
Chelsea boots and cigarettes

Complete "Like friends with benefits?" "Yeah, just...without the friends part."

t0mm0_thetease · Others
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18 Chs


Harry didn't know how to act around Louis, they haven't talked since he left. He always managed it to go before the older would be with them. Currently, he and Niall were sitting at a table in the cafeteria. They were trying to study but it was way too loud to concentrate, Harry was rereading this text for the fourth time now.

"Can't we just study in the library like everyone else too?"

"No, I'm hungry and I don't want to get into another argument with Mrs brown for eating in the library."

"We can go to my house." They had no more lessons anyway.

"Only if you have pizza." Harry rolled his eyes and packed his stuff. Sure he had pizza, it was what he had as dinner half of the week. "Where is Louis by the way?" Niall asked plugging in his seatbelt, as if Harry would know. "I don't know wasn't he with you?"

"No, I barely have seen him since the party, and if I caught him he was acting weird." Harry just shrugged as an answer, his thoughts pulled him back to Louis and his brown hair that laid across his forehead, and the way he had looked him in the eyes.

So deep and clear like the ocean. "... and they always put extra cheese on top." Niall finished his sentence. "Are you even listening?"

"Uhm, yes." He lied but at the way Niall had raisen hos browes he gave in. "No, sorry I had something on my mind." The car stopped and the two boys entered Harry's house. "Wow this is huge, how can you pay this alone??" Niall looked around amazed after he had kicked off his shoes. "I don't, my parents do until I finished university," Harry explained leading the blonde boy into the kitchen, where he opened the freezer and took out two pizzas.

"Really? Just like that?"

"Yes, they have a pang of really bad guilt because they were at work all day so they always bought me everything I wanted, including-" Harry opened the oven and carried on talking as he had successfully put the pizza on one of the metal plates. "this house." He turned around, Niall was leaning at the counter where, well where Louis had fucked him to get it to the point.

Oh, god please make those thoughts stop. Every time Harry entered the kitchen or saw Louis exit the house he got 'flashbacks' and couldn't stop thinking about how fucking good he was and... what was wrong with him. Harry didn't recognise himself, usually, he wouldn't do something like that.

Never in a million years. "What?" Nialls voice ripped him out of his head, he had gotten himself some a coke and now eyed Harry confused, one eyebrow risen. "Nothing I was just in my thoughts again," He cleared his throat, Niall pushed away from the counter and headed to the living room. "Must be someone interesting, you are blushing" he mumbled.

"I'm not, it's from the heat of the oven," That sounded way more convincing in his head. Whatever he picked up his bag from the chair and followed Niall.


After hours of not studying but talking about their lives, Harry noticed how much he and Niall had in common, they could become really good friends. He had told him everything about his family and how dorky they were (something Harry had already thought because of the way Niall was, he had to have it from someone) what led to Harry telling him weird stories about his own family.

That again led to other random stories from their childhood. "... and then the dog almost attacked me." Harry laughed and sat up, he took the empty plates and brought them to the sink, "But why were you stealing his bites in the first place?"

"It was a bet. At least I got 5$ for it." The lad shrugged from the doorframe. Harry raised his eyebrows amused as he imagined a mini version of Niall running away from a dog for 5$. "Anyways, I need to go now I have an important appointment tomorrow." It had been really fun with him. "We need to repeat that someday."

"definitely," Niall agreed, slipping into his shoes. It was already dark outside, that's how long they had been talking. Harry felt the sudden need to open his window when he was back in his room, just getting the 'cold' like rain smelling air stream through his bedroom. He laid on his bed, buried between his pillows reading a book Gemma (his sister) had gifted him on his birthday.

His lids got heavier with every page he turned. The slight splashing sound of the rain outside filled the room making it cosy. Harry knew he had to get up and close the window before he would fall asleep... but his bed was so cosy.

A cracking sound coming from outside caught his attention, he got up and sneaked a look outside as he saw Louis. "What the hell are you doing here??" Harry hissed on which the blue-eyed boy jumped frightened. "Fuck Harry you scared the shit out of me!"

"You are the one creeping around at my window in the middle of the night, not me." He complained watching the soaking wet boy in front of him. His hair stuck wet to his forehead and water drops streamed down his cheekbones until they dripped down his chin.

"Why are you here?"

"I wanted to talk to you."

"At my window?"

"No, you stupid, I was on the way to the door." Harry only hardly understood him the rain was pouring loudly. "Can I come in?" Harry hesitated a few seconds but Louis was already shivering so he stepped aside letting him climb into the room.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Harry asked, awkwardly clearing his throat. "I just want to make sure that, you know, what happened was a one-time thing." He clarified. "We both had drunk and I don't want you to interpret anything in there."

"I didn't interpret something in it." Harry fumed, staring down into those blue eyes that were staring back at him. Who was he thinking he is?? "It wasn't that good anyway." He whispered spellbound by those blue eyes. Louis raised his eyebrows and his mouth formed into a slight smirk.

Both were breathing slowly, and Harry could already picture what was about to happen. "A one-time thing." He repeated but he knew Louis wasn't listening by the way he stared at the younger's lips.

No that couldn't happen again, it was crazy, they didn't even know each other. And also what was Louis thinking to just climb through his window and stare at him like this. "One time," Louis whispered, his warm breath stroking Harry's cheek. One second later they were all over each other.

"We can't do that again Lou-" Harry bit his lip as Louis breathed heavily against his neck placing another kiss onto his skin. "Oh and why not?" He muttered and continued eagerly kissing and licking all around Harry's neck, it would probably spread with hickeys tomorrow.

"Because- fuck" Louis smirked as his hand slid underneath Harry's pyjama pants making him gasp. "Because, because-" His words turned into quiet moans, his eyes were closed in pleasure as Louis took him in his hand and started moving it up and down.

Harry's nails dug into Louis' bicep, it seemed to turn him on. The older boy removed his wet shirt and so did Harry. He felt Louis' eyes devour every little inch of his torso.

Harry watched Louis place a path of rough wet kisses down to his v-line, his muscles tightened and his breath got unsteady as closer he got to Harry's cock. He teasingly licked along with Harry's belly sassily smiling up to him. "P- please Lou," Harry lifted his hips upon which Louis chuckled.

"Impatient," Louis sassed positioning himself between Harry's thighs and slowly pulled off Harry's boxers and spread his legs apart. Harry threw his head back into the soft pillows. Louis pressed slight kisses along his inner thighs causing goosebumps to spread along his legs. Harry begged him to stop teasing, he couldn't wait any longer.

His cock was pounding and Louis little games only made it worse. "Just fucking do it Lou!" Louis stuck his tongue out and let it softly slide up Harry's length making him clasp the sheets next to him. His tongue was hot, it drove Harry crazy, he couldn't wait for Louis to... get up and put his shirt on??

"What-" Harry asked confused watching the older get dressed, his blue shirt stuck to his skin so tightly, his abs showed through.

"I'm not good anyway so let's not waste any time." He faked a smile as he laced his shoes. "Oh and," He pointed at Harry's boner, "Have fun fixing your little problem." With that said he walked out of the room, Harry heard the front door shut with a loud bang.

He did not-

Harry sat up and looked through the window where he saw Louis walk past waving, a triumphantly grin on his face.


The warm water of the shower run warmly down from his shoulders and dripping down his long curls as he cried out and came all over the wall, but he still felt frustrated. He couldn't believe this idiot really just left. The worse thing was, it was exciting enough for Harry to dream about him the following night.

The alarm ripped him out of his sleep, Harry scrunched his face eyeing his vibrating phone disgusted. It was Saturday why wasn't his alarm turned off?? "Ugh" He groaned, falling back into the pillows. But no matter how hard he tried he couldn't fall asleep again, his thoughts were too loud.

They were running over no one other than Louis and Harry hated it. He embarrassed him.

Over the days this embarrassment turned into anger and all Harry wanted was to punch the boy into his pretty face. "Are you paying any attention to what I say Mr Styles?" The professor whom name Harry didn't know asked. Harry shook his head clean. "Yes, yes I'm sorry," He took the mad glance the old man threw at him before he carried on with his speech and dared a look to Louis.

He was sitting a few rows in front of him, he was typing something into his phone. Then he suddenly turned around, Harry's heart jumped and he quickly turned his head hoping Louis didn't notice him staring. His phone vibrated in his pocket.

Did you change your mind?

Change my mind in what? He looked up and caught Louis's eyes.

I was good. Admit it.

Keep on dreaming dickhead

Okay, however you want...

Harry put his phone next to his binder and ignored the buzzing once in a while, just when he thought it was over it buzzed again. Harry opened it and took a look at the texts, he was mad, so mad he wanted to throw his phone against the wall.

But he calmed down as he saw those messages were only from Gemma, just asking how he was and how life was going, God, he needed to call her sometime soon. He answered her texts with short answers as one from Louis popped up, followed by a naughty text, and it was very detailed.

Harry quickly turned his phone off hoping no one saw, as blood rushed into his cheeks, well, not just into his cheek. God, he needed to get out of there, quickly. After 16 more minutes of torture, he had hurried over to the toilet. Why got he hard so easily lately?

He locked the door behind his back and dropped his heavy bag, he tried to think of something else than Louis body pressed against his because, well that only made it worse. Not even the cold water he splashed into his face helped. But he couldn't jerk himself off in the school toilets.

"Fuck," he cursed looking down at his crotch, he needed to unzipping his skinnies. Now. Just when he let his cock breathe someone knocked on the door. "Everything alright in there?" It was Louis, sarcasm swimming in his voice, he knew exactly what Harry was doing.

"Fuck off!"

"Let me in,"

"No way," If he wouldn't leave any time soon Harry would never be able to relieve. "Leave,"

"I'm sure I can help you." The raspy voice sounded through the door. Harry bit his teeth just hating that he needed Louis at this point because there was no way he would touch himself, not in the toilets of his university. No. So he unlocked the door sighing annoyed as he saw Louis smiling so wide his eyes formed into two slids.

He quickly passed past the taller lad and Harry locked the door again. "I can't believe I really got you with my little text." He teased. Harry rolled his eyes, Louis did and he hated it. "Don't get used to it."

The brown-haired boy eyed Harry's black boxers, he clearly saw his boner. "So," He folded his arms in front of his chest as he leaned against the wall to his right. "You need to admit it first," He shrugged.

As Harry didn't reply Louis came closer, so close he was standing on the tip of Harry's shoes. "As long as you don't you will only get this," He breathed and pulled Harry's face down so close their lips slightly touched. His warm heavy breath against Harry's lips drove him so absolutely crazy.

"Nah, I changed my mind, not even that." He twaited back to the spot he had been a few minutes ago, leaving Harry open-mouthed. "You were good okay?! So fucking good and now shut up and do something!" Harry almost yelled desperately. From then on everything went faster, Louis kissed him, roughly.

The older made his mouth useful and blowed Harry. It had been really hard not to make too loud noises because, well there were still students in the halls right behind the wall Harry had his face pressed against as Louis was thrusting his hips deeply into Harry, making him whine.

The air was filled with their heavy breathing and the sound of their flesh slamming together roughly.

And it had happened again,
