions. Knox plans on having Zes's power. That's why we are gonna kill him.

I slowly sneaked into Zes's house. As I entered the house I saw her cuddling with the dog I accidently bit, I wasn't actually gonna bite the dog but my vampire instincts took over. I visit Zes every day, every single day since I left the pack. Zes is the only person I care about in the world.

She was sleeping so soundly. I placed a kiss on her forehead making her stir a little. She is safe, that's all I wanted to know. I left her house and towards the woods. I know Zes is angry with me. I care for her. I did mistakes no not mistakes sins. I killed my best friend's sister and tried to kill my parents. I hurt Zes too much, I dont mind her hating me all she wants as long as she is safe.

Thoughts of her brought a lone tear rolling down my face. I wiped it off and headed back.