
Classroom of the Elite: Amnesia Haven (Grimgar)

What can you expect? A Slice of Life Vibe, as Volunteer Soldiers. Slow Pace. Harem. Progression. Strategy. Mystery. No System. Action & Adventure. Sometimes, 18+ (You Can Skip Them) Kiyotaka won't often show off his intelligent in a showy way. It'll often in an offhandedly manner. There would be the moments, of course. I'm not much of a smart guy, so yeah, that's why I put the Slice of Life Vibe. *** A Truly Unique Isekai. Kiyotaka and the six others awoke in the dark remembering nothing but their names. They are then brought to the Fortress City of Alterna to be forced to fight for Alterna's sake to fill their needs, as volunteer soldiers. Goblins, kobolds, orcs. Here in the frontier, there are many races hostile to humans. Their job was to exterminate them. In such a world, Kiyotaka search for a reason he fought alongside his comrades.

TheGrimGuy · アニメ·コミックス
42 Chs

End of Day 1

We hunted down a total of 23 goblins after that. Of them, we acquired 11 silvers, 7 colorful jewels, and 10 animal fangs. Those are the three almost guaranteed items to find from every group of enemies. There are some animal hides, but carrying them around wasn't very practical. The goblins seemed to like gathering them. Regardless, focalizing on groups of six proved to be worth the effort. It gave a significantly higher return compared to groups of four or fewer.

"Is it because they're more compact...?" Chiaki had mumbled that.

"That's the most likely," Suzune didn't refute. "Larger groups often hold significantly better loot for us to pick. But the bigger they are, the more skillful their leaders are at organizing their subordinates, naturally. A group of five seems to be the same way. Not with the fours or below."

We went back in the afternoon and sold our loot on the marketplace. The mere silver coin earnings totaled 18 silver on that day. 

The 11 animal fangs, apparently from wolves, amount to 4 silvers and 30 coopers in total. 10 of them came from forest wolves, with 30 coopers per piece, while the remaining 1 was of a black wolf, a rather lofty 1 silver and 30 coopers. 

When it comes to the jewels, they vary. They are ranging from 2 worth 30 coopers each, 4 of 40 coopers each, 3 for 50 coopers each, up to 1 which cost 2 silvers and 30 coopers alone. That's a whole 3 silvers and 70 coopers.

The crimson broken blade we assumed to be valuable had been disposed of by Ken. Understandable, because we don't have much space for it.

Excluding the silver coins we collected, we have 8 silvers. Put together, we get 26 silvers. Split between eight people will be 3 silvers and 25 coopers respectively.

We went to grab some food and drinks for dinner. It was at a roadside stand called Granball. Whatever that means, they're ball-shaped meals made out of flour and other nutritious ingredients. In addition to the low price, they are fulfilling, and come with a distinctive, mouthwatering flavor.

'This is good...'

"Ahaha, Kiyotaka-kun. You seem very fond of the food." Chiaki commented.

I can't say no to that. "Well, yeah. It seems like I'm not used to having nice meals before this."

"Is that so? Aww, that's cute."

"How so?"

"I won't tell."

They serve three portions. Snack servings (6 coopers), meal servings (16 coopers), and custom servings (depending on quantity).

The 10 silvers Britney gave me had been trimmed down to 2 silvers by the 8 silvers cost of guild registration. Including my first day in Grimgar, I had spent 40 coopers, resulting in 4 silvers and 85 coopers.

Kikyou suggested a place to stay at the time. "There are plenty of inns for us to lodge in the east town. The price is anywhere between 50 coopers and 1 silver per night, and that's per room. I think we should consider settling for a two-bedroom, or if lucky, a four-bedroom, to stay the night. How does that sound, Suzune-san?"

Ken had gotten himself a large custom platter. I definitely need an excuse to not lend him money if he is broke.

Suzune pondered over Kikyou's suggestion indifferently, calmly consuming her food before answering. "That's not a bad offer. However, I know about a volunteer soldiers' lodging house in west town for a better establishment. Its service isn't great, but it's more affordable for volunteer soldiers trainees, at 10 coopers per night. If we've earned our badges, we don't need to pay for it. We should first dedicate our money to improving daily needs and acquiring skills or purchasing equipment. Only after earning a stable income should we consider moving to a better lodging."

At first, no one was so opposed other than Kikyou. Even Kikyou's disapproval wasn't that obvious. 'At first' is the keyword here. They immediately lost any positive outlook the second they landed their eyes on the lodging house in question.

"—uwah, they're filthy," Chiaki was appalled. 

"Do we really have to stay in that place?" Kei didn't seem particularly pleased either, as seen by the wrinkling of her eyebrows.

Suzune, the one who proposed it, frowned slightly. Not so much to Kei's or Chiaki's words, but to the lodging as well.

The lodgings weren't 'that' bad. They were looking dirty, yes. It hadn't been maintained extensively. The innkeeper didn't appear to care that greatly, for a start. When was the last time the building had been cleaned? 

"Well, the senior volunteer soldiers say it's not so awful to live in," Yousuke tried to appease them. "We should be able to endure them."

Two-bed, four-bed, and six-bed rooms all cost the same. That was due to the fact that the rooms were all of the same size. The four-bed and six-bed rooms were bunk beds, so they'd be crowded should they were to occupy a six-bed room. 

"What, hay beds?" Ken blurted out.

They are, in fact, hay beds. The room didn't give much space for anything to be stored beside them. There was nothing to lock the door to keep actual thieves from taking something from them. There was a glass lamp, at least, but we'll need to buy the fuel ourselves for it.

Despite all that, Ken dismissed them almost immediately and simply threw himself on the lower part of the two-story bed. He didn't seem very cozy with it, but nor did he seem otherwise. "...Man, I'm tired. It felt like I might just doze off straight away at this point. Aahh."

I went for the bed opposite him, also in the lower half. "Shouldn't you take a bath first before that?"

The girls are currently doing that.

The lodging house provided a bathroom and a kitchen for its occupants to use. There's another party using this inn with us by the way. They're our seniors. I've met the boys, for the moment. And as far as I can tell, only their group is using it beside us.

"Which side do you want, Kanji-kun?" Yousuke asked his colleague.

The guy in question tilted his head. "I don't care which one. Ah, since you went to the trouble of asking, though, I'll take the one above Ken!"

"Fine by me. I'll be with Kiyotaka-kun, then."

They climbed up to their corresponding beds. They weren't very high. They were only about the height of my chest. 

I simply sat on the hay bedspread. Ken didn't look like he would rise from his bed soon. He must be both physically and mentally exhausted. 

Old City is huge. We're wearing ourselves out more by taking our time locating the enemy than dealing with them. We haven't yet identified Old City's best spots for a hunt. Well, they would have to familiarize themselves if not.

When I proposed drawing a map, Suzune approved of it readily. It would seem that she'd given it some thought, and had memorized every path that the party had taken that day. She's a fine leader.

"Don't you fall asleep, man," Kanji called out from the top level of the room. "I can't afford to sleep with you reeking of odor. You're, like, super stinky."

"Shut up. You're stinkier than me."

Kanji cackled. "Nah. Me? I'm perfectly fine."

"You are stinkier."

"The hell, Kiyotaka?!"

I decided to chime in.

"I must agree with him." Yousuke quickly follows.

"Ganging up on me, huh? Are you folks that jealous of me? Huh? That's a nasty way to convey it!"

"Kanji, that's exactly how your odor smells. Nasty."

"That's impossible."

"Why not try to sniff it yourself? Like, seriously."

"Fine by me! I'll proof it. —Oh, damn. That's real. Hey, don't laugh, Yousuke!"

"I-I'm sorry. I can't help it."

"Nah, you should go on. Go on for as long as you like."

"Are you trying to pick a fight with me, Ken? ...W-What're you standing up for? You want to take a piss? Hey, Kiyotaka, go with him. He looked like he wanted to, anyway."

"Thanks, but I'll pass."

"Wait, wait, wait...! Now you're starting climbing here?! That's just a joke, man! A joke!"

"Relax, Kanji-kun. I can cure you if anything goes awry."

"No, that's not the problem. And what's with that creepy smile?! Ah, don't come any closer...! Kiyotaka?! Don't you think you should do something?!"

"I'll pray."

"Act on it...!"

Kanji's shout reached no one— poor him.