
Calling Myself

l stories of characters in the same universe

StingRaymond · Fantasy
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19 Chs


Chapter 5: The New Order of War

After the brutal and bloody battle for the domination of the XZP world, a new order of war was established.

The Brown Wolf Crew and Bronze Vultures factions were forever changed by the conflict, and the two sides would never be the same again.

The XZP world had been rocked by the battle, and the consequences would be felt for generations to come.

But the fight for supremacy had a winner, and only one faction could be left standing.

In Os Nkvsk war the battle continues forward with several soldiers dead.

Tonjen Lane is being beaten in the face by his enemy the Theonan of Ustego.

It's a brutal and bloody battle, with Tonjen Lane unable to fight back against Theonan's rage and brutality.

Theonan of Ustego delivers 10 additional hits to Tonjen Lane's face and then tries to strangle him.

Token Lane is trying to fight back but failing due to being physically weak, which Theonan of Ustego uses to his advantage as he continues the strangled.

The two men are locked in a vicious fight for dominance, with neither willing to surrender to the other. It's a brutal struggle with everything on the line, and the outcome will determine the fate of the XZP world.

Sadon Giarriose and Jaethol Mollene are fighting exhausted in the mud on the field of Os Novksz.

Sadon Giarriose kicks Jaethol Mollene in the stomach, knocking him to the ground.

Sadon Giarriose picks up his knife and is getting over Jaethol Mollene to try to squash him, but Jaethol Mollene holds the knife trying to fight back so he doesn't get stabbed.

Returning to the battlefield on Os Novksz, Tonjen Lane is close to dying from strangulation by Theonan of Ustego.

The Browns Wolf Crew faction represent the Mountains of Quyckemark kingdom and are about to be defeated by the Bronze Vultures faction.

The two sides fight an epic battle on the field of Os Novksz, with each fighting furiously to achieve victory and gain control of the XZP world.

It's a bloody and brutal battle, with many casualties on both sides, and the outcome is still unclear. It will take everything that both sides have to win this fight, and even then it will be difficult.

A dragon fly on the battlefield of The Novksz causes Tonjen Lane to close his eyes and prepare for death as Theonan of Ustego strangles him with a wicked smile on his face.

Just as Tonjen Lane is about to die, the giant dragon flies in from behind Tonjen Lane and breathes a stream of fire onto Theonan of Ustego, killing him instantly.

Sadon Giarriose continues to try and stab Jaethol Mollene's chest and holds his knife with all his strength but almost gives in, saying "I'm going to see this war through and I'm going to dominate this XZP world as whole."

Sadon Giarriose is determined to see this war through and win it, no matter the cost. The stakes are high and the consequences of losing would be devastating for both sides. But Sadon is a driven and ruthless commander, and he is not going to give up easily.

As Jaethol Mollene grows exhausted from holding Sadon Giarriose's knife, the dragon of Ante that killed the Theonan of Ustego lands on wings in front of Sadon Giarriose and Jaethol Mollene.

The two commanders are confronted by the dragon of Ante, and they must make a decision quickly in order to survive.

It's a crucial choice that could determine the fate of the XZP world.

Sadon Giarriose sees the dragon in front of him and thinks "I've been given an opportunity to destroy this creature and become a feared warrior the world over. I'm not going to waste this chance." Sadon Giarriose picks up his sword and advances against the dragon ready to kill it.

The dragon spits fire at Sadon Giarriose, hitting him and causing him to fly and collide against a tree with his back up on the ground. The dragon is too powerful for Sadon Giarriose to slay alone, and he must find a way to defeat it before it destroys him.

Jaethol Mollene gets up after being knocked down by the dragon and nods to the dragon as it leaves the battlefield. The two men have a shared understanding and seem to respect each other, and the dragon flies away without any further interaction with the two men.

It's a powerful moment that serves to show how the two sides have a mutual respect for one another and both want to avoid further bloodshed if possible. But the XZP world is a complex and turbulent place, and there is always a chance that things could spiral out of control and a greater conflict could be ignited.

The two commanders Sadon Giarriose and the Theonan of Ustego are defeated by the dragon's help, and the Bronze Vultures faction retreats and flees from the Novksz Battleground.

It's a turning point in the conflict, and the two factions realize that they must find a way to resolve their differences without further violence if peace is to be achieved. The dragon's presence has given both sides a chance to reflect on how much has been lost and the consequences of continued war, and now it is up to them to take this opportunity and find a way forward as a united XZP world.

The Brown Wolf Crew faction represents the Mountains of Quyckemark kingdom and celebrates the victory in the war of The Novksz.

It's a tremendous victory and a huge step towards peace for the XZT world. The two factions have demonstrated a willingness to compromise and work together for the greater good. This sets a powerful example of what can be achieved when the people of the XZP world come together as one and work towards a common goal.

The outcome of this war will be instrumental in shaping the future of the XZT world, and this is just the beginning.