
Buy My Husband

After years of pursuing Andrew Collins, I, Andrea Hart, have finally made the difficult decision to let go of my unrequited love. In an unexpected turn of events, my family arranges a marriage for my younger sister to a wealthy stranger. Filled with a sense of responsibility, I step in to save her from this situation by agreeing to marry the stranger myself. Little did I know, the stranger I am marrying is none other than Andrew, the man who has consistently rejected me in the past. Just as we start to find happiness and harmony in our marriage, two months later, Andrew shocks me by requesting a divorce. "I will pay you handsomely," he said without hesitation, his voice filled with a mix of resignation and desperation. "I will accept all of your conditions without complaint. I can give you everything. Just please... divorce me." He pleaded with me, his vulnerability shining through.

AveryLeigh_1 · 都市
100 Chs


"It's not what you think it is," Chester broke the suffocating silence that hung in the air as we all stood before each other at the door of my hotel room.

The weight of Andrew's piercing stare hit me like a relentless storm. His eyes bore into mine, searching for answers, demanding an explanation.

"Bro, I can explain," Chester pleaded, his voice trembling with a mix of desperation and regret.

As the words caught in my throat, I struggled to find my voice. Confusion and a whirlwind of emotions swirled within me. How was I supposed to feel in this moment? My soon-to-be ex-husband stood outside the door of my hotel room, discovering that his best friend, Chester, was inside with me.

"You don't have to explain," Andrew retorted, his voice dripping with icy coldness.

Locked in a gaze with Andrew, guilt washed over me like a tidal wave. Regardless of the circumstances, I, as a married woman, should never have allowed another man into my room. The realization of my indiscretion hit me with an unbearable weight. It was inexcusable.

In that moment, the room seemed to close in around us, suffocating us with the undeniable truth of the situation. The echoes of regret and the consequences of our actions reverberated through the air, leaving us all suspended in a web of betrayal and shattered trust.

Andrew paused for a moment, attempting to compose himself, before a cold smirk crept across his face. "Shall I congratulate you, Drew? You've successfully locked in your next target!" he sneered.

Unknowingly, I raised an eyebrow, taken aback by his bitter words. It was as if he relished in the opportunity to taunt me, to inflict pain with his cutting remarks.

"I don't care whoever you choose as your next victim," he continued, his annoyance evident as he crossed his arms. "But spare my best friend, Chester."

Andrew couldn't fathom why those words spilled from his lips. He should have been congratulating his best friend for finding love and supporting him in his happiness. Instead, an inexplicable bitterness consumed him, fueling his desire to hurt his wife and make her feel his disgust. But why? The answer eluded him, buried deep within the complexities of his own emotions.

"Bro, we need to talk. She's not what you think..." Chester pleaded, his voice tinged with concern, desperately hoping to prevent the situation from escalating further.

"What is it to you?" I raised my head and looked at him, my voice filled with a mix of anger and hurt. "You cheated on me first!"

Andrew's face contorted with a mix of shock, frustration, and disbelief as my words hit him like a thunderbolt. I had never accused him before, even after discovering his affair. Instead, I had shouldered the blame for the crumbling of our marriage, blaming myself for its failure.

"We were both victims here," he finally responded, his voice laced with regret and frustration. "We both didn't want this marriage."

"Yes, we didn't want it at first, but I have loved you! I loved you when we were young. I loved you after we got married. And I still love you, even if you cheated on me!" The words poured out of me, a torrent of emotions that had been buried deep within my heart. I needed to release them, to let Andrew know the depth of my feelings before they consumed me entirely.

"When I asked you if you would still marry me if you knew it was me, you said yes! You said it must be me!" I continued, my voice filled with a mixture of anguish and bitterness. The words spilled out, carrying the depth of my pain and the longing for understanding. I needed to express the feelings that I had kept hidden within me for so long.

Andrew listened, his face contorted with a mix of remorse and frustration. "Yes, you're right," he admitted. "It must be you! I agreed to marry you because you look like her!"

My heart shattered into a million pieces as his words sank in. The truth, painful and devastating, was laid bare before me. I was nothing more than a substitute, a mere resemblance of the woman he truly loved. The weight of that realization crushed me, and I felt an overwhelming desire to disappear, to escape from the unbearable pain that threatened to eat me up. I couldn't bear it any longer.


I put my hand on my chest, feeling the weight of the pain that devoured me, and gasped for breath. Tears streamed down my face, and I instinctively held my belly, the physical ache mirroring the emotional turmoil within. Chester, sensing my distress, wrapped his arms around me, his concern evident in his voice.

"Drew, are you alright? Does your stomach hurt?" he asked, his voice filled with worry.

I couldn't find the strength to speak. The pain in my heart was overwhelming, rendering me speechless. I couldn't believe I had married a man who seemed so heartless, who had hurt me repeatedly, yet I couldn't imagine my life without him.

Andrew's eyes widened as he looked at me, still holding my belly. Time seemed to stand still as the realization slowly dawned on him.

My knees buckled beneath me, and I could feel myself starting to faint. The world around me started to blur, and I felt myself falling. Just as I was about to hit the ground, Chester was by my side, his arms providing support and stability. But it was too late, the darkness had already started to creep in, and before I knew it, I had lost consciousness. 

"Andrew!" Chester yelled, his voice filled with urgency. "Let's bring her to the hospital!"

The hospital room was silent, with heavy emotions hanging in the air. Soft lighting created a gentle, intimate atmosphere. The faint hum of medical equipment served as a reminder of the sterile surroundings, contrasting with the emotional turmoil between us.

"Just this afternoon, I conducted her prenatal check-up, didn't I? How come you're not looking after your wife properly?" The doctor scolded Chester as soon as she entered my room. I felt a flush of embarrassment and lowered my gaze.

Chester, taken aback by the misunderstanding, quickly responded, "I apologize, doctor. She's dealing with some personal issues."

"The health of your wife and baby during this crucial time is of utmost importance. She needs to eat properly, get plenty of rest, and avoid stress," the doctor firmly advised Chester, who nodded in agreement.

Across my bed, Andrew stood, guilt etched on his face for causing me pain. I could see it clearly as he looked down, avoiding my gaze.

Chester stood by my side, his presence offering a comforting reassurance amidst the charged atmosphere. His eyes conveyed concern and support, ready to provide comfort in whatever way he could. I could feel his genuine care and the weight of his presence, a stark contrast to the strained relationship I had with Andrew.

"I'll give you two some space to talk," Chester suggested, ready to step out of the room.

"No, please stay," I said in a soft voice. I needed someone to lean on, and I knew Chester genuinely cared about me.

Andrew slowly approached my bedside, breaking the silence with a question, "How far along are you?"

I didn't respond. I didn't want to engage in a conversation with him.

Chester retrieved the ultrasound from my bag and handed it to Andrew. A flicker of brightness crossed his face as he looked at the image, capturing a fleeting moment of hope amidst the turmoil.

"Now that I am pregnant, we can proceed with the divorce. I don't want anything to do with you anymore," I said firmly, my voice unwavering in its resolve.

Andrew's face turned ashen, as if he had just been drenched in icy water, the weight of my words sinking in. 

His expression shifted suddenly, his demeanor growing serious. "Sure, that was the plan all along," he responded, standing up and making his way towards the door.

Chester followed him outside, determined to make him understand. "Why did you say that? Bro, your wife is pregnant. This is not the right time to argue and compete. Aren't you planning to take care of the baby?"

"We agreed to have this baby so we could get a divorce. I don't intend to maintain our marriage. She can do whatever she wants with the baby. I'm done," Andrew replied, bidding farewell to Chester.

"Wait," Chester interjected, blocking his path. "At least accompany her home."

Andrew realized that his actions would surely reach his grandfather's ears, and he didn't want to invite trouble. He had promised Kelly that they would marry soon after his divorce. To avoid upsetting his grandpa, he knew he needed to be there for Andrea, at least for the time being.

As he sat on the waiting chair outside her room, Andrew received a call from Kelly. Her voice filled with concern, she asked, "Where are you, babe? I'm at your house, and you're nowhere to be found."

"I'm sorry, I didn't inform you. I'm in Waveport City," he responded, his tone guarded.

Curiosity piqued, she inquired further, "Are you on a business trip?"

"Sort of," he replied curtly, keeping his answers vague.

"I received an envelope today with some pictures," she began, her voice growing more hesitant.

Andrew's eyebrows raised with anticipation, waiting for her to continue.

"It had a picture of Andrea and your best friend Chester in a hotel room," she said slowly, her words hanging in the air.

He cleared his throat, mustering a response. "I knew about that."

"Is that why you're there?" she questioned, her voice starting to rise. "Aunt Rosemary mentioned that Andrea is in Waveport City for a conference. Did you follow her?"

There was a moment of silence, then he admitted, "She's pregnant."

Kelly's eyes lit up with a mix of excitement and frustration. "So, you mean you can proceed with the divorce?" she asked eagerly, hearing a soft affirmation on the other end of the line. "Don't tell me you've changed your mind, Andrew! You said you love me. You promised to marry me. Was it all a lie?"

Andrew couldn't find the words to respond, his emotions conflicting within him. He didn't want to disappoint Kelly, but deep down, he was grappling with his own feelings. Everything was going according to plan, so why wasn't he feeling the happiness he had expected?

Kelly continued, her voice laced with bitterness, "You should go your separate ways. Don't let the baby sway you. After all, you can't be certain if it's yours." She paused briefly, trying to add more fuel to the fire. "Who knows? It could be Chester's! They could have been deceiving you behind your back for a long time."

It was in that moment that Andrew stood up, a realization dawning upon him. Kelly had a point. What if the baby wasn't his? What mattered most was that his wife was pregnant, and he could proceed with the divorce as planned. Whether the child was his or Chester's, it didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was spending the rest of his life with the woman he truly loved.