
Stuck Inside

My name is Rain Lyrin. I'm a 13 year old girl, who is stuck in my house. My dad never lets me go outside. He says it's because of the heros. I guess in his eyes all heros are bad. Maybe he had some bad encounters with them and that's all. I still don't understand how he can think that. I think heros are cool. They get to help people and hunt down villains. Well it's no fun for the villains though. Maybe my dad is a villain, and that's why he hates heros. I mean he is never really home and anytime he comes home, he is wounded somewhere.

He never lets me outside, because the heros are so "bad". It really sucks. I'm stuck inside all the time. All I do is study, because my dad won't let me go to a real school. I'm actually ahead of what normal kids around my age would be learning. I guess since I just study all the time, I've learned quite a lot. I only wish to be able to go outside and make some friends. All the time I hear kids playing outside. Sometimes I'll even try to watch them, but my dad always closes the blinds.

I just want to go outside, even if it's just for a bit. Anytime I ask to go outside he says, "Your not ready yet" or "Stop asking me about it." It really gets on my nerves sometimes. I could never show that though. *Sigh* He should be home soon. I hope so at least. Sometimes he comes home really late. Every day he starts to come home later and later. Every day he comes home with bigger wounds. He really worries me sometimes.

I best be starting dinner now. I hope he gets here before it gets cold. I doubt it. He's never here for dinner. Maybe if I wait a bit, then make it. It may still be warm be the time he returns then. I suppose I'll do that. I guess I can just practice controlling my quirk while I'm waiting. My father has a set schedule for me every day. Cooking was never on it but I thought he would enjoy a meal after coming home. When he came home on time I never had any free time. Now that he never does I just study extra to impress him. He doesn't like me using my quirk when he's not around, but now is a perfect time to do so.

My quirk is kinda like a dragon. When I activate it I gain two wings, two horns on my head and a tail. My wings, tail, and horns are all black and red. In some places the red is faded into the black. It looks really cool. With my quirk I get increased vision, hearing and speed. I'm also quite agile. If I want to I'm able to re-track my wings when I activate it. Only my wings though. I don't know why but that's just the way it is. I don't know if I can control something yet. Like how there are fire and ice dragons. Stuff like that. That would be cool, but I just don't think It will happen. There is just one down big down fall about my quirk.