
Chronicles of a Nobody

A young man dies full of regret with his monotonous life of emptiness. He finds himself in a dark space. One thing leads to another and off on an adventure he goes. First World: Naruto First time author here folks. Just trying my own take on a fanfic here. I'll try to post a chapter a day. Please feel free to post your criticism and opinions on the story. I'll try to incorporate everything I see and make it better.

Hoggysama · アニメ·コミックス
44 Chs

End of the War


[Quest Completed]

[Raiju's Trial]

[Pass the Raiju's test.]

[Reward – Thunder Breathing Technique (Kaminari no kokyū)] (S)

Rai accepts the rewards.

[Would you like to learn Thunder Breathing Technique (Kaminari no kokyū) right now?][Y/N]

Rai immediately prompts the Yes option mentally. Rai receives an influx of memories regarding the technique as well as all the sword moves.

First Form: Thunderclap and Flash (Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen)

· Six Fold (Rokuren)

· Eight Fold (Hachiren)

· God Speed (Shinsoku)

Second Form: Rice Spirit (Ni no kata: Inadama)

Third Form: Thunder Swarm (San no kata: Shūbun Seirai)

Fourth Form: Distant Thunder (Shi no kata: Enrai)

Fifth Form: Heat Lightning (Go no kata: Netsu Kairai)

Sixth Form: Rumble and Flash (Roku no kata: Dengō Raigō)

Seventh Form: Honoikazuchi no Kami (Shichi no kata: Honoikazuchi no Kami)

The reward consists of all the regular 6 forms as well as the seventh form that Zenitsu created.

Rai is seriously wondering where he is going to end up at this rate. He has a lightning seed, a lightning breathing technique, a lightning based summon and on top of that he was born in land of lightning and is named Rai. At this rate he's gonna really end up as Thor.

(AN: Yea I really overdid it. Need to start branching out to other elements a little. :P)

Rai spent the next few months trying to practice the breathing techniques as well as fine-tuning his control over Chakra and Lightning. He is now capable of holding the Lightning Cloak technique for a few minutes. The one thing that is really holding him back is his lower volume of Chakra capacity. His time is now split practicing these techniques during the day and he is having much less time to cultivate and break through to the Nascent Profound Stage.

A few days ago, news of Iwa's defeat at the hands of Konoha started spreading. Hopefully, the Kumo troops and grandfather will retreat before it is too late. Otherwise things will go just as it did in canon. Rai hasn't heard any information afterwards. It has been a couple of days since he last heard an update. Maybe the higher ups who are stationed in Kumo would know but there is no way they will tell me what I want to know.

'All I know is that I haven't failed the quest yet. So, I know grandpa isn't dead. I hate this feeling. This feeling of powerlessness. Not being able to do anything to help. To just sit here in the safe haven that is provided to me and wait until they come back. It is beyond aggravating.'

[Don't beat yourself up over something you have no control of Rai. You and I both know that there's nothing you can do.]

'But how can I just sit here and do nothing?'

[Ok. Then what do you plan to do? Sneak out of the village and wander aimlessly? If you really have a death wish then go ahead. I won't even try to stop you. Otherwise, just shut up and wait. It is annoying to constantly hear your rambling and moaning.]



*Awkward Silence*

Rai headed out of his house to clear his head for a bit. As he was walking by a restaurant he heard something which really didn't want to.

Mob A: I heard we got ambushed by the combined forces of Iwa, Suna and Konoha.

Mob B: Yea, and the Raikage himself stayed back to buy time for the others to retreat.

Mob A: Damn these bastards. We will never let this go. If something happens to the Raikage, we'll definitely make them pay.

Mob C: But, where does that leave the village, isn't this bad for us?

Mob B: Nonsense, the Raikage's son A is more than capable of taking over in case something does happen.

Rai stood there with his rage growing as he hears them talk as if things are already a foregone conclusion.

Suddenly he hears a prompt.


[Quest Completed]

[A Hero's Promise]

[The third Raikage is going to be leaving the village for the last time before his eventual demise at the end of the war. He sacrifices himself in order to buy time for his troops to retreat by stalling a force of 10000 shinobi's for 3 days. Make him give you a promise to be careful in the war and he will come back whatever it takes.]

[Failure Condition: Death of the Third Raikage]

[Rewards: 1x Lottery Ticket, 100K SP, 1x Nascent Profound Pill]

'Haha. He did survive after all.'

Rai burst out laughing right then and there. People around are looking at him in confusion and anger thinking that he's mocking the supposed death of the Raikage. He quickly sees that the situation is turning awry for him and ran full tilt.

'Now, I'll just wait peacefully at home without worrying.'

[Finally some peace.]

'Hey, I already apologized didn't I?'

The next few days passed by with Rai doing his usual Daily quests and his technique practice. Rai already used the Nascent Profound Pill to break through to the 1st Stage of the Nascent Profound Realm. He decided to leave the lottery ticket for later.

Until finally when he saw his father, he knew they were finally back. But, the moment he has his father's ashen face, he knew something was wrong. Did grandpa's survival cause some other kind of complications he wondered?

"What's wrong dad? Why do you look so glum?" – Rai

"It's about your grandfather." – A

Rai was confused. He knows for sure that he survived then what could have happened. Then it hit him. The quest only mentioned about returning to the village. It never mentioned the state that would return in. Maybe he is on his deathbed or maybe he's crippled. All the previous enthusiasm and sense of glee that Rai was feeling disappeared.

"Can I see him?" – Rai

A seemed to contemplate about something for a while after which he says "Ok. But, I want you to not disturb him. I'm warning you right now, his condition is really bad and I don't want you to lose it there. If you do I'll forbid you from going there. Am I clear?"


A picked up Rai and shunshin'd away from the house. They quickly reached the Kumo hospital and entered a private room on the top floor.

What Rai saw there broke his heart, his grandpa lay there unconscious with severe injuries all over his body. He even lost his right arm. The left arm isn't in a better position either and it is a doubt whether he could ever use it again. All those negative emotions that were toiling away at him previously came back with a vengeance. Anger. Sadness. Hatred. Rai was going through a multitude of emotions until finally he snapped and it was all calm again. To the untrained eye it looked like he was emotionless doll at the moment but his father being an experienced person quickly saw through the endless wrath that was deep within Rai. The calm façade might have been able to fool others, but he knew his son well enough to see through him.

They just stood there in silence. Nobody wanted to say anything. There was nothing to say anyways.


[Special Offer in Store]

[Pack of 100x Senzu Beans – 100K SP]

'Thanks Alice. Buy it.'

[Item purchased. You can find it in the inventory.]

Rai turned around and saw that his father was also deep in his thoughts and wasn't paying much attention to what was going on. Rai stealthily walked up to his grandpa's unconscious body, took a senzu bean from the inventory and shoved it down his grandpa's throat. Once he was sure, that the senzu bean was successfully ingested. He heaved a sigh of relief. The last thing he'd want is for his grandpa to die of asphyxiation from him trying to feed him. Rai knows that it won't take long before his grandpa wakes up. He wanted to be there but, it'll be too suspicious. So, he asked his dad to take him back to their home.

A few minutes after they left, all the injuries on his grandfather's body disappeared and shortly after his eyelids quivered and he opened his eyes.

Honestly, I'm not completely sure. How to go about with MC's interactions with his family. I ahve a nagging feeling that it feels too forced. Any thoughts?

Hoggysamacreators' thoughts