

A psychotic juvenile, Morgan goes crazy hunting people's lives but what's even creepier is that she wants a sense of pain delivered to the victim. She practices obnoxious tortures on people and has a craze for devouring lives. What will happen? Is she trying to achieve something? Will this "life devouring spree" stop? Read to find out!

Im_a_VOID · 若者
8 Chs

Chapter II Did She Go To Hell?

After two days Edward tries to call Morgan, because she was the only friend that he had now, even though she's complete nuts, he values her. Anyways, she doesn't answer his phone call. He tried quite a lot of times but she still didn't pick the phone up. He decided to go to her apartment but she wasn't home.

"Hope that shawty didn't really go to hell like she would say in most situations", Edward thought to himself.

He didn't know what to do, he couldn't get over the hallucination he had over and above about Dave, and he was also anxious about where Morgan was.

*Phone Buzzes*

Matt: Hey man! how you doing?

He checks his phone, "Finally, right timing for once at least!"

It was his online friend, Matt. They met online and it's been one and a half year.

EDWARD: Hey! I'm Good how 'bout you?

MATT: What can I say, better than ever!!

EDWARD: yeahh…

MATT: Something new you got?

EDWARD: A lot!

MATT: I'm listening...

EDWARD: Dave died and Morgan's missing.


EDWARD: Nahh man.

MATT: Oh, I'm sorry for Dave… did Morgan go to hell, I mean she says it a lot.

EDWARD: I don't know.

MATT: Hey, how about we meet?

EDWARD: Yeah sure, you have been wanting to.

MATT: OK! Let's meet at Morgan's.

EDWARD: Why there?

MATT: We can try finding her and solve this craziness.

EDWARD: Sure, I'll send you the address and we'll meet at 06:00pm.

MATT: Sounds good to me, TTYL.


Edward jumped on the bed and rested there, with him wearing his self-serving hoodie. He clutched his headphones and listened to 'traitor' by Olivia Rodrigo. While he was vibeing and chilling he got benumbed. He woke up with a scare, he heard Dave yelling his name out in great pain.