
Chronicles of Veromonians

作者: Fluxion
連載中 · 732 ビュー
  • 2 章
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What is Chronicles of Veromonians

WebNovel で公開されている、Fluxion の作者が書いた Chronicles of Veromonians の小説を読んでください。For countless centuries, humans maintained domination over the world. Renowned for their powerful intellect, this race lived to satisfy their deepest greed and to satiate their hunger for power and do...


For countless centuries, humans maintained domination over the world. Renowned for their powerful intellect, this race lived to satisfy their deepest greed and to satiate their hunger for power and dominance, shaping the world as they saw fit. Unlike all other life forms, this heightened intelligence allowed them to build vast empires and advanced civilizations, all bathed in blood and pain. Civilizations, entire peoples eradicated, giving way for this plague to spread and enjoy all the killing and destruction they craved. Due to the lack of enemies and challenges to match their brutality, humans began to kill each other, as a result of discrimination, greed and unbridled repudiation. But little did they know that even for the most advanced and powerful species, their years of tyranny would come to a tragic end. And when they least expected it, disaster struck. The condemnation for such actions came in form of intense anomalies manifested across the globe, bringing death, fear and uncertainty to the fore. Among such anomalies, a giant catastrophe resided within the Earth's core itself. According to analyzes carried out by scientists all around the world, the terrestrial core was gradually cooling down, which would bring as a direct consequence the elimination of the atmospheric field, giving way for solar irradiation to take over. And with that, it didn't take long for life present on the blue planet to disappear. A tragic end for all the species that resided there, all eradicated in less than an instant. There was nothing but drought, radiation, and an intense decaying atmosphere on this lifeless, empty and dread land. Catastrophically, nothing could be done, and life on this planet would never see the light of hope. Or would it? After millennia, the Earth's core began to recover itself, which gradually recomposed the Earth's atmosphere and magnetic field, however, life still needed much more before sprouting again. After countless centuries have passed, rains took over the surface, cooling this incandescent celestial body and returning water to it. This was the last step to recover what was lost. Radiation still reigned over the world but, instead of making it impossible for life to grow, the new life forms that were established there transformed themselves with this radioactive sea, evolving in a different way. As time passed, more and more life forms resurfaced, and shortly after, humans returned, still, this time around, it was different. Thanks to radiation, the human species was divided into two main strands: ordinary humans and those who were named "Veromonians". This second division consisted of individuals affected by radiation, with enhanced capabilities such as enhanced physical strength and agility, accompanied by supernatural abilities. The human intellectual capacity, combined with the acquired powers, allowed the world to get a rapid evolutionary process, with great scientific and technological advances, generating a world infinitely more evolved than the previous one. Despite these advances, the brutality of this race had not ceased, enjoying these new capabilities. Aware of this, governments around the world have devised ways to contain the growing threat posed by such criminals. With that in mind, the Kotana Organization was founded in Japan. With leaders hand-selected by the government due to their expertise, alongside the usage of military force and Veromonian's powers, the organization's purpose was to put an end to the organized crime brought to the fore. In a world of inequality, abusive capabilities and uncertainty, what will it be like to deal with the violent and destructive crime caused by the atrocities that these powers brought? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule: 2 chapters/week Word-count: 2000-3000 words/chapter

10 タグ

Obsession Series #3 Dare Him

SYNOPSIS: Lyrinx Constellion is a proud gay, he's not the usual gay that will wear make up and everything, he has friends and his family accept him for being gay. He's so shy and he doesn't have a boyfriend ever since he's born. His family isn't rich but they can give all the necessities and his needs. Chris Laurence is a rich guy, who's good at spying and all, he has friends, money and everything even the girls are chasing him. But he isn't happy, his previous relationship was tough, he just found out that it's all just a dare and the man just want money from him. Two years ago, Chris Laurence found out that he is a Bi but no one knows even his friends, if he tells them he's sure that they will accept him because one of his friend is married with other guy. One year ago, he found a man that he loved, but he got fooled, it's all a dare, a fucking dare that shattered his heart. •°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°••°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°••°•°°••°°•°•°••°••°•°•°•°•° Since then, he doesn't believe in love, he doesn't want to fell in love. Until one day he was in the bar with his friends and a pink haired guy went over to him and kiss him then left. Please, let me explain, I lov-----" I cut him off again and he was about to held my hand when I backed away, I saw the pain in his eyes. "Don't you dare touch me, I don't love you, I didn't love you!" I yelled at him and he smile sadly at me his tears are threatening to fall. "I know." He said before sprinting in his house and slammed the door behind him

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Eliza: The Noble, The Actress and The Slave [On Hiatus]

This world doesn't tolerate love. Especially the one that is forbidden. ~~~~~ "Listen here, Liam is my friend. You can't have any relationship with him." "Let go of my hand, it hurts," Eliza pulled her hand, but the man's fingers only tightened grip on her wrist. From the outside, their dialogue looked like a pleasant conversation, but Adrian's gaze and his grip, after which she would definitely have a bruise, were far from being friendly. "Stay away from him," the man hissed, keeping a charming smile on his face. "What if I don’t?" Irritation slipped across Adrian's face, but then disappeared behind the usual mask of benevolence. And only the ice in his eyes betrayed true emotions. He leaned over to the girl and whispered, "Then I will reveal your secret to him. It will be amusing to see how his admiration for you will turn into disgust. Are you ready to check it?" ~~~~~ The Romalian Empire was one of the most developed countries on the continent. Its capital, Malva, welcomed the travelers with beautiful buildings, wide avenues and clean streets. Everything spoke of the high standard of living and the greatness of its citizens. Though, not all of them. At birth, each person was assigned to a certain caste: aristocrats led by the royal family, merchants and gifted professionals. But fate was truly merciless with those who had been born as slaves. Their life, future, and even their children forever belonged to their owners. Elizabeth Dale grew like a rare flower under the watchful eye of her uncle, Philip Lockhart. Her education, upbringing and manners were of a high level, like all aristocrats had. Outside of his large estate, she was known as the niece of a distant relative. And only within the walls of the house did everyone know about her real identity. Eliza was a slave. She was a slave in beautiful clothes and with the manners of a noble lady, with no freedom and the right of choice. A slave could become free if the owner himself granted this freedom to him or her. A slave could become free if their talent was recognized by the Royal Academy as a value for the empire. And if Eliza had talent, then she could only dream of freedom. After all, none other than her worst enemy could grant her wish. Of course, this was not part of his plans. UPD: The novel is temporarily on hiatus.

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Roses of Ashes: CREATION

"Thy Holy Ground dared to burn my feet." The sky had darkened. The azure oceans turned a rich shade of crimson. They painted her shades of blood for the ceremony until every shades of her skin burned like a dying ember. With roaring fire eyes, she turned to face him. Her favorite place to spend her free time has always been Hell. Fires are slowly creeping up her tongue and into her hands; she has fire all over her body but is not in any pain. It was finally tamed by her. His lips were bleeding, and he was aware that he was in pain. He is not dealing with the woman he expected. She had already grew up and now wants to put an end to his existence. He smirked as he snatched up his blood-soaked blade. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forbidden. Forest. Sixth Ocean. Sixth Mountain. Sixth Moon. First Human. A rebel. Bloodline. A prophecy has came. Gods are in chaos. The seekers are dead. One by one, they will fall and one by one they shall meet their fate. Gods are not Gods anymore. They are dying. "Seekers did prevail the prophecy before they got killed" Ares muttered as he spoke with Zeus. Fire was breathing between the barrier and any moment by now, it will break. "Once it broke-" Zeus trembled at a tragedy that would befall Gods and Humanity. Ares handed the scroll to Zeus with fear in his eyes. "They said it will be a tragedy-" Zeus muttered every words along with the other Gods in the Olympus. "A woman with an enchanting beauty." He started. "Roses engraved to her as her birthmark. Born in the sixth of the full moon. A child with fire in her heart will be born in the Land of Roses will cause the Gods to fall into Ashes." He dropped the scroll and trembled upon his throne. "My Lord, there is another one. A boy will be born, opposite of this girl will bring us victory." He stood up and his voice roared over the entire Olympus. "Kill the girl." "Bring me the boy."

Socrates_Hemlock · ファンタジー
7 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



General Audiencesmature rating