
Calling Myself

l stories of characters in the same universe

StingRaymond · ファンタジー
19 Chs


season 2

Time Skip

The XZP world has seen a great deal of turmoil and change over the last few years, and the two factions have come together to try and find a path forward that will lead to a brighter future for all.

But the conflict is far from over, and there are still many trials and tribulations ahead for the XZP world. But as long as the people of the XZP world stay committed to peace and working together for the greater good, they can overcome any obstacle and achieve anything they set their minds to.

The Brown Wolf Crew faction became the Kingdom after winning the war against the Bronze Vultures in the battlefield The Novksz.

The Brown Wolf Crew faction emerged victorious following the Battle of Novksz. Their victory has led to a new Kingdom and a new era for the XZT world. The Kingdom of Brown Wolf is a symbol of unity and strength, and their victory has shown the power of cooperation and determination. The Kingdom of Brown Wolf is a force to be reckoned with and they are poised to lead the XZT world into the future.

Meanwhile, Sadon Giarriose survived the dragon attack that invaded the Battlefield of Os Novksz, but he lost his right arm to the burns sustained by the dragon's fire.

Sadon Giarriose was severely injured in the dragon attack and would not have survived without the help of the dragon. His injuries have left him permanently disabled with only one arm, but his determination and will to live remained strong. He survived and lived to fight another day, and his story is one of courage and resilience in the face of seemingly impossible odds.

On the other hand, Tonjen Lane became King of the Brown Wolf Crew faction or currently known as the Brown Wolf Crew Kingdom.

Tonjen Lane emerged victorious following the War of The Novksz, and he has been crowned King of the Brown Wolf Crew Kingdom.

His reign has begun, and it is an exciting time for the XZP world. King Tonjen Lane has a tremendous task ahead of him as he attempts to rebuild and unify the XZP world after years of war and conflict. But he is a strong and determined leader who is committed to peace and working towards a brighter future for all.

Jaethol Mollene, the Dwarf King of the Mountains of Quickmark, has fallen ill with a fever.

The health of Jaethol Mollene, the Dwarf King of the Mountains of Quickmark, is of utmost importance to the XZP world.

He is an exceptional and talented ruler who has guided his people

through years of conflict, and his leadership will be pivotal in helping the XZP world move toward peace and rebuilding.

We hope and pray for the health and speedy recovery of Jaethol Mollene


Jaethal Millene's heir, called Gold Wine, was in his room training his strategies for his reign.

While his father, Jaethal Millene, is ill, Gold Wine has been hard at work developing his strategies for his reign as heir to the throne.

His efforts are important, as he must be ready to take over the realm when the time comes. It's a huge responsibility, but Gold Wine is up to the task and is proving to be an excellent strategist and worthy heir to the throne.