
Chapter 5: It’s Fantastic news

I woke up again to the strong smell of disinfectant and drugs"Hey Josh why am I still here go arrange for my discharge I'm sick of staying here,I needed to find any information about what happened and staying here wasn't helping.

" Come on bro,you have to stay here for a few days before you can be discharged I never asked you to drink,Josh said while peeling an orange,"here you go have some,he said with outstretched hands.

" Get lost, I don't want your orange you can have it,I need to leave this place right now so you either get the discharge papers while am still here or you can do it after I leave this Godforsaken hospital either ways I'm leaving today so you decide,I said attempting to leave the ward when Josh came running towards me"Trevor stop right there I will go and arrange for your discharge right away,now can you please sit down',Josh offered me a sit "you're really driving me nuts so domineering'just sit quietly.

I stood beside a grave that had the name Susan Everest engraved in it,"Mom it's me Muriel,sorry for not visiting you earlier a lot of things happened recently, Trevor came back mom, it's hard to admit but I still like him a lot but am scared I don't want to hurt him anymore but the more I try to avoid him the more he hurt he gets, I don't know what else to do at this point I guess I will just go with the flow for now,if only you were still with me,rest well mother I'll come visit you some other time",I dropped the flowers I had gotten earlier and left the graveyard when I received a call from Mll.

" Hey girl what's up ,Mill voice rang out.

"Am okay Mill,I just payed mom a visit,I was on my way home before you called.

I heard her voice full of excitement "That's great don't go home yet let's have lunch at our favorite spot,I have great news to share with you see you there',she said before hanging up.

I wonder what this goodnews is,well I'll find out soon I drove my car heading to the restaurant that I frequently visited with Mill.

"Muriel over here".

I walked towards her taking before taking a sit "Mill out with it already what is the news about ',I said rather impatiently,Mill stared at me "Relax girl, am waiting for someone before I share this goodnews'she said facing the entrance with a grin.What is she up to this time,I stared at her suspiciously and looked towards the entrance when i caught sight of two figures entering the restaurant,I withdrew my gaze directing it towards Mill"Mill did you invite him,I asked her urgency clearly written in my tone.

"Yup I did,you got a problem with it?she asked nonchalantly,I gathered my things preparing to leave."Don't even think about it,I heard Mills threatening voice,I looked her with pleading eyes but it was to no avail as she stared at me with a try walking out and see look,I sat back down rubbing my hands against each other,something I normally do when nervous.

"Hey Mill,it's really nice meeting you again after seven long years you still look the way I remembered you to be but yes Muriel always remains the school belle,a beauty to be reckoned with am i right Trevor ,Josh said throwing a question at Trevor who just took his sit quietly beside mine and Josh took the one besides Mill.

"Are you certain that Mill will be able to pull this off without Muriel suspecting a thing'. I heard Josh question,I was quiet for a while I also had the same worries, I hope she succeeds I just want to have a proper talk with her,I was lost in my thoughts when I heard my phone beeping I picked it from the table to see a message from Mill.I walked towards Josh pulling him towards my car as he grumbled behind me "Trevor why pull me this way when I can walk just fine,you're unbelievable,he hissed at me but it was really not my problem I just needed to get to Muriel"Get in Josh,Mill was able to lure her out so we are heading to the restaurant now,I let Josh drive and in few minutes we had arrived at the location,i alighted from my car and so did Josh,i sighted her from a distance and I could tell she had seen me,I walked towards the them making myself comfortable on the saint next to hers when I heard Josh question"Your right about that,I said answering his question when I heard her voice.

"Mill they are here finally so what is the goodnews you wanted to share with me,I asked without sparing the one beside me a second glance.

"There's a new song that was to be recorded next week but the soloist meet with an accident so we are in need of a new soloist and I recommended you I also showed them some of your works and they are ready to sign you in all you have to do is sign a contract with them, isn't that goodnews?.

"That's fantastic news,Josh said before turning in my direction what do you think Muriel.

"Mill it is great news indeed,mom and I dreamt of me becoming an idol in the industry but that dream died along with mother.

"If it died with your mother why bury it along with her that was her dream for you,won't you at least fulfill your mother's dream',Mill said encouragingly "think about it carefully I have to use the restroom,she said leaving the table along with Josh, leaving just Trevor and I.

"You never told me that aunt was dead'.

"You never asked and I didn't see the need to let you know'.i tried sounding indifferent.

I felt him gazing at me intensely"Does it have anything to do with me or our previous relationship,hearing his question I turned to look at him "It had nothing to do with you everything happened because of my carelessness it caused me my mother,it was all my fault she took the blame for me and ended up dead I'm a terrible person so stop trying to get back together with me and live your life…wuwuwu.

Seeing her cry bitterly really broke my heart now I was sure that whatever happened to her mother was her reason for avoiding me,I held her small face in my hands wiping those precious tears away"Look at me Muriel,I said when I saw her raising her slightly red eyes to look at me"You are not a bad person Muriel infact you're the best person I have ever seen,she decided to protect you because she loves you and want the best for you,she did it so you can fulfill the dream you shared so don't disappoint her and give up on your dream you're better than this Muriel you're a strong woman,so pick up what's left of your dream and make it a reality and remember I love you Muriel more than you can imagine and am rooting for you okay now stop crying it doesn't suit you,you look ugly when you cry'I wiped away the tears on her cheek when I saw her smile slightly"Thank you Trevor for everything,I wish things didn't end up like this but there's one thing I need you to know I loved you back then and I still do but we can't be together so move on with your life if not for yourself do it for me,she said before leaving the restaurant.

"How did it go Trevor,did she say anything about what happened,Mill asked as soon as Muriel left the restaurant.

"Nothing yet,but I know she still has feelings for me but something happened after her mother's death,i looked up staring at her what happened before and after her mother's death you're her best friend friend and should know about it'.

After your accident,Muriel visited you but your mother didn't let her in and said hurtful things to her,she felt guilty for putting you in that condition she went to the Shark club and you and I know how nasty that place really is ,she drank alot and was almost raped to protect herself she smashed an empty bottle of wine on the head of a man who appeared to be in his forties,aunt and I got there on time before the police arrived ,aunt had to take the blame so Muriel wouldn't go to jail after the family of the victim fired a case of Murder against Muriel, but aunt was stabbed to death in her cell,up to this moment no one knows who was responsible for the death of the victim and aunty,Ever since Muriel has blamed her self for your accident and her mother's death,that's all I can remember'Mill said before sipping from a bottle of water.

Everything now makes sense"Thanks Mill you can go now leave the rest to me and yes send the contract to Muriel she's going to sign it.

Mill gave me a nod"i will send it to her but for now I should be on my way,it was nice having lunch with you both,hope things work out for you and Muriel,she left the restaurant.

"You finally know what happened seven years ago,so what do you plan to do next'?Josh asked me as we headed to the exit.

"I need to find out who is responsible for her mother's death and avenge her that's the only way Muriel can have peace.