
Champion: Shazam in the M.C.U.

* 15 advance chapters in my Pat.reon. Pat.reon.com/Saintbarbido. ::---------------------------------------------------------------------:: Shazam. A Champion of the Gods. Blessed with the Wisdom of Solomon, the Strength of Hercules, the Stamina of Atlas, the Power of Zeus, the Courage of Achilles and the Speed of Mercury. I never asked for these powers. I never asked to be booted off to Marvel in a new body with these powers. But you know what you do with lemons right? Yeah, I never really liked lemons. I'm probably going to die here. ****** * Story Progression is slow. The universe is a mix of the MCU and the marvel animated projects, so expect to see mutants and other characters. Disclaimer: I own nothing but my character.

Saintbarbido · 映画
77 Chs

Chapter 20: Second Night Out.

10+ advance chapters in my Pat.reon.



(Billy's P.O.V)

"Can I think about it?"

I finally responded.

I had nothing against the offer. And the analogy of the half full or half empty glass of water (depending on how you look at it) was kinda cool.

And while the prospect of having people to watch my back was enticing, I was in no position to join any team.

I had shit I needed to deal with first.

Not to mention, I found that I valued my freedom too much.

Fury didn't seem to like that response and he left abruptly. He didn't forget to leave a card with a number and a shield logo in case I needed to contact him though.

Maybe he thought I would change my mind.

Maybe I would have...if it wasn't for Solomon's Wisdom showing me that I would lose more than I would gain.

The walk back to my apartment was spent mulling over things and planning for the future.

Once I arrived at my place, I fell asleep almost instantly.

I didn't even bother to check the reward section from the latest mission. I decided I would deal with it when I woke up.

It was about 7 in the evening when I did. By then, I had slept most of the day away.

The next two hours were spent on the customary round of psionic-training, of which I was getting better and then continuing to build my Mind-scape.

The next thing I did was accept the reward from last night's mission.

Now 2000 dollars worth of furniture sounded like a lot, so I moved a few things around to create more space before clicking receive.

One instant, the room was bare, filled with enough space to move freely despite it's small size, then the next, I had a Piano taking up a huge section of the middle.

In addition to that, there was a simple yellow couch, a small ebony table infront of said couch, a soft rug and at the corner of the room, was a work desk with a night light and a chair.

Wait... something was familiar about the Piano.

I walked forward and ran a hand on the dark coat of the instrument. Then I checked the left corner. A few words were carved into the wood.


I traced my family name, a stunned smile on my face.

I could hardly believe it. My Dad's piano. I'd grown up being taught how to play this thing. Of course I was horrendous at it but...

I sat down on the small chair that had accompanied the Piano and started playing.

My fingers traced over the keys with familiarity as I gently pressed on them, sending a shaky melody ringing out through the apartment.

30 full minutes passed as I was lost in nostalgia. When I stopped playing, I could feel the wetness in my eyes.

A shuddering breath escaped my lips as I pressed the heels of my palm onto my face.

Slowly, I let the pain of what I'd lost wash over me. And I accepted it.


Whether it was the System's doing or Solomon or any of the other legacies, I couldn't deny I was gratified.


Tonight was no different from last night.

There was no crime to stop or villains to fight. It was just a slightly chilly night in the city that never sleeps.

I did spot Spiderman swinging on his web a few blocks out of Queens. I thought about joining him but then remembered the events of last night.

Maybe limiting contact with him was the right idea. I didn't want to put myself in SHIELD's radar more than I already was.

So I flew on the opposite direction.

The other reason for avoiding him was of course Peter himself. I felt guilty about lying I would see them at school.

I was done with Midtown High and wouldn't be going back.

The scarcity of bad guys to go after led to me flying over Hell's Kitchen and extending my telepathic range a bit further.

Eventually...I did come across something. A dark figure seemed to be watching the back of a club from a roof.

The figure was dressed in a familiar dark red outfit with small horns at the top of his mask. He also had with him two Eskrima sticks.

I couldn't believe it. Daredevil. The MCU did him bad on the She-hulk show but the blind hero had been a favorite of mine.

I wouldn't have even have noticed him if it wasn't for telepathy. That's his good at stealth he was.

Unlike Fury who seemed to have a device that directly countered mind reading, Matt Murdock aka Daredevil's mind was like an open book.

I didn't delve deep into his memories but I did look into what he was doing spying on the club.

Turns out this was one of the Kingpin's establishments.

Matt had come after a kidnapped girl, who had escaped her human traffickers but had been captured before she could get very far.

Luckily for her, Daredevil had been patrolling the area when he'd seen her get thrown in the back of a van.

Her poor condition indicated mistreatment and her oriental features and the fact she had screamed in Cantonese told him of what was happening.

Matt hadn't understood the meaning but Solomon's Legacy translated it for me.

She had been cursing her captors in a rather colorful way.

Daredevil had decided to follow the van as it navigated the streets. Eventually the vehicle had stopped at the back of a popular night club called Sunside Down.

I had arrived just as he was planning to break in.

"I want to help."

I announced, floating down next his position.

Daredevil didn't even flinch. Then again to a man like him, he had probably heard me the second I got within his hearing range.

"Who are you?"

He asked, turning to regard me with suspicion.

"Call me Shazam. I'm someone with a grudge against the human traffickers and criminals inside that building."

I told him motioning to the establishment.

"What a coincidence. Me too."

Daredevil said plainly. I caught the slight amusement in his tone.

I smiled.

"So what do you say? Want some help?"

The blind hero got to his feet.

"Don't kill anyone."

He warned before jumping off the roof.

His hand snaked out, grabbing a hold of the perron's railing.

Then he released it and fell a couple of feet down, only for him to grab a another railing.

He did that two more times before landing softly on the ground.

A car passed by the road, the lights from it's headlight washing over Daredevil's position, only for him to slink deeper into the shadows and remain undetected.

I whistled in appreciation.

"Ok, that was cool."

Meanwhile I simply floated down right in view of the 2 goons guarding the back entrance.

Immediately I could feel Daredevil's intense glare at my back.

(Just watch.)

I spoke through his mind.

Instantly he clamped down on his thoughts, making his mind go blank.

Ignoring his conflicted feelings about the loss of privacy mind reading caused, I kept my attention firmly on the armed guards before me.

And the guns they were pointing directly my way.

"Stop right there Freak!"

The one on the left yelled.

"Move an inch and we pump you full of lead!"

The other goon, a tall guy with tiny scars all over his face warned.

"Gentlemen gentlemen..." I raised my hand, flicking the palm. Immediately their eyes went wide as they found their bodies went stiff, immobilized through Telekinesis.

I entered their minds unobstructed, trying out my newest skill.

"There is no need for violence. How about you be good boys and surrender, then call the police and wait for them with your hands behind your heads?"

I spoke softly to them.

The suggestion took hold and they complied, standing down.

Their eyes glazed over. They dropped their weapons and stepped back with blank expressions. The one on the left removed his phone from his pocket to dial the cops.

"What did you do?"

Daredevil demanded, glowering at me.

"Nothing much. I just showed them the error of their ways. This way we won't have to fight and risk them sending out warning shots to alert the rest."

I answered, meeting his stare head on.

"Mmh." He hummed.

"Good Job. Follow my lead."

He acquiesced, leaving me a bit surprised.

"That's it?"

I questioned as I floated after him.

"I thought the fact I can cause someone an aneurysm simply by thinking about it would make you wary of me."

He stopped before the entrance. Instead of answering my question, he asked his own.

"How many do you sense inside?"

I stretched out my telepathy, parsing over the mass of bodies moving around on the dancefloor, marking Kingpin's men.

"17. The door opens to a staircase that leads to the basement. There's 10 guards playing poker near the entrance to the underground chamber. The rest...are stationed around the club."

I told him.

"I came here to rescue a girl."

He said.

"Do you sense anyone in need of help?"

I closed my eyes and delved deeper into the club. This many people gathered around one place was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Nothing I couldn't manage with a little bit of effort though.

Further into the basement, at the edge of my Psionic range was a door. I could sense a huge amount of mental activity from within the room behind that door.

"Maybe. I'll need to be inside to get a clearer picture."

I answered after a few seconds.

He nodded, twirling one of his Eskrima stick before slamming it on a spot along the edge of the door. The rusted hinges came off and we slipped in.

Below us was a short staircase leading down to an hallway with light peeking through.

Loud music reached our ears at the top of the stairs, along with the drone of conversation coming from the goons playing poker.

"I'll handle them. Watch my back and deal with anyone who comes down here."

My companion ordered.

I didn't see a problem with that plan and Solomon's legacy told me it was the right call.