

CLEO SUMMERS. If there's something which needs to be told about the heroine of this book is that she will literally say the most offensive and nasty thing ever with a cute smile plastered across her innocent face and her middle fingers forever up in the air. That's just how she rolls. She's mean, sassy, mischievous, insensitive, witty, daring, has a firecracker for a mouth and a b*tch to another level. Maybe that's why she catches his attention. KADE WINSTON. Playful, sly, sarcastic, charming, confident, smart and add a heart made of gold.There now you have the hero of our story.The hero who get's under our feisty heroine's skin like no other. He lives life like treading on a railway track. Scary, risky but thrilling. Although he wouldn't mind bringing a feisty girl along to this railway track called life. That's just how he rolls. Maybe that's why he catches her attention. She pushes. He pulls. She glares. He laughs. She's cold. He's hot. She wants the last say. He'll never let anyone have the last say. Add these two in a story with a bunch of quirky characters a.k.a their friends You have pranks, arguments, teasing, lots of couples, flirting, secret smiles, special escapades, laughter, farewell camping trip, jokes, the feeling of being close... Sometimes friendship and love may both come together. And when that miracle happens hold onto it with everything you have. Because life is a thousand times more beautiful with these two elements. Please do give this book a chance.

jinalimehta62 · 若者
13 Chs

chapter vi


"Can you stop looking over at me so damn obviously? Do you want me to be caught? If so then just let me know I'll do it myself, your majesty. How can I dare put you through the trouble" I add that last part sarcastically even putting the 'your majesty' thing in so she would get how truly annoyed I am. It's the only way the dense girl can pick on my sarcasm. Sad I know but I can't help it. I even glare at her from a distance where I could clearly see Eva and her group.

"Jeez would you mind keeping the volume on low? People are giving me odd looks because it sounds like I did something wrong and you are pissed because of it" I slap my head in frustration. I make it sound like she is wrong? What, did it never crossed her mind that she might actually BE wrong? I guess no.

"How did you manage to survive in this world for so long?" I shake my head in frustration.

"Well not to brag or anything but you can thank my smart brain and fabulous survival instincts. If you didn't get it, it was a hint for you. Now you know whom to seek out when a zombie apocalypse breaks out" I could totally imagine her flipping her hair over her shoulder with pride. Who is going to break it to her? Someone has to. I can't deal with this.

"You are amusingly stupid, ya know?" I pinch the bridge of my nose and hear her gasp on the other end.

"I am not amusingly stupid! I have a perfectly functioning brain, thank you. I do not want to talk to you anymore. If you didn't get it, it was a hint that I am about to hang up but not if you apologize" Eva bites out childishly and waits for the said apology. When it doesn't come she huffs and let's out a series of cuss words before angrily hanging up.

I bit back a chuckle finding it rather funny than annoying. The fact that she even waited for an apology had me grinning. The girl is clearly bonkers.

I make my way towards the group of four individuals out of whom one wanted nothing to do with me as of now. Meh.

I manoeuvre my way through the thick crowd and accidentally or might not so accidentally elbow people out of my path. The moment I make it close and pry my eyes on the group a huge guy comes and stands in front of me, completely blocking my view. I growl under my breath before stamping on his foot. He yelps in surprise and pain before turning on his heel or what's left of it anyways to catch the instigator however he failed even when I was standing right in front of him. Some of us should be killed for being this oblivious. Luckily for me, he stomps away furiously clearing my view. Yay for me.

"Not again! Leave some winning for me, will ya Winston" Dylan slaps Winston on his back before grabbing his shooting gun and taking an aim.

"Earn it, Weldon" Winston smirks before grabbing his own shooting gun. They both shoot simultaneously, Dylan missing his aim by an inch and Winston landing close to his mark.

"Can't even win one stupid game? Hand it over" Eva scowls before snatching the gun out of Dylan's hands. Dylan winces at the tone of her voice before rubbing the back of his neck not knowing what to do make this woman happy. Eva's being ridiculous and highly unreasonable. Surprise? I don't think so.

"What's gotten up your a*s? Cut the guy some slack, will ya cuz?" An average height girl with long pin straight hair rolls her eyes before crossing her arms over her chest. That must be the Annabelle spooky Katie. I can somewhat see the resemblance but I can be wrong. For all I know that the resemblance is not just somewhat. That she might be Annabelle in actual. I hate creepy dolls.

"Shut it woman! This game is so mine. Step aside" Eva squares her shoulder and takes an aim, her eyes squinted in concentration and her finger itching to pull the trigger. Just shoot already! I think exasperately when I see her intentionally prolonging it for extra theatrics.

The shot rings out loud and a silence falls over the group when she makes the perfect aim. The silence was so thick even the nearby people surrounding them felt the tension.

"So you were saying?" Eva holds the gun over her shoulder with her lips curled up in a gloating smirk. I shake my head in amusement. Eva Anson doesn't disappoint. But it's not like I'll ever tell her that to her face. I would like her to be bounded to Earth, thank you.

Dylan blinks in surprise and awe while Katie has her mouth open in astonishment. I pity those two. How in the world do they tolerate that? I think while looking at Eva who was jutting out her chin with a smug grin spread over her face. Wait there was another person in this group. The one I was suppose to spy on. I look to Katie's left and my eyes meet his. I suck in a breath as his piercing gaze clashes with mine. His stance was rigid with tension with his brows creased in a frown and his ice blue eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Well, sh*t.

I swiftly drop my gaze afraid he might catch me. But something in me compelled me to look back. Maybe it was my ego which refused to allow me to lose. I looked back in his direction and am shocked to see his eyes hardened in a glare. I raised a brow at him daring him to say anything and fold my hands against my chest in a defensive pose.

The corner of his mouth twitches in a slow smirk in response. I scowl at him and show him the finger and he grins holding back a laugh. His gaze filters back to Katie when she tugs on his arm.

"Kade let's go check out the candy factory. I am dying to go there" Katie pulls Winston in the candy factory's direction. His eyes look around, roaming from person to person but comes up short of the target. I had already veiled myself in the ever growing throng of people. Phew. That was close.

Winston clasps his hand around Katie's before taking the lead with her in tow. Winston kept her behind his back as he steered her in the direction of the candy factory making sure she was out of harm's way. And she stared at the back of his head with gooey eyes. Katie is a goner.

Me? Oh I struggled a lot. I keep my elbows out as I push through the crowd like a bulldozer, huffing and puffing and a little cursing. I hate crowed places. No wait I hate crowds. Even better I hate people in general. Yeah. That's better.

I think God hates me. Or else he wouldn't have done this to me. Because as I soon as I finally make my way to the candy factory which was nothing but three tents combined together to make a huge space, I lose sight of my goal. Literally. Talk about bad luck.

I bit on my lip and run my fingers through my hair in frustration. It was better if I just wait outside. I have better luck finding the Snitch in here than those two. Sighing, I turn on my heel and struggle my way outside.

I wince as I stretch my aching limbs. I am never doing this ever again. Never. Ever.

Just when I am about to stretch my stiff arms, someone cages my arms in their hold and pins them against my back.

"What the f*ck?!" I growl in reply and grapple against the tight and firm hold.

"Wrong question coming from the wrong person. The right question is why the f*ck are you following me? and the right person to ask this is me" Winston's low and gravelly voice managed to carry over the buzzing crowd loud and clear. He was that close to me!

I scuffled in his hold, the proximity not sitting well with me. I use my legs to kick him but before I could land a solid kick, he pushed his foot between mine and locked one of my ankles. F*ck him!

"You are going to let go of me this instant or I scream and let the crowd have a go at you. Consider this a very serious warning. I do not kid around" I warn and hiss over my shoulder at him.

"Nor do I when encountered with stalkers. I will report you. Consider this an extremely serious warning. I definitely don't kid around" I could imagine a smirk curling up his lips. His mouth was impossibly close to my ear and knowing how sensitive my neck and ears were, I had to do all in my power to not flinch.

"I am not a stalker. Get that drilled in your f*cking head" I sneer and he lets out a deep chuckle. He loosens his hold on me and I swiftly pull myself out of his grasp.

"You have nothing you can prove in your defence" Winston tilts his head to the side. His eyes held a glint in them which was hard to make out.

"You don't know that. Besides you have nothing that can prove your allegations against me" I shoot back tersely, just coming up with words on top of my head.

"You followed me" Winston takes a step forward and I hold my ground with a glare.

"You can say that when you have enough proof. Don't forget you were the one who brought it up. It's only fair you follow it" I take a small step forward and curl my upper lip in annoyance.

"You were lurking around me. Held my eyes for far longer than necessary. Followed me from the shooting range to the candy factory. Too real to be a coincidence, am I right?" Winston raised his brows as if silently asking me. Shall I go on?

I press my lips in a straight line not having a comeback to that. Instead I resort to scowling.

"You should work on your skills, stalker. I don't really blame you though. After all you met the worst of us. Me" Winston grinned in a condescending manner and gave me a mock two finger salute before turning on his heel and disappearing in the crowd.

Have I told you how much I hate crowds? Yeah well that doesn't even drive close enough to how much I hate Winston. The humiliation only made me angrier. Fine. He plays smart. That's completely okay by me.

Competition only makes you stronger and I will get through this with a stiff middle finger showing Winston his place.

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