
Calling Myself

l stories of characters in the same universe

StingRaymond · ファンタジー
19 Chs


Chapter 4: XZP's First World War

The two factions were now at war, and it seemed that anything was possible in the XZP world. Both the Brown Wolf Crew and the Bronze Vultures faction had strong allies and were determined to fight for their cause.

Sadon Giarriose was a cunning and ruthless leader who was not afraid to take risks in order to achieve his goals.

With the support of his powerful allies, he was sure to make his mark on the XZP world and bring about a new era of dominance.

Sadon Giarriose and his faction, the Bronze Vultures, are on the battlefield called The Novksz waiting for his enemies Tonjen Lane of the Brown Wolf Crew and Dwarf King Jaethol Mollene.

The two factions are prepared for a battle that will be difficult and costly but where victory could be within reach.

Either side could take the victory in this battle, but it will be up to the commanders on each side to make strategic decisions that will decide the outcome.

It's a crucial battle for both sides, and the result may decide who will dominate the XZP world.

The two factions face each other fiercely, ready for the battle to begin in a few minutes. Both sides are prepared for a tough fight, and the outcome is still uncertain. 

The factions will duke it out with everything they have, with the hopes that their side will come out on top and bring glory and honor to their faction. 

The XZP world holds its breath in anticipation, awaiting the results of this massive battle that could decide the fate of the world.

When the minutes are up, the battle begins, Sadon Giarriose goes after Brown Wolf Crew along with his Bronze Vultures faction is Tonjen Lane

leads the Brown Wolf Crew faction along with Jaethol Mollene with his Mountains of Quyckemark army. The two factions go at each other and the two collide brutally.

The two factions go at each other and the two collide brutally.

It's a bloody and brutal battle, with casualties on both sides. No one is holding back and there are no rules in the heat of battle. It's a fight for survival and a struggle for dominance.

The two factions are locked in a merciless battle that will only end when one side claims victory and the other is left with nothing more than defeat.

Tonjen Lane takes up his sword and goes after Theonan of Ustego, who is also holding his sword and ready for a fight.

The two commanders come together in a brutal and bloody battle, with their swords clashing violently as they try to win the upper hand against their enemy.

It's a vicious fight, and the outcome is uncertain, with both sides doing everything they can to come out on top. With so much at stake, this is sure to be a long and intense battle that will have a huge impact on the fate of the XZP world.

It's a brutal and bloody battle, with Sadon Giarriose killing many Brown Wolf crew soldiers while Jaethol Mollene attacks Sadon from behind. The two men tumble and fall from a cliff, landing in the dark mud below.

It's a brutal blow for both sides, with both men incapacitated and lying in the mud after a vicious and brutal fight. With their leaders incapacitated, it's up to the other commanders to rally their soldiers and continue the fight for dominance. It's bound to be a long and bloody battle with a fierce and furious vengeance for what has transpired.

Tonjen Lane and Theonan of Ustego continue to fight with their swords, with neither gaining the upper hand in a brutal and bloody battle that rages around them.

The two factions are locked in a vicious struggle, with many casualties on both sides.

It's a fight for survival, and the outcome is uncertain. With so much at stake, this is sure to be a long and intense battle that will have a huge impact on the fate of the XZP world.

It's a brutal and bloody battle, with both commanders desperate to win and come out on top.

Sadon Giarriose tries to get the upper hand by using his strength and power to punch and attack Jaethol Mollene. But Jaethol Molene counters by using his cunning and intellect to try and outmanuver Sadon.

The two men are locked in a vicious struggle for dominance and victory, with everything on the line. It's anyone guess who will come out ahead in the end.

The rain begins to fall on the Novksz Battleground as the two men continue to fight. The rain makes the battle even more difficult, as it makes visibility harder and makes the ground slippery, increasing the chances of tripping and falling. But both commanders are determined to keep fighting no matter the conditions, and they continue to clash violently as they fight through the rain and the mud.

In this battle of Os Novksz, Bronze Vultures and Brown Wolf Crew soldiers are fighting in the rain and mud to the death, some biting each other and others stabbing their enemies to death.

It's a brutal and vicious battle, with casualties piling up on both sides. The rain and mud make the battle even more difficult, as it makes visibility harder and makes the ground slippery, increasing the chances of tripping and falling. But despite the difficult conditions, the two factions are determined to stay and finish their fight to the bitter end, no matter the cost.

Jaethol Mollene and Sadon Giarriose fight in the mud, with each trying to gain the upper hand.

It's a brutal and bloody battle, with the two men fighting for dominance.

The mud makes the fight even more difficult, as it makes it harder to keep one's footing and increases the chances of tripping and falling.

But both men continue to fight, with neither giving up or backing away from the fight, determined to see it through until the end.

Tonjen Lane and Theonan of Ustego continue to fight with their swords, with Tonjen Lane slipping and falling in the mud.

Theonan seizing the opportunity to get the upper hand, climbing on top of Tonjen Lane and starting to punch his face nonstop.

It's a brutal and savage attack, with Tonjen Lane unable to fight back against Theonan's rage and brutality.

The two warriors continue to clash violently, with neither having the upper hand. It's a brutal and bloody fight that could go either way, and the outcome is still uncertain.