
The blame to the top

There was a vast sea of heads at the hospital when Lewis arrived. He was somewhat surprised that these patients, who he believed had been waiting for hours, weren't being attended to by any doctor.

Although, he knew there was nothing he could do. He kept reminding himself that he was nothing but an intern in St Gregory Hospital. An intern who was putting his life at risk for the betterment Of the hospital.

He thought of going directly to Petra's office but knew that it was too risky; the mystery killer might be around and might want nothing much at this moment than to have his head on a stake.

  He went straight to the ER section, where he believed Mrs. Walker would be kept for the following days, wherein her surgery would be done eventually.

When he arrived, Lewis couldn't help but notice that there had been an increase in the number of guards that were officially guarding her ward.

"Who are you, and what do you want," One of them asked him.