
Can't Escape Fate A My Hero Academia Fanfiction

Can't Escape Part 1 ➡️ After coming back from a funeral Dabi found himself in a park where he found someone that he was drawn to. The feeling about being drawn to someone never happens before after a short talk. A mysterious van shows up that parks right beside him a along the way a Man In White stops him in his tracks asking him to stay away or something bad will happen to him. However Dabi's determination to see him no matter what it takes. Can't Escape Fate Part 2: Love Triangle After winning the love for Chisaki. Shigaraki begins to have unexpected feelings for him as well. Shigaraki and Dabi face off in the challenge for his love. However Dabi doesn't know that Shigaraki also likes Kai. Dark horrors begins to reveal and a promise that cannot be broken. ➡️ Credit to Horikoshi since it's his characters after all. My Hero Academia. ⬅️

Mr_Mysophobia · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

Chapter 23 A Simple Kiss and A Simple Jealousy

(Few minutes later)

Wiping his tears away but still feels sad about what just happened however some of his sadness did wash away after hearing him saying he loves him which made him hopeful and happy.

Chisaki: I-I think I'm done crying now... I feel kinda embarrassed for even sobbing in the first place...

Looks down at the floor remembering his protector the first person who he admire since then. The memories will always still be there but be somewhat forgotten. Still tearing up slightly wanting to cry again.

Dabi: Don't feel sad Kai.

Wipes his tears away leaning in to kiss him softly on the lips.

Chisaki: ...

Eyes widen blushing red but decided to kiss him back. Heart was pounding fast due to the unexpected kiss but he enjoyed it very much.

(In the background).

Shigaraki: ...

Eyes widen and looked back pretending he didn't see anything but felt the emotion of jealousy since he still has feelings for Chisaki.

(In his mind).

Aww man how am I supposed to compete with that but I have to try at least many get some alone time with him.

(Out of his mind).

Frowns slightly at them both but clears his throat just to get their attention.

Shigaraki: I'm still here by the way.

Says it calmly yet sorta annoyed since he was a bit jealous.

Dabi: ...

Pulling away slightly and smiles at him.

Dabi: Sorry about that I wanted to calm you down...

Looks at him calmly.

Chisaki: I-I didn't mind the kiss it felt good...

Says it calmly yet blushed slightly hiding his face but smiles at him as well.

Dabi: ...

Blushing slightly looking at him.

(In his mind).

"Chisaki he's so cute damnit how much I want to hold him more but I don't want Shigaraki to be awkward. If only we were alone!!"

(Out of his mind).

Chisaki: I- um...

Looks down a little bit nervously after admitting that he enjoyed the kiss. A loss of words on what to say now.

Dabi: Want to play a game?

Looks at him with a smile.

Chisaki: Y-You mean that mobile game?

Looks at him calmly yet wonders what type of game he's talking about.

(In the background).

Shigaraki: ...

Goes right between them both with a smile.

Shigaraki: Let's play that mobile game but this time we're entering a roleplaying game.

Looks at them both with a smile while pulling out his cellphone.

Dabi: ...

Looking over to Chisaki to see him a bit interested in what Shigaraki is showing him.

(In his mind).

"How much I want to be alone with him so badly but it seems I won't get that chance today maybe tomorrow."

Remembering the kiss for a moment which made him blush red wanting to do it again so badly. Trying to control his emotions just to stay calm.

(Out of his mind).

Dabi: ...

Pulling out his phone and opens up that app. Looking over to Chisaki to see him doing the same.

Shigaraki: You ready guys?

Looks at them both with a smile since he was right between them acting like a typical third wheel wanting to ruin romance.

Chisaki: I um okay...

Feels a bit interested in that type of game but feels uneasy for some reason. Already thinking about that one kiss makes him feel happy and doesn't know how to explain it since he wants it to happen again.

(In his mind).

"Will he thinks I'm crazy if I want the kiss again?"

Hearing his heart beating already feeling flustered just by thinking about it.

"Hmm I don't want to be mean or anything but if only we were alone then maybe..."

Looking over to Dabi for short moment but noticed they were both looking at each other. Blushing slightly but looked away since his friend is right there.

"I should calm myself."

(Out of his mind).

Opening the app on his phone since Dabi was doing it. Looking at his phone for a moment and join the game on what Shigaraki had join.

Dabi as narrator: After playing the with each other for a while now like about a hour or so. During the random roleplay Chisaki didn't know what as going on so yeah and I completely forgotten to meet those people who wanted to train us both. However I didn't want to leave Chisaki alone since who knows what will happen. Pretty sure it's okay to bring him with us.

(Few minutes later).

Dabi: We have to go somewhere Kai.

Looks at him calmly.

Chisaki: I-I o-okay...

Feels a little nervous about leaving his home after what happened that night but nodded since he'll be safe with him and his friend.

Shigaraki: You be okay.

Placed his hand on his shoulder.

Chisaki: ...

Nodding slightly but still felt really nervous about leaving the house.

Dabi: Let's go.

Holds on to his hand pulling him close to him.

Chisaki: ...

Blushing slightly and holds his arm feeling safe being right next to him.

Dabi: ...

(In his mind).

"Ahh damn he's so cute I really want to show all my love for him."

Pretending to be calm but blushing like crazy on the inside.

Chisaki: I- feel really safe with you.

Looks at him with a smile even though it was right behind the mask.

Dabi: I'm glad Kai.

Smiles at him back.

(In the background).

Shigaraki: ...

Frowning at the sight of those two together but change his face and decided to go right between them again.

Shigaraki: Let's go guys.

Smiles at them both.

Dabi: Right sorry.

Looks down at his phone to see on where the place is but realizing how long of a walk it is.

Dabi: ...

(In his mind).


(Out of his mind).

Dabi: Let's just start walking.

Blushing slightly while holding on to Chisaki's hand. Opening the door and walks out of the house still holding on to Chisaki's hand. Closing the door once everyone came outside including a random cat.

Chisaki: I- um I need to lock it...

Still holding on to Dabi's hand but slowly let's go of him and walked to the door locking it.

Dabi: ...

Looking over to a rose bush and noticed that pink roses were moving slightly thanks to the wind as he remembers the day in the hospital. Smiles slightly and picked it up carefully. Holding it gently and noticed Chisaki turning around and decided to presented him the pink rose.

Dabi: Here Kai.

Smiles at him while handing him the rose.

Chisaki: ...

Blushing red but smiles at him grabbing on to the rose slowly. As the wind blows as Sakura petals went around each other.

Chisaki: Your too kind to me...

Smiles happily at him even though it was right behind the mask.

Dabi: It's because I love you and I always will.

Kisses his cheek softly.

(In the background).

Frowns more already feeling more jealous than usual.

Shigaraki: Dabi we should get going remember?

Looks at him annoyed.

Dabi: Right let's go.

Holding on to Chisaki's hand softly as they both smiles at each other.

To be continued on next chapter