

After I activated my quirk I was practicing my agility. We have a training room in the house so I was in there. There were a few things like dummies and training courses. I'm not supposed to be training right now so I'm not doing anything serious. Only testing my skill, seeing if I've improved any. It's also kinda fun to practice right now. My dad doesn't let me train however I want, so this is nice. All Though I had to stop soon to cook, I was still enjoying it. I will continue untill then.

Times up. I need to go start dinner. I deactivate my quirk and head to the kitchen. I planned on making noddles tonight. I wasn't in a mood to get fancy, and it was a simple meal. I still needed to wash my hands though. Nearly forgetting to do so, I redirect myself to the washroom. After washing my hands I finally get to the kitchen. I was stopped once again, this time by a loud thud on the door. I was a bit nervous by the violence of the sound, but I head to check it anyways. When I was about to turn the knob I heard my dad.

He was lying on the ground, bleeding. There were multiple deep wounds. I was so surprised that instead of helping him I said, " Dad! What happened are you ok?!"

"Just help me into the house for now," he said.

"Ok, let me help you up," I helped him into the house then said, "I'll go grab the first aid, just hold still" I had been teaching myself first aid in case something like this happened. I knew it would happen, but I was silently hopping it wouldn't. I can't change it though I just need to help him. I can only do that right now if I focus. So I grab the first aid and ran back to my dad. I grab out the essentials I needed. In this case I really needed bandages to stop the bleeding.

"Dad, please stop moving so much. I can't help you properly if you don't."

"We don't have time for that," he paused to take a breath, "Look, I did something that I should not have. Now some people are... not so happy with me."

I was not sure what he meant or at least what he did.

"What do you mean? What did you do? Did you do something to a hero, a villain?" I asked.

"I don't have time to explain, I just need to hide"

"But dad, what I'm I supposed to do?"

"Just do what you would normally do. Act like I'm not here. I need you to help me to 'the room' first," my dad said. 'The room' is a secret place hidden in our house. It was here when we moved here, but I only found it on accident. We messed with it a bit to make it harder to find if we needed to hide. I guess now is the perfect time to do so.

I broke my ankle so I've been in and out of the hospital for a bit. I'll update more often though.

TimeZ_Voidcreators' thoughts