
Chapter 4:I have a condition.

Knock knock!!

I opened my eyes slowly when I heard the knock on my door." Goodness" i shrieked when I saw my reflection, my eyes were swollen with tears marks gracing my face,I remembered locking the door yesterday so I hurried to open it.

" Oh dear ,did you cry all night your eyes are so swollen,nanny floral patted me on my head gently.I embraced her to hide my tears,she was the only one who gave me the warmth of a family even if she wasn't related to me by blood and I cherished her a lot" Am fine nanny floral I just missed my mom a lot that why but am okay now,I reassured her while smiling.

"That's great dear,why don't you freshen up and go downstairs your father and sister came back late yesterday and your dad seemed angry,you should go see him then maybe you can go visit your mother later okay.

" I'll do just that,thanks nanny for everything you're just like a mother to me,I said releasing her from my embrace when I heard her chuckle softly" oh dear you are like my daughter too you know,now go freshen up and I'll pick out something for you today, she handed me a towel and I went to freshen up.

I came out to see nanny dressing the bed,when she realized I was done she helped me dry my hair and braided it loosely to rest on my shoulders I added a little lipstick to my lips and picked up the outfit nanny floral had chosen a white tank top paired with a black mini leather skirt and black boots I looked at my self in the mirror "not bad nanny, I said giving her a thumbs up "Child you are just like your mother a beautiful soul,I grinned happily "come on nanny stop crying or I'll also cry,I said to her,she chuckled and said "Am just happy you grew up to become a fine woman your mom will be very proud of you,now run along we don't want you to get scolded by your dad again she pushed out of the door,I smiled and headed to the study to check on dad.

" Good morning Dad"I greeted him but I felt like something wasn't right "Dad did I something.He turned to look at me with a stern look,what have I done again this time i searched my memory but didn't find anything "Dad did I do something wrong? I asked carefully in other not to provoke him.He sneered at me that really broke my heart "Have you ever done anything right Muriel he yelled at me " I asked you to accompany the Marquis eldest son for a dance to build a possible alliance but what did you do you hurt him and ran off to God knows where and now he has been admitted to the hospital do you have any idea what you have done?,you better pray it doesn't affect our family or else you will definitely regret now get lost,he yelled in a deafening tone.I walked out briskly Trevor got hurt because of me,I am always hurting him this is all my fault I cried silently before heading out I needed to see him,I just hope he wasn't badly hurt or I won't forgive myself.

I opened my eyes to see the white walls and curtains and the strong smell of disinfectant I looked around around to see dad sitting beside me I cleared my throat to get their attention " Your finally awake,josh came over to my bed handing a glass of water to me and I gulped it down in one go"Trevor what happened yesterday?,why did you drink so much?,is that your reason for coming back?,is this how you plan to run the company by drinking yourself to death?,dad asked angrily"come on dad brother just woke up give him a break,josh said to dad before turning to face me"Look brother I know you're not the type to drink so tell me, what really happened yesterday?,the last time I saw you was with the Everest eldest daughter so what happened between you too?.

I looked straight at dad then josh"Dad I'm ready to take over the family business but I have a condition,I paused waiting for father to say something "Mhhm go on"I want Muriel Everest to be my wife,I want to marry her,I stated my condition clearly.

Dad stood up in rage"Have you lost it young man?,she is the reason why you left for the states in the first place she brings bad luck to those around her and you want to marry her.

" I don't give a f**k what you think, what matters is my love for her,you can say whatever you wish to but my condition still stands so it up to you to decide,I said bluntly I really didn't care about what they said I only cared about one thing and that's my love for her and I am willing to loose everything as long as I get to be with her.Dad was raging with anger but he had no choice he had to agree with me this time he inhaled and exhaled"Is that what you really want son?,dad asked me I gave a small smile without a doubt father " Fine you can go after her but the moment if you are hurt because of her I won't hesitate to separate you away from her dad said through gritted teeth before leaving the ward.

"Dad seems angry,josh said "This Elverst daughter was she the same person you took the blame for in high school?,josh asked probing,I sighed helplessly "Yes she's the one,I answered him so he wouldn't pester me."Your such a love struck fool willingly to drop out of school and loose everything for a woman,gosh he said pretending to shiver that kind of love is really scary,he said playfully but I wasn't in the mood for his jokes I needed to know what happened in the seven years I was away I was deep in thought when I felt a familiar presence I looked towards the door,I was really happy right now I looked like a child who had seen it's mother after a very long time she's here,she came to see me,I stared at josh"get lost", I said impatiently,"huh why"he asked looking at the entrance keeping his mouth in an ohh,he walked out and closed the door behind him giving me the opportunity to talk with her.

My heart was pounding in my chest when I entered the ward,I looked at his handsome face that was now pale and the once vibrant ocean blue eyes looked like it has lost its beauty but when he saw me it was like the beauty in those eyes has been reignited he looked very pleased,I walk towards his bed as josh left the room leaving just the both of us"Are you okay? I heard you weren't feeling well,i asked taking a sit close to the bed.

He held my hand in his"Am okay now after seeing you,Muriel please don't avoid me anymore I feel really terrible just tell me what really happened we can fix these together,Muriel I am begging you don't do this to me and yourself,i could hear his pleading voice and it broke my heart,I tried hard to stop myself from crying in front of him,I pulled my hand away from his and stood up to leave "I was passing by and decided to pay you a visit since I heard you were admitted not to fix something that is already broken I hope you understand and stop causing trouble for me by hurting yourself thank you very much Trevor Marquis I said hurrying to the door before I loosed control but I bumped into josh who was standing outside the door,I tried avoiding him but he still caught up with me "Muriel can we please talk,he pleaded with me "I don't think there's anything to talk about I said trying to avoid him."Why are you doing this Muriel?,Trevor loves you so much he always talkes about you every single time but you reward him with nothing but pain do you have a conscience at all Muriel,my brother is human,the only mistake he did was falling for you so please stop treating him this way I beg you"I really didn't mean to hurt him at all but I keep doing it anyway,I could tell how painfull it was for him to see his own twin brother like this but it was more painful for me but I couldn't do a thing,Fate was really playing a terrible game on us I was choked by my own tears I put my hands on my mouth and ran out,I went behind the hospital pouring my heart out,I couldn't hold it in anymore after sitting there for a while I decided to visit mom.

I watched her run like someone was chasing her and I could tell she didn't want to hurt my brother,I sighed inwardly heading back to Trevor's room seeing him pacing out I felt bad if only I could do something to help,I approached when I heard his question "Josh do you really think Muriel has moved on?' he asked me I strolled and sat down beside him "Trevor to be frank with you i don't think she was able to move on seven years ago,I feel she must be hiding something that is preventing her from expressing her love for you and it's eating her up slowly'I told him what I thought,he was silent for a while"You're right ever since I came back she has been avoiding me and I know for a fact that she hasn't been romantically involved with any other man except me,that means she still loves me but there's something hindering her from expressing herself but what I don't understand is why won't she tell me anything', I looked at him giving a shrug I don't know if she won't say it then try finding out,maybe it's something she doesn't want to talk about.

" You have a point,hand me my cellphone,he said and I passed it to him he made a call to a number on his contact

"Riggs I need a favor I sent you a picture find out what happened to her seven years ago and also what she's upto I want to be updated about it everything,he said before hanging up thanks Josh'.