
Building a Religion as a God in Another World

Kami is a normal 18-year-old high school boy on his way home after he got dumped by his girlfriend. In a small back alley, truck-kun lurks for him and transports him to a world where he has to build a world religion from scratch?! Note: Kami does not have a real physical body (yet) - it's my first time writing, so the summary is a little bit short - please try to survive the first chapters. My writing will get better. I promise -> If you read the first chapters before the 24th of June, please check them out again! - newest chapters are about >1000 words

NTVGOT · ファンタジー
38 Chs

the Grim Reaper?

"Hahahahaha...ha ha ha..."


Kami struggled to calm himself after witnessing the status of his new soon-to-be believer. He was so overwhelmed with euphoria that he occasionally forgot to breathe.

He took a deep breath, letting the air fill his lungs, and slowly exhaled, feeling the tension ease from his body. His cheeks were still flushed red as apples, but his mind was clearer. With a newfound focus, he scanned the room, looking for a way to communicate with Esther and influence her to become his first believer.

'Okay, stay focused. You need to find the Sacred Medium, otherwise, you'll stay as a fucking ball of light forever. Think, think... where could it be? Do these kids have it?'

Overwhelmed by Esther's potential and the excitement of gaining his first believer, Kami had momentarily lost track of his main goal. Now, he took a deep breath, refocused, and scanned the room intently, determined to locate the Sacred Medium.


[Level 2 sacred medium in immediate vicinity]

Kami's gaze darted around the room, trying to locate the Sacred Medium. The small, dimly lit room was cluttered with worn-out furniture and piles of rags. His eyes scanned the floor and the corners, seeking anything out of the ordinary. Amidst the chaos, he noticed a corner where something seemed haphazardly tossed aside.

Floating closer, Kami saw the outline of a book partially hidden under a torn blanket. It looked old and worn, but there was an unmistakable aura surrounding it, faintly glowing. 'That must be it,' he thought, feeling a surge of anticipation.

He moved closer, his ethereal form allowing him to glide effortlessly through the air. As he approached the book, the aura became more pronounced. There was no doubt—this was the Sacred Medium he was searching for. It lay there, discarded by Esther in her hurry to help Adelaide, unaware of its true significance.

Kami hovered above the book, a sense of triumph washing over him. 'Finally, I found it. This is my chance!' Now, he just needed to figure out how to use it to communicate with Esther and guide her towards becoming his first believer.

Kami flew towards the corner and as he tried to touch the book, the system reacted.


[Does the Host want to claim the 'Diary of the Forsaken'?]


"Certainly yes!"

As Kami held the old and ancient book in his hands, a sudden surge of energy coursed through him. The air around him crackled with anticipation and they could feel the book pulsating with a mysterious power. In a moment of awe, the book began to glow, emitting a soft, ethereal light.

The light was so bright that even Esther was startled resulting in her momentary to stop crying. She turned sharply, eyes widening in shock as she saw the old book glowing. and had planned to sell to a noble for a few gulden was now glowing with an sacred brilliance. Her initial fear gave way to curiosity and awe, unable to comprehend what she was witnessing.

Kami watched in amazement as the book transformed before their eyes.

Its weathered exterior started to fade, replaced by a pristine, white cover. The cracks and creases smoothed out, as if time itself was reversing its effect. The pages turned luminous, shining with a divine radiance.

As the transformation was completed, Kami found himself holding a book that seemed to emanate a holy aura. It felt weightier, as if the knowledge contained within had multiplied.

Kami and Esther were both baffled. However, Esther was not baffled because of what happened but because she suddenly saw a half-naked man floating in front of her with the strange book in his hand.

Without noticing the strange looks he received, Kami opened the book and what greeted him was a handwritten script, delicate and intricate, as if the words were carefully woven onto the pages:

3rd Night of Zentia, 7346

Today, I find myself sitting here, grappling with a profound sense of emptiness and abandonment. It is with a heavy heart that I pen these words, for I feel forsaken by the very deity I have dedicated my life to serving.

In the quiet solitude of my chamber, I can't help but reflect on the days gone by, when my faith burned bright and my connection to the divine felt unbreakable. I have spent years as a devoted priest, offering prayers, performing rituals, and preaching the word of God to those in need.

But now, I stand at the precipice of doubt, haunted by a silence that deafens my soul. I trusted that my devotion would be reciprocated, that my unwavering faith would be rewarded with divine guidance and solace. But as the days turn into weeks, and the weeks into months, I can no longer ignore the overwhelming absence of my God's presence in my life. The weight of this perceived abandonment presses heavily upon my weary shoulders.

Doubt seeps into every crevice of my being, undermining the very foundation of my beliefs. Questions torment my restless mind—have I failed my God? Have my actions fallen short of His expectations? Or worse, has He turned His back on me, leaving me to navigate the darkness alone?

I wrestle with these thoughts, desperately seeking answers, but they remain elusive. The sacred texts that once brought me solace now appear as mere ink on fragile pages. The prayers that once flowed effortlessly from my lips now echo hollowly in the silent chamber.

In this moment of despair, I must find the strength to confront this spiritual crisis head-on. I can not allow my faith to crumble completely. I must seek understanding, even in the midst of this profound disillusionment. I will embark on a journey of introspection, soul-searching, and exploration.

Perhaps in the depths of my despair, I will discover a new truth, a new path to walk. For even in the absence of my God, I refuse to let go of the essence of my calling—to bring comfort, compassion, and hope to those who need it most.

May this journal be a testament to my struggles and, ultimately, my resilience.

I pray that one day, I will find my way back to the divine embrace that once illuminated my soul.

Until then, I must confront the darkness within and search for a glimmer of light, even if it comes from an unexpected source.

In faith, though shaken,

#@&!£ [No authority], the Forsaken

"A priest abandoned by his god? From the Ambrosius Church maybe.", that was the only thought that came to his mind.


Kami still tried to find the answer to his question that has been plaguing him since his arrival in this new world:

"How do I communicate with this thing?!" At this moment, Kami got the biggest shock of his old life and current one.

"Uhm... Sir? Are you perhaps the Grim Reaper? We just got some meat... Could you please wait a few days? Please, kind Sir," Esther pleaded, her voice trembling with a mix of desperation and fear. 

Kami looked over to where the voice came from and looked straight into Esther's moist, star-like eyes. It came only naturally that he fell into a state of shock.

Tears welled up in her eyes, her body shaking as she clutched the meager food they had fought so hard to obtain. "See?" The raw vulnerability in her voice made it clear just how much she and the others had already suffered

< 5 minutes later >

After collecting his thoughts, Kami tried to act confidently but was still immensely puzzled 'Did the Sacred Medium already activate?'

"...Do you mean me?"

Esther, her voice cautious and trembling, replied, "Yes, mister. Are you... are you perhaps here to take Adelaide away? Please, if you're an angel or something, she really needs help. But if you're here for her... please, give us more time."

He glanced at Esther, her eyes pleading and filled with fear. "No, no, I'm not here to take Adelaide away and I'm not the Grim Reaper either," he repeated, trying to calm his racing thoughts. "I'm... I'm here to help. I promise. I just need to understand what's happening."

Esther's desperation consumed her, her pleas pouring forth in an unending stream of anguish. She was so lost in her own desperation that she didn't hear Kami's reassurances or his plea for her trust. 

As he spoke, the ancient book seemed to pull him in, its pages flipping open of their own accord. Kami's eyes glazed over as he became entranced by the swirling symbols and glowing text. The room around him faded into the background, and he found himself immersed in the book's secrets, the energy coursing through him intensifying with each passing second.

Esther's voice grew more desperate as she watched him. "Please, mister, if you can help, do it now. Adelaide doesn't have much time. We're just trying to survive here. If you're an angel or some kind of spirit, we need your mercy. She's just a child... please, give us more time," she begged, her voice breaking.

Kami barely registered her words as he continued to flip through the pages, the book revealing more about its power and the possibilities it held. The symbols began to form coherent messages, instructions on how to channel his energy and communicate with mortals more effectively. He was learning, absorbing the knowledge that could help him establish his first believers, yet the urgency in Esther's voice tugged at the edges of his consciousness.

He turned another page, the light from the book casting an ethereal glow in the dim room. Esther's pleas grew louder, more frantic. "Please, don't take her away! We need her. I need her. She's all I have left," Esther cried, tears streaming down her face.

Kami, still in a trance, felt a pang of guilt pierce through his focus. He knew he had to act fast, but he was also aware that this book could be the key to saving Adelaide and gaining his first followers. Torn between the knowledge he was uncovering and the immediate need before him, he finally snapped out of his trance.


[Sacred Medium "Diary of the Forsaken" contains Minor Skill - Lesser Healing Lvl 1]