
Chapter I Black Blood

The World Did Not End In A Bang Or Whisper, But Rather One Kill At A Time...

In the city Noirville where no one's safety would be guaranteed, the sun stood low at the eastern sky, a fat, confident orange-red ball advancing as ever leading to the future, which darkens as it retreats, making blind men of us all.

That's when two friends decided to meet Dave down the Scream Lane. When they arrived, Edward started having weird vibes whereas on the other hand Morgan was doing just fine.

The wooden oak door to Dave's home creaked along just as Edward opened it slowly. Except the yellowish bulb that had lit his room, it was dark. "It sure is quiet here.", suggested Edward. "He must be asleep and such a fool to leave the door unlocked", added Morgan. "yeah", sighed Edward.

They went in, and Edward decided to get a glass of cold water to drop on Dave if he was asleep, just to mess around. And they went tip toeing from the kitchen to his room and when Edward stood in the door jamb, he lost his grip on the glass and it shattered into millions immediately as it hit the ground. Edward rushed into the room and saw Dave on the ground floating in the pool of his own dreadful blood. His Stomach wide open that spurted blood and his left arm completely apart from his torso, black blood was all around him.

"Oh No!", said Morgan in a skeptic tone.

Edward stood up facing Morgan and said in a shattered voice "You did this didn't you?".

She giggled and then said with a lopsided smirk on her face "No? why would I."

"Then why are you laughing?", tears rolling from his eyes.

"Because whoever did this is a genius".


"So?", she turns around and is about to leave when Edward says, "Where the heck- you know what I don't CARE!"

And without uttering a word Morgan leaves.

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