
Chocolates and Marshmallows

As the expansionist human kingdoms invaded the Fae nation, surrounding all fronts, and forcing the elves and fairies to defend their homeland. The elven Queen Delphinia and Queen Dorthana, having no other choice, used their combined magica to transfer their homeland to another reality. Abandoning their Mother. But the human armies got tranfered with them. Unfortunately, that was not the real problem as a howl of pain and agony was heard seemingly throughout the land. "NOOOOOOOOOO!! MY HOUSE!!"

Abel_Malusay · SF
5 Chs

Leaving Mother's Embrace

A chamber framed from rigid stone and hugged by crawling roots and hanging tendrils. Globes shine and flicker as they lit the room below. Shrubs and trees flourish and cling on the walls, bearing fruits and berries. Sweating dew and breathing out air. Tapestries of woven silk and thread hung on the walls. Elves with crows lifting a sword, an archer with golden eyes, a pure white fairy floating above a lake. Stories of old held up high above the heads of those who enter. 

Orbs of light dance and sway near the elf in an azure dress. A sky color silk clothing pairs with her milky soft skin. Her hair flutter like clouds and her presence as calm as tranquil water. 

As light of dusk struck metal from an armor reflecting gold. Sat a figure on an ornate throne of sharp knife edges. A tall monarch with broad shoulders, and a height of 2 heads taller then the rest. Cold gaze sweep across the floor below through the slits of the helm. The chaos and distress infront of monarch is boiling. Glancing to the right where the opposite sat. Eyes closed with her plump lips tight shut.

Silent walls of training and dedication shine in silver plating stood firm and rooted on their post. Their eyes never faltered and continuously seeking danger. 

Their hearing sharp as the points of their ears.

Fairies fluttering and shifting. Their hands moving with grace. Holding out food and drinks. Cloths in hand soaking up spills and and tiny brooms to remove scraps and specks. Quick and quite while attending to the guests. Some have fuzzy wings of butterflies, others are translucent as of dragonflies. They serve with their heads low and speaking politely.

Papers lay flat and still. Drawn and marked with black ink. Points and arrows, Lines and borders fill its surface. Small shape of triangles and squares made wood. Being pushed and shoved while others get thrown out or topple. Most fallen shapes bear the mark of "Fae" 

Faes in silver armor and faes in robes of white sat on conflicting sides. Eyes piercing each other, clenched fists and teeth. Booming voices are echoing. Bouncing all around the chamber. They spit and they argue. But who could blame them as their enemies slowly approached their home to take what they all loved. 

"We fight those filthy humans to the last fae! We will ensure they dont get within our land!" Shout the dark skinned middle aged elf.

"Are you out of your senses you combat maniac! Your willing to sacrifice the sons and daughters of our mother tree!" Shouted back by the fair skinned and long haired elf in robes.

"Who do you think you are to judge me Falon?! Your always at the back of the line. You know not of what honor is!"

"Honor, Voron?" The elf laughed at the remark. "Honor is horse dung as the humans call it! We will die if we fight them harder. We should have talks with them and water down the situation. They may just annex us and save our people."


The table nearly split in half. A visible line crossed from Voron's place to Falon. Splinters protrude and fibers split. The table groaned as its weight shifted to the center. 

"Those monkeys will rape our females and work our males to death!! You saw what they do. They will strip our home bare and burn Great Hilda, our Mother Tree. 


The leaves shook violently. Pushed from the wind generated by Falon, unable to resist. The staff he held shimmer and crackled. Warming up to the imminent clash.

"Do you think I don't know that?! I have an eternal partner damn you! I don't want our people to go and die in a meaningless effort Voron... Brother... I dont want you to die! We can can convince them."

Falon squeezed the handle of staff. His blood vessels bulging out of his hand. 

"My life doesn't mean anything Falon! I'm a war leader, I chose to be this. I will die if it means we can save our people, so be it."

Voron put his hand on the handle of his saber. He looked his brother in the eyes, steady and unrelenting. A fire burned in his eyes. Showing a look that says "Im not afraid of death".

"Then you are a fool! The humans can still be reasoned with and we may be able to save ourselves and—

The sharp edge of a blade cut through the air, his words were cut short also. The blade crashed and was held still. A translucent barrier infront of Falon glowed faintly. It rippled and shook as it defies the blades intent to kill. 


The sword shivered and the barrier quaked. A force unseen slapped the sword upwards and hung on the branches. The barrier was hammered into pieces like a dropped porcelain vase. No one spoke, gazes fell on the floor. They remain quiet and indifferent to the show the brothers performed. 

"You are the fool here Falon! Those human kings will make whores out of our beloved queens and I will not let that happen!". 

Veins bulge on Voron's temples as he growled. He gripped the table and the furniture submitted to his dominance and cracked. His rage was a raging furnace, fed by the idea of "diplomacy" to a race that wont care for it.


No one spoke. No one refuted. The winds blew and the leaves shake and rustle. A letter was stabbed, a letter sent to their court weeks ago. Demands of land, money, slaves.

And to make the elven queens as concubines to the human kings but they all know to well the true fates any royal slaves get. To be service providers to the sick and vile ruling class of the humans.

Falon choke on his words. He opens his mouth but no sound came out. He only stared and tightened his jaws shut. Eyes burning with the truth smacked at him.

*Please stop Voron... Falon...*

A soft melodic voice echoed within their minds and struck their core. The feeling of tranquility flushed out the negativity withing their vessel. The fae looked up towards their sovereign in white. Eyes glued to her. Expecting an end to their distress and hopelessness

*This war is lost my children. We cannot win*

The queen on her left spoke and nodded in agreement. 

"Delphinia is correct my soldiers. This war is lost"

The crickets chirped and birds sing. The news made them mute in the moment. Thoughts rushed in their heads and murmurs and whispers erupted between them. Hope was all thats left and it was shattered like glass.

*But...* She continued *There is a way for us all to be saved.*

The officials looked up. Wide eyed and a glimmer of light in their eyes.

"My queen, is it an escape route?" An official of the war faction asked.

"Is it a negotiation tactic my queen? Please dont sacrifice yourself." A female fairy said.

"Or maybe is a way to fight back againts the vile humans your highness" questioned by a dark skinned warrior.


Delphinia signaled her opposite. She looked at Delphinia and back at the gathered fae in the lower floor and spoke. Deep yet still mesmerizing. She spoke softly and carefully.

"Great Hilda says her farewell."




"Let our kind hear our mother say her last goodbye." She continued.


"No my queen! That cannot be! Whats going on?!" Says an elder in a panicked tone

"Why is Great Hilda leaving us?! Is she abandoning us?" Cried the servants.

"Why our queens?! Will Great Hilda perish? Please... Sob... sob.. tell us that is not the true!" Said a fairy.

Tears flowed down the fairies cheeks. They shake their heads and continue to cry. They were the youngest of the races birthed by the Great Hilda. The youngest are loved the most in their culture.

It was a storm of emotions. Their expression darkened. Faces confused and lay stunned. Others breath in and only nod to the fate they already foresaw.

*Our mother decreed to flow all of her power to the two of us. To defy the laws of our realm and send us to a another where we will be safe...* Her eyes water.

*F-for it is a land that had been tested and had endured. It will be o-our..." 

She paused and looked away. Her eyes flowed tears of water fall. She wiped them off but tears still run down.

"That realm will be our new home. We shall leave our mother's embrace once we cast it"

Said Queen Dorthana to continue her opposites words.

*Sound from the heavens*

*It has... begun!* 

Oh children of mine

Your mother will be fine

Let me sing a melody

A lullaby for you and me

Please do not cry

For time will always fly

Oh children of mine

Your mother will be fine

Go on and play

On the reeds and hay

But heed my words

You will fly away like birds

Oh children of mine

Your mother will be fine

Your all the joy i have made

You've give me help and aide

Time to leave and grow

For winter came and there is snow

Oh children of mine

Your mother will be fine

Dont shed tears for me my children

A mother's duty is to carry your burden

Dont forget Mother

My love for you is forever

Oh children of mine

Your mother will be fine..

All the fae in the nation heard the sad melody in the heavens. All of them, the children of the Mother Tree wailed as they also knew that it was time. One last action. One last thing before she leaves. 

The land workers, scribes, harvesters, crafters, soldiers, healers, archers. All the fae kind wailed in sadness and many dropped to their knees. Like a small crying child. Begging for their parents to stay all a child could do to stay longer, only for them let the child go and eventually leave. Never to return.

Sparks of lightning and a spiralling cloud of the color of ash grew above the towering Mother Tree. It then quickly expanded. Spreading. Urgent to complete its task.


The clouds raced and spread in all directions. Shadows loom and cover the surface till it reached it borders. To take all her children to safety. The ground trembled and shook as roots that webbed over the nation moved. It tossed and turned. Whips and strikes lash at the advancing wave. Bodies flying and cobbled paths break and twist.

---Borders of the Fae nation---

---Invading Human army---

"My lord! My lord! The slaves are casting a massive spell! Huff.... huff... From their capital. They are probably casting a shield from the amount of magica they are gathering and the roots are hindering us" A man in blue robes reported.

"Damn does point eared freaks... Everyone advance! Mages! Burn the roots. Besiege that stronghold! For king Marcus!!"


Waves of knights and horse riders quickly trample the earth and plants and create a thunderous disaster approaching. *Stone breakers*, a magical item that fires a head size stone sphere within a long large rectangular box at fast speeds and delivers a sphere containing a explosion spell to destroy defensive structures. The human archers rained arrows and pushed siege weapons and platforms to take the strong hold.

Mages chant and whisper. Symbols and marks float above them. Balls of fire, shards of ice, strikes of lightning tore the walls brick by brick. One large chunk after another till it crumbles into an open passage. The foot soldiers seep in. Stabbing a fae. Slicing left and right. One swift stroke and a head flew up. Splattering red on the ground and screams fill the air.

---Elven Border Stronghold---

"Take cover!!" Arrows fall from the darkened heavens and they are pinned on their position. Large round shields were lifted above their heads. Arrows struck and snap upon impact on the shining dented surface of their shields.

"Take out the mages and archers!" A commander shouted at his fellow defenders.

"Soldiers! Fight with your all and not let these monkeys break us! For Great Hilda, For the Mother Tree!


The elven soldiers eyes were red. They slashed the humans in front. Cutting limbs, rolling heads, sparks flew as metal meets metal. They are surrounded. Their bodies sweat heavily, blood dripped down the soldiers lips. A nasty wound stuck on at their shoulders. 

Other soldiers crash on the ground as blades struck holes in their bodies. Soldiers of long hair chanted breathlessly. War cries and screams charged at the invaders.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Chunks of meat and bone fly everywhere. Broken sets armors rest on the crimson earth. Swimming on fluids and innards. A letter of promise in the fae language. A promise broken, a mothers regret.

Dark clouds stir and rumble. Flashes of light and electric arcs of heavenly bolts branches below the clouds. Clang of metal and roaring of weapons breaking through carved stone walls. The human general's eyes look up the horizon where the bastion of the faes slowly crumble. A once solid foundation become no different from a sand castle. 

He scoffs at the sight of them. Running towards his soldiers formations of shields and spears. Waving their blades. Howling the devil's language. 

"Too easy..." He muttered to himself. 

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Severed hands and feet, fingers and eyeballs roll to puddles of red and craters scarring the land. Pounds of flesh scatter around the battlefield. Ravens and crows celebrate a bountiful feast for them to eat.

A flag with the fae nations symbol was sawed off from its perch to join its fallen people. Winds blew and a flag of two griffons takes its predecessor's place.


The roots of Great Hilda are consumed by blazing color of red and orange flames. Fibers turn black and dark smoke rises. Eventually reduced to ash and history takes its new visitor to enter its pages. Only to be forgotten.

---Elven Capital---

---Throne Room---

Blues streaks of energy spirals into a violent vortex within the chamber. Sweat drops on the foreheads of the rulers. Veins popping. Complexion fading. Blood runs down their cheeks and lips. Muscles tighten to hold on to something too difficult to carry.

*Everyone! Lend us your assistance!*

A fabric tear slowly appears in the center of the vortex. Struggling againts the defiance of the power held by the queens. Breaking the laws does not come easy.

Palms of the officials flared with magica. They blast of flowing energy to the spell. The rift grew larger. The vortex went insane. Surges of power shot out from every direction.

*Dorthana!!!* Delphinia called.

Her eyes were blood red and her white glowing irises fluctuate.

"Keep it up Delphinia! The spell is almost finished!" Encouraged by Dorthana who was also suffering the same under her armor.

Particles and spherical masses flood the vortex relentlessly. Tearing the fabric of space thats so desperately holding itself together.


Few faes fell...


Others took to their knees. Shaking and vomiting blood from their mouths and other orifices.

"One last push Delphinia!"

*Haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!* ( Both queens)

The chamber twisted and air quaked. The rift finally give up and a blinding light dyed everything white. A bright flash rivaling the sun goddess. 

No sight...

All can be seen is white...

No sound...


No touch...

*Cant feel a thing..*

No smell...


Bodies fell. Shaking and spasming slightly

"Mother..." Dorthana quietly spoke. "I cant hear you..."

Delphinia lay still and unmoving near her. Eyes half open with shallow breaths. But still alive.

The birds squawked and the leaves fell. Her sight goes dim till black is all she could see. 

---Former Borders of the Fae Nation---

---Invading Human Army---

The general's jaw dropped and eyes wide as the size of dishes. Clear skies and quite twilight remained. A creater is left and nothing else. Not his men nor the stronghold. Nothing! 

Only the colossal tree of ashen grey from the great distant stood alone in the middle. Branches shedding, falling into pieces. roots slowly went limp and unmoving as they burn from the fires. Bark cracking shatter. Bleeding wounds of life essence ooze down on its trunk. A final whisper before the howling winds took it away.

Oh... children of mine

Your mother says... goodbye

--- Unknown World---

The fae officials regain themselves. Greatly weakend from the realm defying talk. They felt alone.

The ever loving present of the The Mother Tree is gone. The wanted to cry. They bleed and and sweat. Their muscles screamed in agony but they steeled themselves.

"Ple...ase... Hel... Her"

Their thoughts were interrupted by a weak and desperate plea. Their heads turned to see their queens who lay dead still on the crumbled floor.


A torturous cry from Voron as he screamed while he continued to bled. Shuffling footsteps can be heard outside as their sensitive ears detected. efore all fell unconscious.

---On a certain clearing---

A 1.5 meter figure fell to his knees

and raised his head, shout to the heavens.

A painful howl that somehow was heard by all the land.

