
Chapter 16: Marry Me


"You've been working a lot of late hours," Chase's colleague, Carl, said as he leered in Chase's doorway.

Chase finished typing an email before she looked up from her desk. Unfortunately, she'd sent Jocelyn home early for the night. Usually she fielded Carl's lame flirting tactics so Chase didn't have to.

"Just trying to take care of a few things."

Carl took a step forward into her office. "I'll wait and walk you out," he offered.

She shook her head. "No, thanks. I may be a while longer. Good night, Carl."

"I'd feel better if you'd let me see you to your car."

Lately, he'd been paying more attention to her than usual and she didn't like it. "I assure you I can take care of myself. Good night, Carl," she said again.

His mouth stretched into a thin line. "You should really try being a little nicer to me."

"I'll remember that."