
ch 31. A long awaited member

Sept 18 1988 Sunday, 9:35 am

"Ok, let's do this." I made up my mind. I walked to the training room and sat on the couch. I stare at the goldfish thats in the bowl.

Honestly I'm still hesitant about contracting this guy. One reason is that it doesn't have an iota of intelligence so I can't start a conversation with it. I'm in the dark on what to expect regarding its attitude towards me.

Second, the character "龍" translate to "Long" and means dragon in Chinese. If my hunch is right, this guy has an ancestor of a flood dragon.

In Harry Potter, the only known breed of 'dragon' in China was the Chinese Fireball. But it still look like the 'other dragons today' with for legs and two wings.

If I base my judgement on folklores where a carp becomes a dragon by jumping through the Dragon Gate, we can expect a different kind, like the giant Shenron in DBZ.

Nana wasn't sure either. But she also said that the current dragons around were the lesser breeds in the era of the gods. The dragons during the era of the gods were more intelligent and powerful.

Also, when she was young, she grew up listening to tales of dragons being able to travel between worlds.

She proposed a theory. It is possible that like the era of the gods that ended and made way for the era of the lesser and weeker humans, the powerful dragons must have met thier end or just left and made way for lesser beings and were forgotten.

What was left of thier legacy might be the dragons of today anď stories about them that were passed down as legends and folklores.

I just cleared my mind from all my worries and started opening my mindscape. The room was filled with smoke and scent of incense fills air.

I scoop the goldfish with my mind and levitated it in a bubble of water. Once it entered the smoky entrance, I immediately meditate and enter my mindscape.

When my projection self appeared, I immediately went to the Spring of Purity and landed near Grace, Gavel and Reza who were huddle together.

*pluck!* I saw the fish drop down the spring. I kept staring at the Spring while I said to the three, "Guys, I want you to prepare yourselves. The new guy is very very special. As a fish, it doesn't even have intelligence so I wasn't able to talk to it properly."

"Neighhh!""Baaah""uack..kuk", They replied and kept thier guards up.

5sec...10sec..20sec...50sec... 1min.. I thought,'Agh, yup as expected it will be a long wai--'


Before I finish my though, the Spring bubbled but there was no steam. Then..


...the water rush up like a water jet up to the sky of my mindscape. The water formed a thick cloud up above. A moment later the cloud darken like a storm is brewing.

*BOOoom!⚡⚡⚡*BROOOM ⚡⚡⚡⚡*Booom*

I'm not surprised by the sound of thunder and lighting. What surprised me is everytime the lighting strikes, there was a faint shadow silhouette that appeared. It's seems like my guess that it will resemble Shenron of DBZ.

A moment later, the storm stop and the clouds started to dissipate. 'Huh!?' When I didn't see a dragon, I'm puzzled. "Where is it?"

Then from the sky, a sky blue sphere became visible as it descend. When it floated in front of us we realized it was an egg. An ostrich size egg that's sky blue in color.

As I grabbed it, I can feel a faint heartbeats. "An egg.. what now?" I use Siri to check its status.

Me: What's the status of the egg?

Siri: Stable... waiting to be awaken.

Me:What does it need to awaken?

Siri:Magic energy from the master of the Beast Space

Seeing Siri's reply, I immediately said,"I got it. Guys, I will imbue magic to it. It's going to just be me this time so don't add your magic, understood?"

"Nei!""Baa!""uak!" They protested a little. They really liked it when Naji came out. But they still agreed with my instruction.

I cleared my mind and poured my magic into the egg. I started with a thin line like I did with Naji but I forgot that I'm currently in my mindscape.

A vortex formed with the egg as the center. It is sucking the magic like a whirlpool. I'm surprised but still went with it and kept pouring my magic into the egg.


I feel like tierd as heck when I passed the 30 sec mark.

*click* I heard a click but I didn't stop pouring in my magic.

*click*click* I see a one inch vertical crack appearing.

*clak* A piece of shell broke off.

*click*clak*click*clak*KaKk!!* then a few more pieces broke off and a three toe claw appeared. It wiggle around and went back in the egg. "Come one, little one. A little more.!

"Neighhhh*Bahhhhhh*Kuk..Uak* the three around me called out as well.

*Klakkk*click*kllllaakkkkk* Then a big crack appeared making a big opening until the top half of the egg came off.

"Gruuuu" We can now see the little guy. I extended my left hand and he instantly crawled on to it.

The little guy is about one and a half feet long with a width of a little more that an inch. The head looks more like Turtle's face(shih tzu) with its forward facing indigo colored eyes.

It has light blue fur that runs from the middle of its eyebrow along its back. The blue scale look more like fish scales than snake's.There are two 5 inch whiskers at the end of its snout.

I asked Siri...

Me:Is it a boy?


A few centimeters above the section of its body where the front paws are, is a indigo round gem with white lining that's moving around. I look at it closely and I'm pretty sure im seeing a miniture galaxy. It reminds me of the small marble in the first MIB movie.

"Ok next is-----" As I expected, my mindscape quake and an empty blue pedestal appeared. A second after, an image of a dragon similar to the guy in my hands appeared. It looks like a hologram but the whole silhouette is a moving cluster of stars. The center of the cluster is at the image's chest.

The hologram is facing east to the area that is beginning to form. First, there was a wide body of water. A far, stony mountains with snow on top appeard.

Above the large body of water are small floating island with vegetation. From what I can see, there are various fruit trees on them.

When I have the complete picture, I exclaimed, "HALLELUJAH!!!.. Its the hallelujah mountains in Avatar!!!"

"Neighhh!!!"Baaaaa!!!"Uaaakk!!"Gru???" The four around me were started when I screamed.

"Sorry guys. Just got a bit exited." I apologized.

I just remembered that this guy needs a name.

I remember the circumstances on how I met the little one. It really was a long wait. I look at the new area and smile,'Let's change it up a bit.'

"Everyone!" Now Grace and the other two are looking at me, I smile and continued, " Meet our newest member, AVATAR LONG!"

~end chapter ~