
Building The Technology

In this story, we will journey with Virtya Markov as he struggled to bring about the period of rapid industrialization and tech advancement that transformed society and paved way for modern civilization. Although Virtya Markov didn't have a cheater like system to help him to achieve his goals very quickly, he was not devastated because he was not only a genius but he was also a "librarian" in his past life. He knew his bad reputation and the lack of charisma will become a stumbling block in his path, thus, he thought of a plan, yes, a plan to not only unify the kingdom but also to bring it to newer heights in terms of development. But how will he manage to fabricate "heavenly" stuffs from his previous life when he didn't have the system or an extensive knowledge about engineering? Thus, Virtya Mariov came up with a plan... "I will build Shanghai, Tokyo, New York and Dubai. All these cities will stand in our kingdom!" Virtya uttered determinedly before he stared at the disoriented crowd which was giving him weird looks as if he was a clown. /"What is Tokyo city? Is it a new delicacy? When did our king start to cook for himself? Ok, What about New York? Is it a carriage?" The crowd was ablaze as Azuhai denizens discussed among themselves.../

plot_twist · ファンタジー
166 Chs

Ox-drawn plough (2)

Vlad used the Russian language to teach the farmers. He also taught the farmers about how to rare livestocks.

The use of controlled grazing, use of ranches and how to handle the meat and other produce from the livestock was taught by him. Furthermore, Vlad also asked the farmers to prioritize crop rotation to ensure the land's protracted productivity.

From Vlad Levitsky's lessons, the farmers wore agitated looks because they had been taught something that truly favoured them, they could only thank the king for inventing such methods.

One should know that Vlad used observable controlled experiments to make his lessons practical,. Thus, his teachings were easily memorable and believable because the farmers could see the results in front of them.

The farmers also went to their farms and tried the methods that were taught to them by Vlad and they could not help but be awed, they could now reap more production from their farms that would ensure that their families wore smiles at the dining table.

Moreover, Vlad didn't forget to appoint agricultural officers in every district that welcomed the change that he brought. These officers were going to remain in those districts and help the farmers with their queries, guide them and they would also oversee the selling of the farming tools in their districts. The officers were registered in the civil servants registree and their wages would be paid by the Whiddiff palace.

On the other hand, Grisha's lessons were not that welcomed even though he had several warriors to accompany him.

This was because his lessons were becoming hard to understand with each upgrade. A subject like mathematics made most of the people who were curious to go to his lessons to turn away instantly after the upgrade. After all, the kindergarten mathematics was easy to keep up but going forward, it made the learner's head to throb.

Grisha's lessons were not famous because the people could not see what they would achieve by learning the things taught by him like the conjunctions, adverbs and the simple algebra. This forced Grisha to give food to those who came to his lessons thus, increasing the number of viewership.

The added allure for power brought by Grisha's order which said that the literate would get jobs in the capital also made the viewership to increase several folds because the people thought about the promising jobs in the capital and they could not stay calm.

However, Grisha only managed to get a few serious learners, most of them being the teenagers. He had to mark them and wrote down their names before telling them to meet him in the capital, this group would be the first batch of geniuses of Azuhai kingdom that Virtya wanted.

It could be noted that Grisha didn't just leave it like that, he left behind several verified instructions in each district who would be teaching the students in the new classrooms in those districts. 

At this time, there were no pens or books and the papyrus papers were expensive, thus, they could not be given out freely. The students were forced to use charcoal to scribe their writings on the pieces of timber given to them.


Losif Angeloff was a sixteen years old Azuhai kingdom's denizen who lived in Whiten. He was not only an orphan who lost all his progenitors to war but also a pauper. 

Likely, Losif had given up in life and simply decided to cultivate the piece of land that his progenitors left for him. Though he had a large piece of land, Losif could not cultivate the entire farm because he lacked the manpower and the needed tools.

Thus, Losif Angeloff was forced to only cultivate a small area which could not satiate him for the entire year because in Azuhai kingdom, they only had a single rainy season which allowed them to do farming, other seasons were dry season and the winter.

Actually, Vlad's lessons came just right on time when it was needed because at that time, they were approaching spring where the farmers were preparing their lands to plant their crops.

The high priest taught them about the compost manure of which Losif had already seen its promising results at the experiments presented to them by the high priest.