
Chelsea boots and cigarettes

Complete "Like friends with benefits?" "Yeah, just...without the friends part."

t0mm0_thetease · その他
18 Chs


It's been a week and Harry was able to finally sleep steadily again. He even started playing the piano again, something he wasn't able to do in his old home without the neighbours complaining because he wasn't really good at it.

But he got distracted by Louis entering his car, like every morning around the same time. Was it creepy to know that? Harry's eyes followed the black range rover until he disappeared in the streets. He was bored okay?

Uni would start tomorrow for him as a newcomer. Finally, he was so done sitting around doing nothing. The boxes were already unpacked and everything was cleaned up. He groaned annoyed as he closed the piano and went into the living room hoping for the television to intertwined him somehow.

He almost fell asleep to telescoping as the bell rang. He was wondering who it was, it couldn't be Anne or Gemma it was too late already. 9.38 pm god, he had half of the day, no wonder his head ached. He rubbed the rest of the sleep out of his eyes when he opened the door.

It was the blonde boy that he has had a good chat with at Liam's. "Hey, sorry did I disturb you?"

"No, all good what's up," Harry yawned. "You are going to the University of Manchester right?"


"Good, because Louis and I go there too, you can come with us tomorrow if you want." The option was to be alone witch equalled boring so Harry just smiled nicely and took the offer. "Thank you,"

"So come out around 7.30" He called already back on his driveway. That was absolutely not what Harry had expected but okay. Atleast the anxiety of having to be alone lifted a little off his shoulders.

But it came back right the next morning when he was waiting behind his window to see his neighbours get out so he could join. He felt his heartbeat rush, it was just crazy to get into the car with two strangers to get to a school you don't know stuffed with people you Don know and- stop thinking about it. Harry reminded himself.

He spun the rings he was wearing around his fingers, it always calmed him down in situations like this, his heart jumped as he saw the two lads outside and he immediately jogged toward the door, holding on, the cold metal of the door handle in his sweaty hands.

He didn't want to seem as if he had waited. As he stepped outside Niall smiled at him "come over!" Harry screwed his eyes at the blinding sun when he walked over to them. "Hey, uhm thanks for the ride." Louis who was driving turned around, carrying a smirk. "Sure, curly."

Usually, Harry would complain, he hated when people gave him nicknames based on his hair but he didn't want to start an argument. He was a grown-up man and that would just be childish. Well, he just turned 22 a few months ago.

The campus was bigger than Harry it had looked in the pictures, and it was crowded with people. At his right a few groups sitting on the meadow studying, others were just having conversations about their holidays. At his left some lads played soccer, Louis treated them with a fist bump.

"Who is he?" One of the boys in a red tricot asked. "Louis introduced them and they carried on, to the next group, Nialls friends this time. They were nice and Harry felt more and more comfortable as he walked through the hall. "Where are Zayn and Liam by the way?"

"Zayn goes to another university and Liam is at work," Niall answered pulling a stack of books out of his blue locker. "Hey, Niall do you join the party today?" One of the girls across the floor interrupted them, Niall just nodded. "And you can also bring this cutie." She added pointing at Harry winking. Harry just smiled back nicely. No need to know he was gay.

"Who was that?" Harry asked followed by a smirk as soon as the brunet was gone. "N- no one." The blue-eyed boy stuttered, but he was blushing so it was probably the girl he had a crush on. "Mhm,"


The day passed quickly, the lessons had been pretty chill and everyone was nice to him, the perfect start at a new university. Now Harry was standing in front of his mirror trying to find a good outfit for the party. Something casual but not too boring. He chose a button-up and black ripped skinnies.

He left his hair open, letting the curls fall loosely down his shoulders. Oh and not to forget his brown Chelsea boots. He put on some deodorant and perfume before he went. He decided to take the car, he could leave it there and walk home if he would drink something.

The other lads were already waiting for him Zayn and Liam too. It was weird, he only knew them for two weeks and they were already going on so well as if they had known each other for years. Well except for Louis, he was always so distancing.

It was loud, drunk people dancing or all over the place. Some were playing drinking games and others were just sitting around like they have taken something. "There you are." The brown-haired girl from school babbled holding herself up by clasping Harry's shoulders. She smelled so badly like alcohol. "God, you're so handsome."

Harry mouthed a 'help' over to Liam who took her gently away leading her over to her friends where he and Niall ended up sitting too. Louis went upstairs and Zayn into the kitchen, Harry joined him. "Which one do you want?" The black-haired lad asked, the fridge lights washing the room white.

"I don't care."

Zayn shrugged and just took two beers out and opened them. "Thanks," It had been a while since Harry lastly drank something alcoholic, he wasn't really someone to go to a party. He and Zayn had those standard small talk conversations about life until (thank god) a blonde girl that seemed to be his girlfriend pulled him upstairs.

The hours passed and Harry had found a few people he got along well with, for example, one guy, his name was Will, he went to the same physics course as Harry and was really into photography. A lot of the people didn't even go to the uni they were just there because of the free beer.

Whatever it got boring and really late as Liam stumbled towards him, Louis arm around his neck, almost carrying him. "Hey, Lee I think I will go now." His head was aching from the loud and aggressive bass. "Can you do me the favour and take Louis with you? I can't let him go alone and we wanna stay a little longer."

Perfect, now Harry had to play the babysitter just because they were neighbours. "Sure." He answered replacing Liam, putting Louis arm around his neck. He left the house, dragging Louis with him, he was only taking small steps.

"Can you put on the seatbelt by yourself?" Louis just looked up from the passenger seat, his eyes almost closed and he looked about to fall asleep. Harry rolled his eyes and bent over the older boy putting on the security. He heard Louis breathe next to his ear it made him stop moving for a second.

They had brief eye contact before Harry shut the door and let himself fall into the driver's seat. He's probably shouldn't drive, he had drunk a few beers himself but Louis wasn't in the condition to walk so he would just be careful. He drank a bottle of water before he drove out of the parking lot.

Louis did too compulsorily. "Did you have fun curly?"

"Stop calling me that."

"Okay. Did you have fun Haz?"

Harry's knuckles turned white at the tightening grip around the steering wheel. "No, but it looks like you did." Louis laughed, "Oh, yes I had." Harry was thankful for no further details because he could think his part.

At some point Louis turned his head and started staring at Harry, he could feel those blue eyes all over him and it made him nervous. "What?"

"You're beautiful."

Harry needed a second to answer, that was definitely not the answer he had expected. "And you are drunk."

"Oh, am I?" He asked a smirk widening on his face. Harry drew his eyebrows as he stopped the car in his driveway and looked over to Louis. He unlocked the seatbelt and got out he wasn't swaying or stumbling anymore, he seemed almost completely sober.

"You huh-?"

"I just played."

"What why?!" Louis hugged getting around the car to stand in front of Harry. "I needed to get out of there it was boring." He smirked taking a step closer on which Harry took a step back. He swallowed, Louis, lifted his hand resting it on the driver's window. Harry took another step back but hit the car door with his back.

His breathing slowed as the gap between him and Louis got smaller and smaller. His heart was rushing, Louis bit his lip pulling Harry into a ban with his eyes. "What are you up to?" The words only escaped as a breath. "Whatever you want," He replied whispering into Harry's ear awaking an excitement in his body.

"I don't-" He started but gave in as Louis's lips brushed his it was just too hard to resist. They kissed deep and roughly. Louis pressing Harry against the car and Harry cupping Louis neck with his hands, pulling him closer.

It was passionate and hot how Louis swirled his tongue in Harry's mouth. They both were breathing heavily in between. And after a few minutes when Harry's lips were already numb they got into the house, ripping each other's clothes off, leaving a path from the entrance door into the kitchen.

Harry wasn't thinking about what was happening when Louis's hands were trailing over his back like that. "Here?" Harry asked catching his breath. "We can take the couch if you want," Louis answered standing in front of him only in his boxers. Harry smirked, he had never had sex in the kitchen before but, why not?

Louis let his hand slip down Harrys toned abs down to the elastic of his black briefs. Then he broke the kiss and sank down on his knees taking Harry in his mouth. Harry moaned as Louis started moving his head back and forth, clasping the edge of the kitchen counter.

Louis went faster and took more and more of Harry in his mouth until his eyes started tearing up. "Fuck," Harry whined slowly thrusting his hips making Louis gag. His grip tightened and his nails dugged into the skin of Harry's hips making him moan loudly.

"Gonna come." He choked out on which Louis stopped and got up again. He stroke a strand of hair out of Harry's face and turned him around. Harry bent over the counter spreading his legs apart. Louis worked him open by swirling two fingers inside Harry trying to find a spot that made him weak.

"A-another one," He whined impatiently. "Please." Louis did as told kissing along Harry's neck from behind, probably crating hickeys. Harry moved his pelvis back to feel Louis' fingers deeper inside of him. "Where is the condom?" He breathed making Harry shiver.

"In the drawer in t-the bathroom." He stuttered replacing Louis fingers with his own so he could go and get that stupid thing. Not long after he came back, he rolled the condom over his cock, lubed himself up and forced him to drink something before they carried on. "Ready?"

"Yes," Harry exhaled exhausted. He felt Louis slowly push in. Harry whined painfully, but it felt good. Louis rested like this for a while letting Harry adjust before he started thrusting his hips to a steady rhythm.

"God," Harry hissed as Louis was pounding harder, he clasped the edge of the counter again, his back was hurting in pleasure. The older boy was grabbing Harry's hips so fucking tight it would probably leave bruises. However, it turned Harry on. Louis hit his prostate making Harry cry out. "Gonna come." Louis choked.

Then his hands wandered up to Harry's neck pulling his head up at his hair as he fucked him senseless. Harry was close too and it was so god damn hard not to touch himself. He clenched his teeth waiting for Louis to come first. The rhythm of his thrusts got unevenly as closer he got.

"Fuck, Haz!" He moaned grinding his hips a few last times before he came just like Harry, moaning loudly as he came all over the counter.

They cleaned everything up and Louis left without another word.


Okay that wasn't planed but I guess I have to work with that now.