
Call to Innocence

A call to innocence is the dark and the light. A spark rose up to conquer the night. While everything goes as everything goes. A single decision can change your life. Call to Innocence is the story of the Etherian Ryan. She suffers from amnesia and stumbled upon the son of Satan, Emery who also is suffering from amnesia and a Demon named Mezoli. Ryan's memories are being withheld from her by someone who doesn't want her to remember, she is trying to do everything in her power to regain her memories. Emery's memories were sealed away by his Father for taking on the more gentle qualities of his mother the Virgin Mary. He joins Ryan after his soul recognizes her and he instantly feels a connection. Mezoli, ostracized by both his Angel heritage and his Devil heritage, was cast out. He lived alone before Ryan and Mezoli had unknowingly broken into his house. His soul recognizes them both and he feels that he has to follow them. This is the story...A story of agonizing betrayl, and love. How far will one go for the ties that bind?

KiaYanna · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Prologue 1: Ryan

Ryan's PoV:

I ran through the trees, making sure to keep my hood pulled close, covering my face. My brown eyes scraped over every inch of the forest.

"I have to get out of here."I huffed as I hopped over a root, my breath visible in the deathly cold air.

"There she is!"

"Get her!"

The voices behind me were close, but not close enough to be captured. I turned my face to look behind me and I felt my body collide with something like a wall.

I scrambled to my feet, only to be met with a tall, cloaked figure that towered over me.

It began to pour as tears welled up in my eyes, I was petrified.

The giant snapped their head to look at the trees beyond, upon hearing the yells of my pursuers. I scrambled to my feet, attempting to run, but the cloaked figure grabbed me, pulling me inside their heavy cloak. It seemed to be made of fine, expensive materials.

"Hey, you there.."The squad leader's voice spoke out sternly. "You saw a girl in a hood about this big. In which direction did she run?"

It was completely pitch black, being unable to see made me uncomfortable. I couldn't make a run for it as the giant had a firm grip upon me, a grip that was strange. It felt like they were trying to protect me.

"Speak now."The scrapping of sword against sheath rippled out past the beads of rain that pelted their cloak.

"I can't let you die for me..."I whispered, trying to break out of their intense grasp, but the grip on me only tightened.

"Leave me alone."An unfamiliar and authoritative voice spilled frim the lips of the giant. It was the voice of a male.

"Listen boy, do as I say and show me which way the wretch went!"

"I won't. Leave me."He turned around, lifting me slightly off of the ground, then setting me down. "I don't make a habit of killing but I don't need to."The voice sounded bitter, yet sad.

"Boy, I am warning you!"

"Enough."He answered lowly, a hint of anger in his tone.

I felt the sting of a blade, before immediately being lifted into the air. Blood gushed from the giant's stomach, he saved me from being impaled.

"I said enough!"He dropped me, sending a wave of blue flames out and over the 12 guards. I sat on the ground in shock as I watched the horrific scene play out before me.

"The flames of the Devil..."I stuttered quietly as I proped myself up on my elbows.

The giant, who wasn't a giant turned to me, before he came crashing down, his hood falling off revealing a bloody and bruised face. I catch his head as the rain washed over us.

I felt the need to keep him alive, to repay him. I unhooked his cloak, then drug him onto it. Trudging through the mud and puddles, as the rain came down in sheets. The trees seemed to be staring vehemently as I pulled the unconscious boy. I kept my hood pulled close as I came to a clearing. I began to pull again, my feet sinking into the squishy ground. A cottage was just ahead.

I kicked in the door, dragging the boy in. My knees gave out and I collapsed on the ground, staring at his face, he looked to be in pain.

I laid there on the cold hard concrete. I didn't know how much time had passed, as it was still overcast and pouring outside. I managed to get to my feet, I pulled the cloak over to the bed. I cringed as I realized I was going to have to get him up into the bed. I tried several different ways all ending in failure, until I finally got him onto the bed. I remember reading about survival 101...I pulled off his soppy shirt, letting it sloosh to the ground in a soggy heap. I reluctantly pulled off his soaked pants, leaving him in damp black boxers. Picking up the heavy black cloak, I shook it out, sending droplets of water everywhere. I let it fall like a blanket over his muscled form. I sat on a stool, examining the boy's features. His wavy black hair stuck to his lightskined tone. I stared out the window as the rain pelted the roof. My body began to uncontrollably shiver. I let my hood drop off my head, unhooking my cloak, letting it fall to the ground. I stripped off the rest of my soaking clothes, leaving my undergarments, then crawled into the small bed, laying on top of him. I wrapped my arms around him, he was so warm. He radiates heat... It's like he was his own sun. I soon dipped in and out of consciousness, before falling asleep.


Emery's PoV:

My golden eyes shot open. I felt a cool touch, contrasting my own unnatural heat. My eyes blurred, before finally everything came into focus. A tiny girl had her arms wrapped around me. I stayed still as I didn't want to wake her. She smells the same as the one I saved. So it must be her. Her small, but curvy body trembled, my arms reflexively wrapped around her small frame.

"Warmmm."she mumbled, as she buried her face into my care chest.

My mind was fuzzy, but I let the events that led to this replay in my mind.

I was compelled to save this girl, I set them ablaze, then everything after that...Is fuzzy.

I placed my right hand over my right eye as I stared at the ceiling.

"Mm..."The girl groaned quietly, before her eyes fluttered open, revealing two beautiful chocolatey orbs. I'd never seen someone with brown eyes before. She sat up immediately, her face was red, she looked weak.

"I-I'm sorry. I had to... We would have died of hypothermia I-"She stumbled over her words as she played with her fingers. It was utterly adorable.

I stared at her quietly, letting her finish her ramble.

"It is ok."I tipped my head slightly, in a respectable bow, "Thank you. You saved my life. You could have left me for dead, I am in your debt."I raised my head from my bow.

"No, no it's fine really."She laughed nervously.

"I am in your service. I promise to follow you devotedly."I took her hand in mine, placing a gentle kiss on it, then I looked up at her, "My Lady." I gave a seductive smile, my lips still mere centimeters from her hand.

"You promise loyalty to me and you don't even know my name..."She said bewildered.

"I am Emery."I smiled.

"I am Ryan."She smiled at me, through a mess of beautiful long brown curls. Her skin the color of honey.

"Can you tell me anything about yourself?"She put on a bright smile.

Mine faded as I looked towards the ground, "No I cannot."my voice cracked as I tried to remember anything. "Anything past a few days ago is all a haze."A moment if silence loomed over us, a moment that seemed to go in for eternity. "I remember nothing. What about you Ryan?"I looked up into her bright eyes, yet a deep and unforgiving darkness set in, overtaking the brightness, extinguishing the light for darkness.

"I...I don't wish to remember. I have these vivid nightmares about what I've done or what I think I've done. If even any of an instance of it is true, I don't deserve to live. It's all the blur for me too. I don't remember anything.

"What are you doing in my house!?"A masculine voice growled.

"Who are you?"Emery growled.

"I could ask you the same thing..."The tall lanky boy aimed a long gun at me.

"I am Mezoli."He pulled the upper trigger back, sending a small click bouncing off the walls of the room.

"I am Ryan."I stood up, jumping down to the ground.

Mezoli blushed as he took in my curvaceous form.

"I..I-"He stuttered, twirling the gun, before pointing it at the ceiling.

"I will be on my way."I pulled on my skintight sleeveless bodysuit, then swung the cloak around my shoulders, hooking it into place. I slipped into my black boots.

"Take care Emery."I dipped my head. "Mezoli."

I ran towards the forest, I felt like I was dancing through the trees as I hoped from root to root.

Suddenly I felt a large hand holding a cloth covered my mouth and another wrapped around my waist. I tried to let out a scream, but the large hand muffled it. I inhaled, chemicals burned my nostrils and everything went black.