
Chasing Wealth: GoldenEye

作者: Shazame
Realistic Fiction
連載中 · 1.7K ビュー
  • 12 章
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What is Chasing Wealth: GoldenEye

WebNovel で公開されている、Shazame の作者が書いた Chasing Wealth: GoldenEye の小説を読んでください。With "GoldenEye" one can discern the flow of wealth; a gaze reveals the rise and fall of fortunes.This is the story of a humble bank clerk, who gains the ability "GoldenEye."It is a tale of his escapa...


With "GoldenEye" one can discern the flow of wealth; a gaze reveals the rise and fall of fortunes. This is the story of a humble bank clerk, who gains the ability "GoldenEye." It is a tale of his escapades, from seducing beautiful women to mingling with the rich and famous. However, beneath the surface of his thrilling and hedonistic lifestyle lies a darker truth. This is the tale of a terminally ill patient who abandons treatment and tramples over workplace rules. The cost of ambition, the lure of wealth, and the ultimate quest for meaning in a life shadowed by impending mortality.

10 タグ

Chemistry Of The Past (BL)

Song Ki-Bum, a carefree rich kid living the high life of his college life partying away with his childhood friend, Park Ha-Jun. Although Park Ha-Jun always brought along or invited multiple girls to party with them, Ki-Bum would still restrain himself from messing around carelessly. One day when he was partying at his usual spot with some girl, one of the girls confessed to him. At that time he wasn’t thinking anything and was about to tease her with a kiss but suddenly a man appeared across from him. That man is someone he has known from a long time ago. Song Ki-Bum was surprised to meet him there. Because Ki-Bum has known him from when he was a kid, he became suspicious of that man as he looked like he didn’t even age despite a decade had passed. That man introduces himself to Ki-Bum as Yoon and his identities as an immortal who lives through time. He also brought Song Ki-Bum to the afterlife and explained his purpose for meeting with Song Ki-Bum that he thought Song Ki-Bum was his incarnation of his past master. Afterward both of them start to live together because Yoon tells Ki-Bum that he would stay by his side until the day he’s gone just like the other incarnations that he guided thus far. During that time too, their relationship unconsciously starts to heat up especially when Song Ki-Bum is marked by a snake demon and in a critical condition. Things get even more chaotic when Yoon’s brother Lee Jin suddenly appears in front of Song Ki-Bum and asks him to save Yoon by going back in time. Before Ki-Bum met with Lee Jin, he did notice some of Yoon’s strange behavior during his fight against the snake demon. Eventually Ki-Bum decides to go with Lee Jin’s plan which is time travel. Upon arriving in the past, Ki-Bum is immediately discovered by a man named Shin. Later he found out that Shin is the master Yoon mentioned before. But things didn’t seem as simple as Lee Jin said when Ki-Bum actually got involved in it. Moreover, it’s a one man versus a whole kingdom issue.

Yeo_ja · ファンタジー
32 Chs


Di sebuah desa yang bernama Desa Matahari terbit hidup seorang anak laki laki yang bernama Xin Fai, dia adalah anak seorang pemburu, karna terlahir dari anak seorang pemburu di usia nya yang baru menginjak 10 tahun dia sudah pandai berburu karna sejak kecil dia diajarkan oleh ayah nya untuk berburu hewan di hutan yang tidak jauh dari rumah nya. "Xin'er apa boleh ibu minta tolong padamu" ucap ibu Xin fai sambil memberikan sepucuk surat pada Xin fan "Tanpa ibu meminta tolong pun aku pasti akan membantu ibu selagi aku masih sanggup aku pasti akan melakukan nya" ucap Xin Fai sambil tersenyum kearah ibunya "Kamu memang anak baik Xin'er, Oh iya tolong antarkan surat ini ke bibi Mei di desa embun yah" ucap ibu nya sambil mengusap rambut Xin fai dengan lembut Tanpa banyak bertanya Xin fai pun pergi dengan perasaan gelisah, dia berjalan sambil sesekali memandang kearah rumah nya karna ntah kenapa perasaan nya tidak enak sedari tadi. iiya terus memandangi rumah dan juga selalu terbayang wajah kedua orang tuanya. Setelah berjalan cukup jauh akhirnya anak laki laki itu sampai di sebuah desa dan dia langsung menemui teman dari ibunya itu untuk memberikan surat yang ibunya berikan padanya. Sesampainua dia di salah satu rumah dia pun mengetuk pintu "Tok.. Tok...Tok" "Bibi apakah bibi ada di dalam" ucap anak lelaki itu sambil berdiri di depan pintu masuk Tidak berselang lama suara pintu terbuka bersamaan dengan itu muncul seorang perempuan yang umurnya sebaya dengan ibunya. " Xin Fai ternyata itu kamu nak, ada perlu apa kamu jauh jauh datang kesini" ucap perempuan itu sambil membawa Xin Fai untuk masuk kedalam "Bibi ini ada surat dari ibu katanya ini sangat penting makanya dia menyuruh aku datang kemari dan memberikan nya kepada bibi" ucap Xin Fai dengan tersenyum Setelah mengangguk perempuan itu mebuka dan membaca isi surat dari ibu Xin Fan, "Baiklah besok bibi akan kesana untuk menemani ibumu"ucap Perempuan itu sambil tersenyum kearah Xin Fai "Ouh iya apakah ayahmu ada di rumah dan kenapa bukan dia yang memberikan surat ini" "Ayah sedang pergi berburu bersama teman nya bibi karna itu aku tidak bisa lama lama karna aku tidak bisa meninggalkan ibu sendirian di rumah" "Baiklah hati hati di jalan katakan pada ibumu bibi akan menemuinya besok" Setelah berpamitan Xin Fai bergegas pulang karna ntah kenapa hari ini perasaan nya begitu gelisah padahal sebelum sebelum nya tidak pernah seperti itu. Ketika hari menjelang sore akhirnya Xin Fai tiba di desanya, alangkah terkejutnya saat melihat seluruh desa hangus terbakar. "Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi disini" Xin fai pun berlari sekuat tenaga kembali kerumah nya. × Ini adalah Novel Perrama saya semoga kalian suka dan maaf jika kata katanya sedikit berantakan karna author masih pemula terimakasih banyak .

Eri_Hermawan · アクション
3 Chs

The General Who Hates Me

She fell in love at first sight and did everything to conquer the man of her dreams... Her General... [warning: R-18 content *No Rape *no major misunderstanding] Status: Completed Novel ----- Zacharias Lim was a loyal, diligent and persevering soldier. Despite his poor background, he had managed to rise steadily from the lowest rank of a Private to the youngest and one of the most respected Generals in his country. He was a principled man who always acted by the book and followed every rule. Because he had grown up in a poverty-stricken condition and having had to work extremely hard to get to where he was now, he detested people who didn't appreciate life just because they were lucky enough to have been born with a silver spoon in their mouth. That was until he met Keira Chan... Keira Chan was a beautiful, bright, mischievous and confident young woman who always knew what she wanted. Having been born as the only daughter of one of the richest and most prominent families in the country, where gold was treated as sand, she had always led a carefree life and she could always get what she wanted without having to exert much effort. That was until she met Zacharias Lim... It just so happened that she fell in love with the young General at first sight and was set to win his heart. And thus her laborious but hilarious journey to get him to be her man ensued... ====== Excerpt: “General Zacharias Lim, I, Keira Chan, will absolutely get admitted to that Academy so I can get closer to the person I like for the first time in my life.” Zach could smell the sweetness of her breath mixed with alcohol. But that was not it, because for some reason his body was reacting on his own. At that instant, he knew what could happen next, but instead of pushing Keira away from him, he did nothing but stayed put, it was like he was anticipating what would happen next as he remained frozen. Then, Keira added in her hoarse sweet voice, “I will enter the Military Academy to conquer you, General Zach. So be ready, because I never take a ‘NO’ for an answer.” That was the last words that Keira dropped before she closed the gap and kissed Zach on his lips, leaving him just staring at her in bewilderment... =========== Author's Note: Hope you enjoy reading this ORIGINAL novel of mine. I love romance with happy endings so this is a happy ending. Many thanks in advance for your support. With Lots of Love, EUSTOMA_reyna Other Books: The CEO Who Hates Me (completed) The Doctor Who Loves Me (completed) The Law of Attraction (completed) Kiss Me Not (in writing) The Untamed: Game of Hearts The Crown's Entrapment contact me at: Discord Link: https://discord.gg/PNGkTUy Facebook Page: @eustoma.reyna twitter: @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram: eustoma_reyna book cover is mine... cover art by ghifari_art (instagram)

Eustoma_Reyna · 都市
372 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定

My favorite type of stories are about business and finance and second chances. So read as Lin Qiang battles for his second chance to reach the top, get revenge and achieve wealth.


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