

CLEO SUMMERS. If there's something which needs to be told about the heroine of this book is that she will literally say the most offensive and nasty thing ever with a cute smile plastered across her innocent face and her middle fingers forever up in the air. That's just how she rolls. She's mean, sassy, mischievous, insensitive, witty, daring, has a firecracker for a mouth and a b*tch to another level. Maybe that's why she catches his attention. KADE WINSTON. Playful, sly, sarcastic, charming, confident, smart and add a heart made of gold.There now you have the hero of our story.The hero who get's under our feisty heroine's skin like no other. He lives life like treading on a railway track. Scary, risky but thrilling. Although he wouldn't mind bringing a feisty girl along to this railway track called life. That's just how he rolls. Maybe that's why he catches her attention. She pushes. He pulls. She glares. He laughs. She's cold. He's hot. She wants the last say. He'll never let anyone have the last say. Add these two in a story with a bunch of quirky characters a.k.a their friends You have pranks, arguments, teasing, lots of couples, flirting, secret smiles, special escapades, laughter, farewell camping trip, jokes, the feeling of being close... Sometimes friendship and love may both come together. And when that miracle happens hold onto it with everything you have. Because life is a thousand times more beautiful with these two elements. Please do give this book a chance.

jinalimehta62 · Teen
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13 Chs

chapter vii


"Take a seat and be quiet. You can complete your homework or any assignment in here as long as you don't bother me" The teacher grunts out the words before going back to snoring like a bear. I had the strangest urge to kick his chair and make him fall but I kept myself in check probably because the trouble isn't worth it. I cannot afford anymore detentions.

I sigh aloud and head over to a seat near the window and just like always put my earphones on and cover it up with my hair. I lay my head down on the desk and enjoy it's coldness in contrast with my head. However my tranquil doesn't last long before the doors are thrown open and in strolls two of the very last people I wanted to see on Earth. There's a quiet a list now that I think about it. Considering more than half the school was on that list.

Shane Marshall looked happy while Kade Winston had a slight frown on his face.


I burrow my head in my arms and pray for them to not notice me. Especially Winston. Because that would be just too weird. It's as if I am proving his theory of me being a stalker. Damn.

"Cleo Summers?" Shane's highly annoying voice aggravates me to no end. Winston's mouth parts in shock when he sees me.

"Who are you?" I play the I-don't-know-sh*t-about-you card hoping this would get him away from me. Shane's lively smile faltered for a second as if truly flabbergasted as to how a living breathing human especially a girl forgot him. It would be less shocking for him when he finds out he was actually a defected human being.

"You don't remember me?" The genuine hopeful gleam in his eyes forced me to be more cruel. It's not like he didn't ask for it.

"Didn't I just say that?" I raise my brows at him before all together ignoring his presence by going back to resting my head on the table. My eyes thank me for relieving them from the torture.

"How do you know her?" Winston pulls back Shane and grits out angrily but Shane shakes his friend's hold on him oblivious to his anger.

"I just do" Shane replies back with a wink directed at me. When he reaches for the chair next to me, I slap away his hand.

"Sit anywhere but here" I warn with  my eyes narrowed into slits. Shane blinks in surprise at the sudden change in my tone but quickly recovers with an even wider smile than before. He pulls the chair out with much force breaking my hold on it and sits down with a smug grin on his face. I will bite that hand of his.

"Sit nowhere but here. Got it" His mouth curls in a smirk and I sneer at him.

"I guess you recovered from your embarrassment about that day. Think you can handle another round?" I turn to look at him and his smile falters.

"Bring it on, angel" he leans forward and scans me up and down with a perv glint in his eyes. I scowl at him before crossing my arms against my chest to protect myself from his ever so lewd gaze.

"I-" my voice get's cut off and is instead replaced by the teacher's booming voice.

"Marshall! To the principal's office. Now!" He stands up from his seat and bellows out in a loud voice. Shane should thank the teacher because if it wasn't for him I would have by now ended his case for good. Shane grumbles something incoherent before standing up from his own seat and heading for the door not before looking at me.

"We should get to know each other sometime, Cleo Summers. I have a feeling that we will get along just great" he grins and just misses the pencil I threw at him by an inch. Okay I'll admit it was definitely more than an inch.

"Did you honestly think you would make the aim?" Winston turns to me with raised brows. Is he stupid or does he talk to every girl about her bad aim even though he just yesterday claimed her as a potential stalker? I guess to each their own.

"That wasn't what I was going for. It was more like a warning which I am sure he got loud and clear. Besides shouldn't you be like four kilometers away from me?" I eye him suspiciously and he scoffs.

"You are definitely up to to something. First I find you following me-"

"Was not" I bite back.

"-Second I find that you go to the same school as me"

"Oh sorry am I not allowed to share the same school as you? Pardon me for thinking that it was okay" I tilt my head and give him a sarcastic look

"What's your deal, chica?" He turns his piercing eyes in my direction and just one look from him has me squirming in my seat. Could he know what's up. Of course I know it was ridiculous of me to assume something like that but it's better me than the paranoid girl aka Eva Anson thinking about this possibility.

"Something I don't wish to share with you" I throw back before averting my eyes to my phone so it looks like I have something to do and to avoid his gaze.

"Even though it is about me?" He leans back in his seat but refuses to look away from me.

"Wow. Like how do you manage to make everything about you? I don't know whether I should be envious at your awesome ability to be completely oblivious to your surroundings or pity you because nobody had the balls to tell you that you can't always throw tantrums at not having your way" I turn in my seat and glare at him with my lips pressed in a thin line. But rather than being bothered by my little dig at him, he looked like he was trying not to smile. Even though there was like a whole chair and a study table between us, I wanted to get away from him as fast as possible. I just can't bear him studying me like he could reveal all my secrets if I let him look at me anymore.

"That was quiet a perspective coming from someone who knows next to nothing about me" Winston remarks, the corner of his lips twitching in a slow smirk. At his words I shut up. There was nothing I could say to that. I knew I went overboard with my words but I just can't tolerate him having an upper hand. It just...does not settle with me. Sh*t. I am f*cked up.

"That's what you are geting if you get involved with me" I reply back stupidly.

"It's even more tempting when you put it like that" Winston winked before he grabbed my most prized electronic device and without a second glance, he races to the door and out he is.

With. My. Damn. Phone.

"That little f*cker!" I curse before grabbing my bag and racing after him like my life depended on it. Our dear teacher who was suppose to watch us, yells after us as he jogs at a pace even my neighbour's lazy cat could beat him twice. Actually make that thrice because now he has stopped to catch his breath even though he like only stepped about five steps from the class where we were serving our detention.

And to think he is one of the many teachers who brag about being the fittest even after being loaded with so much school work. Clearly he has forgotten what's it like for a student.

I turn the corner and will my feet to run faster before the b*stard gets even further away. Sh*t I can't believe he actually grabbed my phone right out of my hand like it was an everyday thing.

I almost skid across the floor but catch my balance. Out of my peripheral vision I catch the thief on his way to the football ground. I take a few moments to calm my heart which was beating like crazy before heading for the football ground.

The wide expanse of the field and football was probably why our school was so popular. Which meant that the team was made after a thorough and tough selection process. I disagree a little here. After all they made Shane Marshall the quarterback of our school football team, the Red Falcons.

I train my eyes to look all over the place to find Winston and they spot him sitting at the bleachers, sprawled in what looked liked the most relaxing and comfortable position and even gave me a two finger wave with a mocking grin. My nostrils flared as I made my way across the field towards the bleachers.

"You look a little bothered there, chica" Winston said as his eyes looked me up and down with a mischievous look glinting in his ice blue eyes. But his eyes also looked a bit dangerous. Like he knew something about me which he shouldn't have.

"Don't you f*cking dare chica me, a*shole" I stuck out my chin defiantly and place my hands on my hip.

"Guess what I will. Only because you told me not to" he raised a brow in amusement and I clenched my fists.

"Hand over my property or I'll be forced to take extreme measures" I have no idea what those extreme measures are.

"You are free to to exercise your extreme measures, chica. I promise I won't get in your way" he said holding back a laugh at my fuming red face. Just then a shiny thing catches my eye and I notice my phone tucked away in the front pocket of his jeans. Time to make a dramatic leave even Madonna would be proud of.

I come to stand in front of him and nudge his thighs apart with my foot placed directly between them. I lean forward and glare into his now guarded eyes, searching my own to calculate my next move. Good luck there bud. I move an inch or two till my lips were just a fraction away from his ear. His breath quickened and his muscles tensed but he didn't stop as he was curious about what I was planning to do. I suppressed a shiver when his breath fondled my neck and his light beard grazed my cheek. This is getting too intimate. I was suppose to intimidate him not be intimate with him.

"You shouldn't be this close to me, Blaze. I bite. Hard" His deep voice whispered in my ear softly. The action causing me to suck in a breath.

"You shouldn't f*ck with me, Winston. If you bite, I devour. Even a good player will someday become a toy of a better player. It's called karma, darling" I hiss in his ear before reaching for my phone in his pocket. Digging it out, I shoot one last glare at him before standing back up on my feet and no more leaning on him.

But before I could turn around and leave along with my last say, he clamps his thighs round my legs and I lose my balance.

He steadies me with a hand against my waist and a hand wrapped around my elbow. He stands up and closes the little space between us. I try to yank my elbow out of his grasp but instead he tugs me closer till our feet were touching and our nose brushing against each other.

Winston slowly drags his hand up my arm till it comes to rest on the base of my neck. He brushes my hair aside and wounds his fingers around my nape before leaning forward and grazing the tip of my ear with his lips. I stifle a frustrated groan at that. He is taking advantage of my sensitivity.

"Blaze, sometimes you have to play the role of a fool to fool the fool who thinks they are fooling you" My brows furrowed at his cryptic message. That was a lot of fool.

"If you are planning to play then it will only be fair to let you know that I know every up's and down's of this little game. My win won't be too surprising. Because I always win" he releases his hold on me and nudges past me without a backward glance.

I stumble against the bleachers and fall on the seat previously occupied by Winston. Pressing my hands on my flushed cheeks, I blow out a breath. I can't believe he took my last say yet again. Not only that but he also one upped me.

Fine. The guy is smarter than what I gave him credit for and he knows how to manoeuvre his way around words.

Alright this just makes it even interesting. He won't know what hit him when I have my revenge.

And what's this? First chica now Blaze?

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