
Chasing Wealth: GoldenEye

With "GoldenEye" one can discern the flow of wealth; a gaze reveals the rise and fall of fortunes. This is the story of a humble bank clerk, who gains the ability "GoldenEye." It is a tale of his escapades, from seducing beautiful women to mingling with the rich and famous. However, beneath the surface of his thrilling and hedonistic lifestyle lies a darker truth. This is the tale of a terminally ill patient who abandons treatment and tramples over workplace rules. The cost of ambition, the lure of wealth, and the ultimate quest for meaning in a life shadowed by impending mortality.

Shazame · 現実
73 Chs

Future (1)

As September arrives and the school year begins, times have changed, and policies have relaxed. School uniforms have evolved from baggy sportswear to stylish blazers paired with short skirts.

Of course, this change only applies to the girls, and Lin Qiang has no interest in the boys' uniforms.

It's afternoon, and school is just letting out. A group of chattering high school girls gather, sharing the secrets of their summer, while Lin Qiang, clearly more interested in glimpses of their skirts and long socks, reminisces about his own long-gone student days. Even though he's dragging a heavy suitcase, his mood is lifted.

"Hey! Boss Lin, you're in the mood for this now?" Zheng Shuai scolded, his face twisted with frustration. "We're being sent into exile! Now isn't the time to be ogling schoolgirls!"

Lin Qiang's reply was full of poetic sentiment—

"No, no, I've been worn out these past two years. I need to stop and enjoy the scenery."

"All you can do is look." Zheng Shuai also glanced at the young girls nearby, their youthful and lovely faces stirring his imagination, causing him to lick his chapped lips. In his distraction, he stumbled and nearly bit his tongue.

"Damn it, everything's going wrong! Even looking at girls trips me up!"

Zheng Shuai had every reason to be angry.

A few months ago, he was a star in the industry, which meant endless wealth and honor. Money, beautiful women, high society—everything he fantasized about was within his grasp!

But a transfer order shattered all of that. His office, once located in the prestigious "Jingjing Financial Street," known as the "Treasury of China," was moved to a remote suburban district, dozens of kilometers from the city center. Once he had a chance to wield influence, now he could only steal glances at schoolgirls—a blow that would be hard for anyone to bear.

What puzzled Zheng Shuai even more was why his companion, Lin Qiang, remained so carefree.

Three years ago, Lin Qiang and Zheng Shuai had joined "Union Bank" at the same time. Though their roles differed, both had risen through the ranks, stepping into more critical departments, handling more substantial funds and projects. For the younger generation in their field, reaching this level in three years was no small feat.

Yet now, it seemed they were back at square one.

Zheng Shuai shook his head and sighed, "Boss Lin, I just don't get it. Why wouldn't you sign that loan? Your manager was begging you to approve it, and you dared to bang the table and say, 'Unless you fire me, this loan won't get processed.' And then... you actually got fired!"

Lin Qiang's story was well-known in the industry. A month ago, during a loan review for a company, he insisted there was significant inflation in the company's asset valuation and a risk of fraud, refusing to approve the loan. Ultimately, as he wished, the loan didn't pass, and neither did he.

Facing yet another round of questioning, Lin Qiang forced a smile and said, "Being transferred here is a temporary setback. If I'd approved that loan, I'd be permanently out."

"You mean the company really had issues?"

"Absolutely." Lin Qiang lowered his voice slightly. "On the surface, it's a real estate company, but they're using antiques to... never mind, I shouldn't say too much."

"I've heard some rumors, too. It's tough for the higher-ups," Zheng Shuai said, shaking his head again. "Most of us think you did the right thing. If a problem comes up later, the person who approved the loan will be the scapegoat. Although you've offended the leadership, at least you're clean and have a chance to make a comeback."

Zheng Shuai then asked in confusion, "One thing I don't get: you're not like me—I'm in administration—but your skills and performance are evident. You haven't done anything wrong, so why stick with Union Bank? Why not switch jobs?"

Lin Qiang looked like he was about to cry. He woodenly uttered two words—

"My mortgage..."

Zheng Shuai immediately understood. "Got it."

As an employee of Union Bank, Lin Qiang enjoyed significant benefits when taking out a mortgage. The interest rate was almost the same as a three-month fixed deposit, less than 2%. Ostensibly, this was a perk, but it was also a shackle, preventing employees from jumping ship, as switching jobs would increase their mortgage payments by nearly a million yuan.

Lin Qiang, confident and enthusiastic at the time, had bought a serviced apartment for his parents. Now, he had to bear nearly 10,000 yuan in monthly mortgage payments. If he switched jobs, this amount would increase by several thousand.

Seeing Lin Qiang suddenly looking gloomy, Zheng Shuai patted his shoulder and laughed, "Boss Lin, it's okay. You still have a chance. When the leadership changes, you can rise again. Look at me—I'm stuck in administration. Now that I've been demoted, this is probably my fate for life."

"Pfft..." Lin Qiang suddenly laughed.

If Lin Qiang's demotion was due to his unyielding principles, Zheng Shuai's was more about preserving his dignity. As his name suggested, Zheng Shuai was tall and handsome, with a sunny disposition and a good heart. His natural talent had allowed him to stand out in administrative work. However, his outstanding qualities made him a target for a female superior...

The female leader, nearly fifty, had a temperament and "appearance" as fierce as a malevolent spirit. At a birthday party, she had a few too many drinks and brazenly groped Zheng Shuai's thigh. The expression on his face at the time became a major joke within the industry.

But Zheng Shuai managed to keep his dignity, made an excuse, and escaped. After that, his performance reviews started going downhill afterward, leading to his eventual transfer. His success and failure both stemmed from being too "handsome."

"Stop laughing!" Zheng Shuai cursed at Lin Qiang, then laughed along with him. "This is the banking industry. You have to endure the rules and the hidden agendas. I guess I'm just not cut out for this. My mom was right; I haven't suffered enough to handle this kind of work."

Before they knew it, they had reached the entrance of a residential complex.

Since this area was still under development and less populated, few people from their industry lived here. Because it was so far from the city, those assigned to work here were provided with accommodation.

"The environment here is alright. Wait a moment; I'll contact our guy here." Zheng Shuai put down his luggage, wiped his sweat, and pulled out his phone.

A few minutes later, a greasy, overweight man in his forties with a buzz cut emerged from the building. He extended his hand with a grin, "Hello, you two. I'm Zhang Jiaming. I've been here for two months. The others are at work, so they couldn't give you a proper welcome. Apologies!"

"No problem, thank you for your help." Zheng Shuai and Lin Qiang shook hands with him and followed him into the building, or rather, down into the building.

They descended step by step into a dark passageway, feeling a chill in their hearts.

"Are there still basements in new complexes? Shouldn't it be a garage?" Zheng Shuai coughed and asked.

"Well, it's a garage, with an empty storage unit inside. In fact, it wasn't originally intended for people to live in." Zhang Jiaming said, pulling out a flashlight to light the way.

Lin Qiang frowned at this.

It didn't matter where they stayed, but this was too much. Was this guy stupid or just pretending?

Zhang Jiaming quickly made an exaggerated gesture to cover his mouth. "Sorry! What I meant was, this was originally a storage area for spare electronic components. But the outlet's budget is tight, and the other rooms we rented are full, leaving only this place. If you want, you can write a report and ask for another place?"

This statement was even more frustrating. Who didn't know Lin Qiang and Zheng Shuai had been sent here because they had fallen out of favor? Filing a report now would get them nowhere.

Zheng Shuai's face turned red with anger. He recalled when he worked in administration at the branch office, even outlet managers had to be polite when dealing with him. Now, he was being slighted by this nobody! How could he not be angry? But thinking it unwise to make enemies on their first day, he held back.

If Zheng Shuai was angry, Lin Qiang was even angrier. He wasn't about to let this nobody walk all over him.

"Is the work here tough?" Lin Qiang asked, suppressing his anger.

Zhang Jiaming, still smiling broadly, replied, "Hehe, don't be fooled by the fact that this is a newly developed area with few people. Right now, our bank outlet is the only one here. All the merchants and residents have to come to us. There's great potential for development, so keep up the good work, you two." 

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