
We are BWG! (G’s perspective)

If you ask me what is BWG, I will tell you it stands for Black, White and Gray. This is our cool skin colors.

I am not kidding. We are different.

I bet you are a human reader. No doubt you will feel strange.

We are the adventurers from the universe, wandering around and accomplishing good deeds.

We have the most advanced technology in the entire galaxy.

Yes, I am in my spaceship now and I am reading your mind when you read these words here.

Okay, I gonna introduce myself and my teammates now.

I am a little penguin with grey fluffy furs. You can call me Dada. My team symbol is G. Whenever you see this letter, then it symbolizes me! My favourite food is frozen fish, frozen crabs, and frozen clams, … okay I am not going to waste my time. I love anything just frozen. By the way, my weapons are frozen too.

Come here, little seal. Yes, this is my teammate Little Seal. His symbol is W. Look at his soft white furs and grapes-like eyes, I will say you are the cutest, my friend!

( "I know,I know…")

So yeah, his name is Little Seal, as simple as it is.

Also, Little Seal loves oranges.

( " Yes, little oranges, large oranges, frozen oranges, orange shake, orange…)

Okay, let himself sing out there. Another teammate is here. Hi Haiyutun!

( "Yo, Dada!")

This is my black teammate, an orca with glossy black and white skin….mostly black, I would say. So his symbol is B, the first symbol

of our team, ha!

Haiyutun sounds like a strange name but it matches the sound he makes.

( "hai yu. Tune——")

Yes, did you hear that, a typical whale's sound?

So he loves innovation and fighting. Look at his weapons in his hand——glorious and sharp right? Yes, he is the best inventor and most of our technologies are invented by him.

( "Ha, that is for sure!")

Okay, now, human, you got to know us. I will share our plan with you. We as space travellers have an important task assigned by our boss. The task is about making you happy. So we are here to share some life stories with you. Are you ready? Okay, let me tell you more about us…next time:)