
Class: Polymath - From Star Wars & Beyond

After serving for an eternity… Arlo was freed of his duty, only to find himself in a dangerous situation where his tales of films, television shows, animation and cartoons were gifted ack to him as reality. With the Radix Network System beside him and his old friend, Arlo starts his journey in the Star Wars Universe. His goal… To change the universe for the better and stabilise everlasting peace without greater powers interfering. Using his Polymath Class to help him achieve the impossible, Arlo began the journey to write his Myth...

PhantomMedjay · 映画
27 Chs

Korriban: Part 2

'H-Hello s-sir…' Arla stuttered in reply, as she heard Arlo's voice enter her ears through the hardware set up in the medical bay that allowed them to communicate with one another.

Kortana already informed Arlo about the state of mind and physical condition of Arla Fett after her rescue.

Through the Bacta Pods, with the enhanced Bacta liquid, Arla improved her state of mind and healed the scars across her body.

Kortana believed Arla could go into the field immediately, but the Medical Droids on the Tempest believed she should rest for another few weeks at the very least.

Taking the information into consideration, Arlo decided to tell Arla about his plans after they left Korriban.

He wanted her to start preparing herself for the work that was to come.

"Just call me StarKiller.

My Master was the one that wished for your rescue.

Anyway, Arla, I would like you to rest and use the Simulation Pods for training as we'll be heading to Mandalore.

Its time you met your brother, Jango."

"J-Jango I-is alive…?!"

Shocked by the revelation her brother survived the raid on their family farm that saw her being taken away by Death Watch, Arla wanted to learn more about him, but was stopped by Arlo after Kortana informed him of heightened health signs.

"Calm down and relax Arla.

I'll tell you everything once I return to the ship but in the meantime, I need you to focus on your own health.

You won't be able to meet your brother in your current mental and physical condition.

Is that understood?"


Unable to do anything else but agree, Arla followed the instructions of StarKiller with the Droids of the ship leading her to the canteen to eat.

Others prepared a bed for her and sorted out the Simulation Pods for the intensive training that was yet to come.


Arlo wasn't one to overly bother about others when there was a major task at hand.

Overlooking a natural depression in the land, the System notified Arlo that he discovered the Eternal Pyre, an area filled with several alters and minor temples.

The main attraction of the Eternal Pyre wasn't the various structures but the small burning embers and heavy smoke which was fuelled by the bodies of dead slaves and subjects.

Arlo knew the planet seemed empty, but the construction droids easily told him there were inhabitants of the Korriban, but they just chose to hide themselves or operated below the surface of the planet.

Not enticed to find the inhabitants, Arlo focused on travelling through the shadows to reach the Eternal Pyre as he searched for the Mongrel Alter.

It was hidden behind a mural of King Adas, a former ruler of Korriban several tens of thousands of years ago.

Arlo couldn't care one bit about the Sith Lords and Kings around, as the artifacts appeared overly extravagant, like the truth character of the person within the art wasn't the true definition of their identity.

{The Mongrel Altar is sealed behind the King Adas mural.

You'll find the hidden knowledge of the Ancient Sith and a new possible ally}

"… If you were trying to sound ominous, you have failed Yeixrian."

{Ohh, bite me, Arlo!}

Chuckling, the man shrouded in the darkness of the Death Reaper Suit started to move the mural of the Sith King to the side so he could access the hidden room.

The entrance was large enough for Arlo to enter the room without any problem, but after through the doorway, Arlo's face contorted under the hood of the Death Reaper Suit.

A dense blood like substance pooled at the bottom of the whole room, that appeared linked with some inscriptions built into the floor and alter, where a headless corpse laid in the middle, somewhat kept alive through the churning blood.




[System Function - Player Network Activated!]


[New Discovery!]

[Sith Lord Wyrmuk the Undying – Headless Corpse - Found!] [+ 300 EXP]


- 300 EXP

- 300 System Credits

- First Map Fragment to location of Sith Lord Wyrmuk the Undying Head's]



[Hidden Quest Discovered!]

[Journey to Understand the Undying…]

[Description: Bound to an altar on Korriban, Wyrmuk the Undying has been left in a state of near death, where his body still holds onto life through Sith Alchemy and Rune Inscriptions.

Left without his head, Wyrmuk the Undying cannot move onto the next stage of his path in life and death, yet the anger that has kept the Sith Lord aware of his surroundings is unwilling to move on without enacting his revenge]

[Host needs to:

- 1/9 Discover Map Fragments leading to Wyrmuk the Undying Head

- Reunite Head and Corpse together at Mongrel Altar

- Awaken Wyrmuk the Undying

- Unlock Hidden Sith Dungeon Gate below Altar]

[Rewards based on Evaluation]



"… I'm going to store everything I can find in here besides the corpse.

Make sure it all goes to the Sith Academy of the Empyrean Dimension, so the Masters can begin to understand the knowledge." Arlo wasn't overly fond of the new quest because it just meant more work for him.

But Arlo knew the Sith Lord could turn into a vital ally if he could be transferred into the Empyrean Dimension once he awoke.

Even so, it required a great deal of searching and exploration, for the map fragments to be found.

Arlo continued, "Have you also finished the designs for the Dark Side Warrior Species Creation Card?

Ohh, and the Force Sensitive Warrior Creation Card?"

From moment he landed on Dromund Kalakar and received the first System Creation Card Reward, Arlo had asked Yeixrian to develop the designs on the 100 Dark Side Warrior Species.

She also worked on the development of the Force Sensitive Warrior, such as the appearance of the person and their equipment based on their Grade.

The Uncommon Grade of the Dark Side Warriors Species Creation Card allowed Yeixrian to design a race, but Genetic Data could only be used from species native to the Force Universe.

Yeixrian didn't choose any complication species and just went with Human for all 100 Warriors.

But their Homeworld was selected as Mandalore, giving the Dark Side Warriors an edge over others because of their childhood background.

Every person was given plenty of freedom to alter their armour but for now they were wearing variants of Arlo's StarKiller Powered Armour Suit.

The 100 Warriors were designed as members of an Elite Squad that served the person known as 'StarKiller'.

Yeixrian used the Force Sensitive Warrior Creation Card to design the perfect Mandalorian Commander for the Dark Side Warrior group.

Due to the Rare Grade of the Creation Card, Yeixrian designed a Balance Force User, with 16,000 Midi-Chlorian cells, that are able to increase through conduction Dungeon Raids and meditation.

Paladins of StarKiller, became the name of the Force Order associated with Arlo's StarKiller persona, with the Balance Force User leading the 100 Dark Side Warriors.

The Captain of the Paladins became known as Siegriven, in honour of a Knight whose soul was reaped by Arlo in his past form of existence.

A valiant Knight who died in a war that shouldn't have been fought in the first place, Siegfried was the last man standing person in a battlefield of fifty thousand soldiers, mercs, and warriors.

At that time, Arlo appeared and stood across from the bloodied and heavily scarred man with long blond hair and deep golden eyes.


"The End… has come, yet you do not feel ready to leave.

Why, Sir Knight?"

Coughing and choking on his blood caught up in his lungs, Siegfried smiled as he watched the Reaper before him display interest in his soul.

A pure spirit tainted by the blood of man in the name of Lords and Kings.

Siegfried believed his afterlife laid in the pits of hell rather than past the pearly gates of heaven, but he sensed the Reaper was taking judgement of his past and present.

"…I'm… not prepared.

My wife… my children… they need me… yet… *Cough*Cough*Cough* Here I am… on my knees.


But I feel… this is God's way of justice… for all that I have done… until now."

The Knight was slowly dying out, with his blood loss drastically increasing as he continued to draw air.

Arlo looked on and felt sad for the Knight as he read the memories of Siegfried within a second and saw the future that laid ahead for his loved ones.

It wasn't pleasant… nor was it appropriate for a man who'd done everything for his beloved Kingdom and people, beyond the actions of the King himself.

This also led to his inevitable death at the hand of defenders who were pushing back against the army of his beloved Kingdom.

"I see…

In that case, let me help you, only for a small favour though.

If you accept, I shall change the fate and destiny of your loved ones, while you move on through to the Trial of the Afterlife.

When I need you, at that time, I will call on you." Arlo made his demands clear, without showcasing the fate of Siegfried's family.

The Knight already knew his family would pay a large price after his death, so when given the chance to alter their fate, Siegfried jumped at the chance without bothering about himself.

"… What more do I have to lose.

I'm already dead as it is…

I shall accept, Hand of Death…"


Ever since that fateful day, the Great Sword Paladin of Ildenya Kingdom rested beyond the pearly gates of heaven with his wife and children who'd come to experience their own joys and hardships of life.

Though Siegfried always worried about the day the Reaper would call on him, so far Arlo had let him live in peace, yet after the Paladins of StarKiller were designed by Yeixrian, Arlo asked her to focus the groups characteristics on the Great Sword Paladin.

The mixture of armour types from light to heavy sets with Force Enhanced Weapons gave the Paladins a greater range of fighting capabilities.

They were able to fight within groups but also alone if required.

Arlo hoped for all of them to currently use weapons much alike Star Vader who only fought with his Beskar Steel Sword.

The Empyrean Dimension produced metals with Force Energy infused into the materials, creating Force-imbued blades much like those used by members of the Je'daii Order.

Arlo decided this would be the prime time to call on his favour before the Creation Cards were finalised and spawned the warriors.

While leaving behind the mural of King Adas, Arlo summoned the two Creation Cards into his hand and knocked his Scythe on the ground three times while infusing it with Spiritual Energy to enhance the sound of the weapon stomp.



L-L-Lord… is t-that you!?!"

From a rip in space, a being much alike Arlo's Death Reaper Suit appeared, using its natural aura to draw fear from the summoner, but the being paused out of sheer shock and fright after sensing Arlo's Death Aura from his suit and Scythe.

Stuttering, the clattering jaw of the bony skeletal form of the Reaper struggled to wield its Scythe in hand before the might Death Reaper Lord of Eternity.

"Inzov… how are you doing, old friend?" Even though Arlo wasn't exuding any emotions that might seem threatening, he naturally couldn't hold back the might of a Death Reaper Lord.

"I-I'm fine, my Lord…

M-May I ask, why I've been called?"

"To answer the call of a debt..." Arlo recited the simple code known by all Death Reapers when they wished to ask for the help of a soul in their debt.

Inzov couldn't believe he was called for such a trivial thing, but not wanting to stay around any further, the Reaper clicked his bony fingers to rip apart space to drag over Siegfried.

The process took less than a second, far surpassing the speed normal eyesight could witness without some sort of enhancement to their senses.

A light golden soul figure stood before Arlo, wondering why he was dragged away from his family and their time together.

Yet after it noticed Arlo's figure, the natural aura of the Death Reaper Suit helped the soul understand who and why it was brought forth from heaven.

"You've come to collect, Hand of Death, am I right?" Siegfried asked as Inzov escaped away from Arlo out of fear for his own continual existence.


I wish for you to pass on your knowledge, will, and experience to these Creation Cards.

After that, our debt is cleared, Great Sword Paladin."

The two Creation Cards were resting in Arlo's left hand, easily surprising the soul form of Siegfried, who noticed the raw power contained in the enchanted items.

It didn't bother Siegfried in any shape or form, besides aiding the Great Sword Paladin to pass on his wisdom.

Waving his ethereal arm over the two cards, Siegfried informed Arlo the debt was paid, instantly drawing the soul away from the living and back into the Afterlife Realms.

Smiling down at the two cards, Arlo noticed the changes to the warriors who'd yet to spawn.

"Yeixrian… complete the Creation Cards for confirmation and send them either into the Empyrean Dimension to train or send them ahead to Mandalore with Siegriven leading the Paladins of StarKiller until I arrive."