
Chronicles of Zetari

This young Saiyan loves to train and fight and encounters Goku who takes him under his wing to train him. he continues to grow in power and even participates in the Tournament of Power with his friends but soon after a great evil awakens that threatens the entire existence of their universe. Note: i do not own the cover photo

shola_noah · アニメ·コミックス
63 Chs

Go Wild Until You Die

Zetari and Toma were keeping the pressure on still on top of their enemies which surprised them a bit, but they had no idea that it was part of their plan. They would act as shock absorbers taking in all their hits and make them to expel as much energy as possible then turn the tide of the battle with quick bursts of energy. But for now, it was all a waiting game.

Zetari was at his best delivering blow after blow to Zuki who just crossed his arms and blocked his blows.

"Sooner or later Zuki, I'm going to break your defense" Zetari gritted not letting up one bit while he spoke.

"Come on kid, take your best shot" Zuki taunted.

Zetari gave him a punch that sent him some distance away as he prepared to fire his Phaser beam attack.

"Phaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeerrrrr....." he said charging up as the dark red ball of energy appeared in his palms.

"Beeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaammmmm!!!!!" he screamed as he launched the beam at him.

Zuki smirked seeing the beam and drew his hands to his body as he bowed his head, the beam edged closer and closer and then in one quick motion, he opened his arms violently for his energy surge technique. A huge amount of energy was released and kept Zetari's Phaser Beam at bay.

"W-Why is this, .....how is this even possible?" he questioned in disbelief.

"Dear boy, you have no idea what's possible" Zuki replied arrogantly.

He released even more energy pushing Zetari's beam back to him and hitting him with waves of energy to take him out of the air.

Toma jumped over Bagar with two energy balls in hand for his Brawler Beam attack, he released the attack once he landed on the ground forcing Bagar to cross his arms and take the attack. He was pushed through two buildings with smoke rising from his forearms after receiving the attack. Toma let out a loud battle cry as he approached Bagar to land a punch.

"I've just enough of this for one day" Bagar said as the younger Saiyan drew nearer.

Bagar caught his thrusted arm and began to unleash devastating attacks upon him with many groans heard from him. After punching the life out of him, he threw him at Zetari who readily caught his friend and helped him stand on his feet.

"Since you guys are using beam attacks, let me use one of my own" Zuki said rising high above the city with one finger raised to the sky.

Dark green energy swirled around his finger into one giant ball that kept on growing. "Let's see how you can handle my Shadow of Death beam" he said with a grin.

He pointed his finger downwards and blasted the two, Toma and Zetari stood in place knowing fully well that there was no dodging that attack, they only used their arms to cover their faces and hoped for the best as the beam came crashing down in a colossal explosion. The beam destroyed a huge part of the city center destroying any structure that stood in its path ruining the surroundings. After the explosion had ceased, a huge bare patch of ground was revealed, Zuki and Bagar casually floated down seeking the remains of the two that had come to face them.

"Where are you boys?! Are you dead already? There's so much more I wanted to do to you all" Zuki said in a psychedelic manner.

Suddenly a huge fallen piece of a building was moved away as it revealed Toma and Zetari badly beaten, resorted to their base forms and clothes severely torn. It was a miracle that they survived, yet alone could move.

"You two mosquitoes are very hard to kill" Bagar said angrily hating their resilience.

"What can I say, Saiyan's are very hard to kill" Zetari said faking a smile.

Zuki detested his positivity and sent two blasts to he and his friend sending them some meters back. Zetari spat out blood as he fell on his knees and palms on the floor while Toma screeched to a halt on his knees.

"Did you by any chance come up with a strategy on how to beat these guys?" Toma asked rising up slowly.

"Not a clue" Zetari said picking himself up.

"We're so screwed" Toma said with a little smirk forming on his face.

"But I'm not about to give up" Zetari said also smirking.

Bagar and Zuki arrived in front of them with confused looks on their faces. "What are you smiling about? If I were in your shoes, I would be begging for mercy" Zuki said with a demising tone.

Not minding Zuki's words, they continued their conversation.

"Same here" Toma answered.

"Then let's do this together" Zetari said with his voice now carrying new levels of hope.

"That's all. Go wild until you die!"

The both of them clenched their fists and began to scream at the top of their voice. "HAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" A blue aura shrouded Zetari and a red one over Toma, they were going all out until either they die or Zuki and Bagar do. Zetari went back to his blue form and Toma went back to four as they prepared to charge at the others.

"These two have no idea when to give up do they" Bagar commented as he got into his fighting stance.

"Come on Toma!! Let's do this!!!" Zetari screamed flying at Zuki.

"I'm right behind you all the way!!" Toma yelled.

Binz and Toma's father had their eyes glued to their TV screen watching all the developments in the battle.

"Those two are one of the toughest Saiyans I've ever seen" Binz commented watching both their efforts.

"They've taken Saiyan resilience to a whole new level...." Toma's father added.

As they conversed, they heard staggering footsteps and then a loud thump on the wall, they turned to see Raza leaning on the wall with bandages all around him and a blanket around him.

"Raza?!" Toma's father said in shock with his mouth dropped.

"What are you doing out of bed?! You need rest" Binz said rushing to his side to aid him.

"I couldn't .....I couldn't let my friends have all the fun without me...." he said forcing a smile as he tried to mask his pain.

"No, what you need is rest, let's go back to your room" Binz insisted.

"Hey, didn't Zetari say we should give him some sort of bean when he wakes up?" Toma's dad said.

Binz's eyes widened when he heard that. "Yeah, I forgot. Don't move Raza let me get them for you" Binz said leaving him leaning on the wall.

"Where can I go? I'm almost paralyzed"

Binz rushed back with the pouch of Senzu beans and administered one to Raza, Raza chewed it slowly but as soon as he swallowed it his strength was replenished, and he felt all his battle injuries heal up.

"I feel better already!" Raza yelled throwing the blanket away.

"Sure looks like it" Toma's father said.

"Wow, these things are powerful" Binz stated looking at the last one in the pouch.

"I think I'm goanna go help Zetari and Toma now" Raza stated.

"Don't you think it's too early for that?" Toma's father questioned.

"No one knows my body better than me and when I say I'm fine, believe me. I'm fine" Raza said.

"Won't you change first. Your clothes are all torn up and you're still covered in bandages" Binz pointed out.

"Don't worry. I'm good" Raza said racing towards the door before barging out.

"You come back safe. Do you hear me?!!" Binz shouted.

"I will" he replied. "Sorry mom and dad. Guess we'll have to see some other time.

"How much further?"

"Not long my lord. We will be arriving the planet in forty-five minutes"

"Forty-five minutes is a long time to me"

"But I thought you wanted to handle this matter personally?"

"Yes, I did. Guess this this is the price I have to pay"