
Building The Technology

In this story, we will journey with Virtya Markov as he struggled to bring about the period of rapid industrialization and tech advancement that transformed society and paved way for modern civilization. Although Virtya Markov didn't have a cheater like system to help him to achieve his goals very quickly, he was not devastated because he was not only a genius but he was also a "librarian" in his past life. He knew his bad reputation and the lack of charisma will become a stumbling block in his path, thus, he thought of a plan, yes, a plan to not only unify the kingdom but also to bring it to newer heights in terms of development. But how will he manage to fabricate "heavenly" stuffs from his previous life when he didn't have the system or an extensive knowledge about engineering? Thus, Virtya Mariov came up with a plan... "I will build Shanghai, Tokyo, New York and Dubai. All these cities will stand in our kingdom!" Virtya uttered determinedly before he stared at the disoriented crowd which was giving him weird looks as if he was a clown. /"What is Tokyo city? Is it a new delicacy? When did our king start to cook for himself? Ok, What about New York? Is it a carriage?" The crowd was ablaze as Azuhai denizens discussed among themselves.../

plot_twist · Fantasy
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161 Chs

Ox-drawn plough (1)

The blacksmiths who were not selected to join the king in fabricating the tools could only curse their hapless self, if they were near the king, maybe they could have asked some favours here and there, who told them to be slow learned? Many of them said in their minds that they would work hard from them on.

Some warriors like Tanya also tried to forge some tools but they were not successful in blacksmithing and they could only make some amorphous items which made them embarrassed that they could not even be compared to the king.

However, Virtya was not exited with the speed at which the blacksmiths were making the farming tools. The speed was simply slow, the items that they had created would not satisfy the entire population of the farmers not to mention that he also wanted to sell some items to the merchants.


Nataschenka could not believe it. She had thought that they were going to fabricate stupid items like the traditional tool that was used by the farmers in Azuhai but what the king was creating was something otherworldly. She didn't knew where Virtya got the drawings of these tools from but she could not help but be awed by each tool that was created. These tools were simply impeccable. The joy would basically go to the farmers when these tools would be brought to the market.

After two months, the blacksmith guilds had managed to make thousands of farming tools as the experienced blacksmiths also taught their apprentices and the slightly experienced blacksmiths how to forge the tools, that way, the number of tools made increased considerably, Virtya also invited the nearby minor blacksmith guilds to help him forge the necessary items.


Today on May 1st in the year 1430, Virtya had decided to fabricate the ox-drawn plough which was the most important tool and after finishing fabricating the ox-drawn plough, he would make the wheelbarrow at last.

As for the fabricated farming tools, they had already been sent a month ago to the farmers who undertook in going for Vlad Levitsky's lessons.

Virtya also didn't forget to heavily finance Chanya. He wanted to revive Chanya and many of the tools were taken to Brovon district in addition with enough workforce to ensure that he brought back Chanya to what it used to be. The news about Virtya's move to revive Chanya had spread far and wide and Virtya was also certain that the neighboring kingdoms especially Magyo kingdom had already gotten the intel about his resent absurd moves but Virtya was not fearful because what he had created even if it was mind boggling, they were not weapons, thus, he would not be perturbed by his neighbours for the time being.

Anyway, one should know that Vlad and Grisha had been moving from city to city and town to town teaching the people the knowledge that Virtya gave them albeit the opposition from some parts of the kingdom

Vlad Levitsky's targeted group were the farmers and he received a huge following because he was known in the entire kingdom as the high priest. Vlad also took this moment to visit the churches in those places where he visited which received a huge congregation because of his presence. 

One should know that a person like Vlad was a celebrity and wherever he went, his followers followed. With the use of his charms, he taught the farmers the essence of simple farming. At this date, they didn't have the inorganic fertilizers so Vlad taught them how to make the compost manure, where by, several organic elements were mixed to decompose so that they could release the needed nutrients by the crops.

Green vegetation, kitchen refuse, ash, animal dung, dry vegetation like maize stalks and the farm soil was needed to make a promising compost pit after arranging the above items in order. Vlad told the farmers to sprinkle some water on the compost pit to ensure decomposition. 

One should know that each of the layers in a compost pit was crucial. Something like ash was needed because it had vital elements like potassium and calcium, not to mention that ash also neutralized the acidity produced during decomposition while the animal dung provided the micro-organisms necessary for allowing decomposition. 

Lastly, the dry vegetation ensured airation of the compost pit while the farm soil provided the bacteria needed for further decomposition.