
Chronicles of Veromonians

For countless centuries, humans maintained domination over the world. Renowned for their powerful intellect, this race lived to satisfy their deepest greed and to satiate their hunger for power and dominance, shaping the world as they saw fit. Unlike all other life forms, this heightened intelligence allowed them to build vast empires and advanced civilizations, all bathed in blood and pain. Civilizations, entire peoples eradicated, giving way for this plague to spread and enjoy all the killing and destruction they craved. Due to the lack of enemies and challenges to match their brutality, humans began to kill each other, as a result of discrimination, greed and unbridled repudiation. But little did they know that even for the most advanced and powerful species, their years of tyranny would come to a tragic end. And when they least expected it, disaster struck. The condemnation for such actions came in form of intense anomalies manifested across the globe, bringing death, fear and uncertainty to the fore. Among such anomalies, a giant catastrophe resided within the Earth's core itself. According to analyzes carried out by scientists all around the world, the terrestrial core was gradually cooling down, which would bring as a direct consequence the elimination of the atmospheric field, giving way for solar irradiation to take over. And with that, it didn't take long for life present on the blue planet to disappear. A tragic end for all the species that resided there, all eradicated in less than an instant. There was nothing but drought, radiation, and an intense decaying atmosphere on this lifeless, empty and dread land. Catastrophically, nothing could be done, and life on this planet would never see the light of hope. Or would it? After millennia, the Earth's core began to recover itself, which gradually recomposed the Earth's atmosphere and magnetic field, however, life still needed much more before sprouting again. After countless centuries have passed, rains took over the surface, cooling this incandescent celestial body and returning water to it. This was the last step to recover what was lost. Radiation still reigned over the world but, instead of making it impossible for life to grow, the new life forms that were established there transformed themselves with this radioactive sea, evolving in a different way. As time passed, more and more life forms resurfaced, and shortly after, humans returned, still, this time around, it was different. Thanks to radiation, the human species was divided into two main strands: ordinary humans and those who were named "Veromonians". This second division consisted of individuals affected by radiation, with enhanced capabilities such as enhanced physical strength and agility, accompanied by supernatural abilities. The human intellectual capacity, combined with the acquired powers, allowed the world to get a rapid evolutionary process, with great scientific and technological advances, generating a world infinitely more evolved than the previous one. Despite these advances, the brutality of this race had not ceased, enjoying these new capabilities. Aware of this, governments around the world have devised ways to contain the growing threat posed by such criminals. With that in mind, the Kotana Organization was founded in Japan. With leaders hand-selected by the government due to their expertise, alongside the usage of military force and Veromonian's powers, the organization's purpose was to put an end to the organized crime brought to the fore. In a world of inequality, abusive capabilities and uncertainty, what will it be like to deal with the violent and destructive crime caused by the atrocities that these powers brought? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule: 2 chapters/week Word-count: 2000-3000 words/chapter

Fluxion · SF
2 Chs

Dirty Deeds Worn in Black Part 1

After the meeting they had last night, Agents Echo and Vandelia were given the instructions to get to their new work place by the morning. It was localized inside a military district, but this one was far away from the VCC. As they made their way there, Agent Vandelia couldn't help but pull up a conversation about the previous evening's happening.

'What do you think of what happened yesterday?', she dissatisfied asked, though she did not demonstrate anything by her gestures, but on her tone, 'First, we get a new position, and then, that killer returns from the realm of death...'

'And to see all that theatrical presentation, it was indeed him. Seems like we are not up to face any lunatic followers', without removing his eyes from the road, Agent Echo replied, until he remembered something, and changed topics, 'By the way, Minami, you were the one to take care of most of his case previously. Have you got any details that I might need to know?'

By the time he finished that line, Agent Vandelia crossed her arms and let out a sigh. On the last appearance of Tarot, two years ago, she was the one in charge of the case, so if anyone knew more than she did about the menace Tarot posed, they would be wrong. With a displeased expression, her voice pierced the air as she began:

'Let's see... Tarot's a killer who consider his acts as some form of art. Gruesome as it may be, it has some sort of meaning for his disastrous mind', by gently knocking her blonde hair out of her eye, she continued, 'We feel like there is a pattern to his victims or even a certain message he's trying to convey through the killings'

'And which message would it be?', asked Agent Echo eagerly, peeking to the side a little with the corner of his right eye

'I've had considerations before, though after he said his card is a fate that awaits us all, I can't tell anymore. The mind of a killer is already dense, and we have a killer who considers himself as an artist...'

'How deep people's minds can go?', feeling the deep glance of Agent Vandelia, he let out a sarcastic laugh and a sigh afterwards, 'Don't mind it, it is just a rhetorical question. I guess that being a S-Rank threat is already bad enough, right?'

Both of them shared a laughter as those words were pronounced. As soon as they finished the conversation, they've made it to their new work place: similar to the VCC, it was a tall building, full of sapphire blue windows all over.

There was a spacious parking lot at the front of the main entrance, so they took their place and parked the car, seeing Mr. Otogami and a few agents at a distance.

'Are we getting ourselves a crew at our first day?', said Agent Echo, politely

'I wish we could provide you with that, though as part of your responsibilities as new executives, you'll have to hire your own crew, following the criteria provided', said Mr. Otogami, harshly. He glanced at both of them and raised another of his polite smiles before continuing, 'Perhaps you would like to know your new work place before getting into duty?'

'Please do', Agent Vandelia pronounced herself swiftly and firmly, 'May I add that such a huge building seems to be unnecessary for this operation?'

'For that matter, I must say that a tour inside will demonstrate all this place has to offer and how useful it can actually be', Mr. Otogami replied firmly, convicted in the words he just pronounced as he lead them inside, 'Also, this is not only an operation, Agent Vandelia. Creating new organizations affiliated to the VCC is a heavy duty'

Agent Vandelia faced that with her lowered eyes and neutral expression. In response to his partner's neutral and careless demeanor, Agent Echo knocked her with his elbow on her shoulder, and poked her with the discomfort caused by this act alone. 

They got inside and into the main lobby, which was quite similar to the VCC HQ's: a few armchairs and couches laying around, a red carpet that formed the path ahead, adorned with golden flowers, everything combined greeting both agents with a gentle aura. 

Not much to say about the main lobby, then they were taken to the upper floors. There, the tour presented a gigantic laboratorial area, which Agent Vandelia was attached to nearly from the moment they got inside, that fact presented by her curiosity about every square inch of that whole sector. Agent Echo, on the other hand, faced everything delighted, but nothing really triggered himself as it did Agent Vandelia.

"And this is the main meeting room", said Mr. Otogami as he opened the door to a room with a circular, metallic, but shiny table in the center, a big window in a semi-circular shape at the other end of the room, and a monitor next to the entrance, "Any of this place's facility is yours to use, so please, use the most you can of this place for your future cases"

Both of the agents escorted their tour guides out, and as they were about to come to the building again, Mr. Otogami presented them a waiver made in a tablet composed of hologram technology and started to go over it.

"I know new recruits can be difficult to find, but the VCC can help with that part", he said as he handed the waiver to both agents, "We can provide new recruits upon request and a checklist to help choose between those who are presented. This waiver relates to that and also, to the allegiance you pledge to serve and protect as new executives. Just please, sign it after you're done reading and acknowledging your duties"

Mr. Otogami performed a handshake with them before leaving both agents to the massive building behind them, the waiver they had in hands, and the future responsibilities they'd have. And despite being flabbergasted as they were, both of them head inside and made their way to the main offices upstairs.

"Alright, now, for the first tasks...", said Agent Echo as he took a seat in the big, honey colored, leather chair that laid in the center of the office, facing the main entrance of the room with its back to the huge window that felt like they were in a skyscraper, "We need a list of priorities and how we're going to perform those. Can you do that for now, Minami?"

"Yes, I can", she promptly responded to his request, but then looked at him with part fierce, part curious eyes, "I will request some recruits for this week if possible. While I work on that, could you take care of the waiver?"

Agent Echo silently nodded, and Agent Vandelia left the room. If they've finished those tasks, they'd wrap up until they managed to get new recruits. While Agent Vandelia was away, Agent Echo was carefully reading the waiver and its information about new recruits.

The contract read that all recruits were trained or passed examinations to ensure their survivability while performing their duties. Not only that, but all of them were certified to ensure their combat prowess and in what areas they'd excel in a military organization. 

Both of these tasks were soon done, and given the fact that the building has installed dormitories, neither of them needed to go away from the building from the night. Agent Vandelia managed to request new recruits for the next evening, where they'd be tested to ensure their capabilities. 

When it comes to Agent Echo, he read and came down to the terms of the waiver, signing it and sending it to the headquarters for approval. Now for the rest of their priorities for now, it was just a matter of time.


It was the middle of the night. All clocks in metropolis ticked for the midnight hour. And enjoying the beauty of such night, Tarot appreciated the view from the top of a luxurious hotel, that same hotel where'd he left his message. Contemplating the beauty that the moon's shine brought upon land, he graciously hummed to the fore.

"Miss Ishigami is now an executive, as it seems...", his cold tone pronounced only to himself and the wind pierced the air gently, "And her pesky older brother is with her. Oh, my, what should I start with? Perhaps a celebration..."

His right hand covered the upper part of his face, while the other was stretched back. His perfectly orchestrated plans for the performers he'd soon have to dance were amusing, even for his own delight. So wonderful, yet so incomprehensible that he couldn't help but chuckle a little.

Though his moment was abruptly interrupted by the surprises the night brought. Suddenly, a whistle blew through the wind, reaching his ears. As childish as it could be, that whistle was somewhat gentle, soothing at points. That same gentle whistle, coming from a figure as deep dark as the night.

"Greetings, 'Artist of Death'...", said the figure with a cold tone, as their crimson gaze pierced Tarot's glance, "Or perhaps should I call you 'Maestro'?"

He silently contemplated what just happened, as the figure stood out from the shadows, revealing something not as dark as before. It was the figure of a woman with long, shiny blonde hair and deep crimson eyes. Her black armor contrasted with the glow her hair and eyes had, covering everything from her body, including half of her face, covered with a mask.

"Huh, this is unexpected", he leaned to the balcony, while still facing the armored lady, "I didn't expect any visitors this evening. Guess I could still do..."

After a small chuckle, the armored figure crossed her arms and sarcastically announced:

"I must say, Maestro", said the lady, as she had a Russian accent, "I really did like your attire and manners. It is a great pleasure to make your acquaintance"

Nothing but a cold gaze came from Tarot as response. Silently, he put one of his hands in his chin and analyzed the figure. What was she there for? Although she sounded sarcastic, ever since her introduction, she didn't wear aggressively, nor has acted as such.

"As for you, your tongue is polluted with sarcasm, my dear", he stood up and approached her a little, "Now tell me, how much they've offered for my head, bounty hunter?!"

Standing close as he was, he menacingly grinned at her direction, facing her coldly, pressuring a suffocating interaction. Though, to no avail. Not being taken aback by that scenery Tarot created, she just stepped back a little, and leaned against the balcony.

"The black market got their eyes on you, allow me to say", her arms now crossed, as she forced a death cold gaze, "Not only the black market, but military organizations. I just wanted to come and meet the man that's worth that much"

"Oh, so they sent an ordinary scout after me?", Tarot chuckled a little after noticing that, and he raised the palm of his right hand, as if holding something to the lady, "Please, dear, didn't they advise you not to get close of the targets you identify?"

A purplish aura manifested around his hand, and then, he closed it shut and positioned it on his chest, clenched as a ball. The place was quiet, very quiet. Both him and figure stood at safe distances from one-another, and just stared at each other coldly.

"Trust me, darling, I am not one of those low-life thugs. Nor do I presume someone as bold as to turn death in art is one", after twisting herself around to gaze at the distance from the balcony, she peeked a little at his direction, "But would you look at that? Just a mere simpleton who's driven by his distorted pleasure's worth the whole bunch"

After pondering a little, the heavy footsteps Tarot had grew louder. Despite heavy, his footsteps were still calm, and not aggressive, such as his gestures didn't demonstrate violence. It was all too calm for someone that fulminated at the though of a bounty hunter. 

The atmosphere also cleared a little. It was so peaceful and quiet, that the only sound to be heard were his footsteps, incessantly moving in an unpredictable tempo. It was the moment he started to walk in circles around the bounty hunter that he began pronouncing himself again.

"A simpleton you say, love?", incoherently to his beliefs of true art in death, Tarot didn't sound aggressive either, peaceful as he was while walking, "I understand you. Your dirty deeds led you to a path of shame, tarnishing your prey disgustingly. Therefore, I shall demonstrate you how a touch of art is necessary"

In a sudden moment, the landscape blended shades of purple and crimson, and even the balcony space was taken by a mist in that same shade. The bounty hunter attempted to move, but her body refused to twist a muscle. And as she realized that, Tarot had vanished, mixing himself in his mist.

"You can see it now, can't you?", he eagerly asked as his voice echoed around the mist, "This is a replica of how the world looks for me. Ugly, deformed and distorted. You will be my assistant, and as a reward, I'll demonstrate how I intend to tarnish this realm"

After finishing his statement, Tarot showed up on her back, and started to walk in a constant tempo around her. Looking for the perfect moment, for the perfect angle, he walked back and forth with a smirk on his face and a hand on his chin.

"Now dear, let us see you dance!", his right hand was starting to cover itself with that mist, and he slowly approached it to the huntress' face, nearly touching it

"Allow me to give you this: mental techniques are pointless against me", her glaze swiftly penetrated through the mist, as if aiming for something, and as she did that, she moved her body in a circular motion, releasing a blade from her right forearm

The blade quickly extended, slicing the air as it moved in that circle around her. In a mere fraction of a second, it almost came to the encounter of Tarot's neck. Time seemed to move slower as it was about to pierce, but he vanished among the mist again.

"What the. . . ?", he nervously said as he recovered from his sudden dodge, realizing that the blade managed to cut a little on his left cheek, "The black armor and the capacity to nullify Veron induced techniques. . ."

The huntress took her blade away and stared at him for a brief second. Then, she coldly replied:

"I thought you'd never notice. . .", raising her arm up in the shape of an L, the metal plates of the armor started to adjust on their own, tightly wrapping around the armor, "You may call me as Буря, as a reminder of what you've yet to face, Maestro"

Suddenly, she gracefully bowed in front of him, as a sign of respect. Tarot quietly glanced, admiring this encounter to the fullest. After crossing his arms, he understood what that encounter meant, and who that bounty hunter was.

"I see it now", as he realized, he wore a satisfied expression with a gentle smile, "Many are talking about a bounty hunter that tracks down and eliminates the world's most dangerous criminals and killers. A Veromonian of unknown rank, but with the ability to suppress her foe's ability. Such a delight to finally be the honored one of your visit"

"Allow me to give you this: your methods and tactics are impressive", Буря said that as she adjusted her stance after raising her body again, "Although, your 'art' is a flawed cause. Tonight is enough of your ludicrous act"

Both of them silently took their stances, and focused their glances on one another. The atmosphere boiled up, with burning thoughts and emotions. Two midnight monsters, and only one of them was leaving that scenery alive.

"Может прийти, Maestro", her tone was freezing cold, contrasting to the atmosphere that boiled in the air, "Prepare yourself for the cold embrace of death!"

Hey there readers! Author here to apologize for the delay between chapters. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and stay tuned for the part 2!

Fluxioncreators' thoughts