
Our origin(W’s Perspective)

Okay, I know more than them. So, I am here to talk.

My name is Little Seal, as you may know:)

I love oranges, as you may know.

I am here to…

( " Stop talking about yourself; tell them more about how we met and what we did together!!!")

Okay, the BG team is angry. Ha, but I will highlight the point I know more than them.

So we come from a hidden planet in the deep of the universe. You cannot find it anyway. However, we are not the same as other people there. We love travelling, so we are always on the way somewhere else.

I have visited thousands of galaxies already with my teammates. We did lots of things and the most important thing is I discovered how delicious the orange is. Whether they are dried, baked, boiled, or fresh, I love all sorts of orange recipes.

"No more oranges today if you continue to talk about that!"

Oh, fine, I will talk about other things then. We gained some advanced technology from our travel experience, and our journey is always safe. We are a team with the expertise of a professional eater, a fisherman and a chef.

"Come on, that is not our title…"

Or you can call me the professional technician, Haiyutun the professional worrier and Dada, the professional…icy fish chef?

(B is shouting at the back: "Warrior! I am a warrior!")

G: " I think you know me better…I am an inventor! A fish inventor!)

Okay, guys, whatever you can define us. We are the BWG team.

So now we are famous. You should know us.

Oh, right, this is our first time on Earth visiting the solar system. You might not know us well. So let me tell you this. If you want to know more about us, let me know via common. There is a common system, right?

Hopefully yes.

If you are bored, I will tell you more about our planet, the fuzziest planet ever with fuzzy creatures like us.

Ha, you are right, if you have a fuzzy toy around you, that toy might reside in one of our honourable citizens, who might never taste oranges. I can assure you that I am the first taster of the oranges.

Let me know in the common below; I will grab some organs to relax my thorax.
